Call for Papers
10 th annual Africa Conference, 2010
At the University of Texas at Austin
Theme: Women, Gender and Sexualities in Africa
Dates: March 26-28, 2010
Venue: The University of Texas at Austin
Convener: Toyin Falola
Coordinator: Saheed Aderinto
Coordinator’s Assistant: Sandra Amponsah
We are pleased to announce a three-day conference centered on the theme of “Women, Gender and Sexualities in Africa”. Academic discourses on women, gender and sexualities in Africa have increased by leaps and bounds since the 1980s when they began to establish root as veritable fields of professional, systematic and academic endeavor. New directions have emerged in response to a variety of stimuli, which include but not limited to the politics of the “public” and politics of production of knowledge. Old ideas have been challenged, repackaged and redelivered in a multiplicity of manners. While some researchers and scholars see women, gender and sexuality as three distinct subjects of inquiry, others emphasize interconnectivity and sought to put them into a single, coherent and all embracing dialogue. Yet, none of these two methods of inquiry is faulty. The centrality of issues around women, gender and sexualities to African experience will continue to configure and reconfigure discourses. We invite papers dealing with all but not limited to the following sub-themes from participants across all disciplines and intellectual persuasions:
Gendered Space: Private/Public;Official/Unofficial; Former/Informal; Rural/Urban;
Education and Human Resources;
Governance and Politics;
Sexualities, Religion and Spirituality; Sexualities and the African body;
Neo-Slavery and Human Trafficking;
Identity Politics and Power Relations;
Tradition and Modernity;
Gender and Colonialisms;Gendered Violence;
Sisterhood and Motherhood;
Queer Theories;
Men and Masculinities;
Gender & the Visual Arts;
Matriarchy-Patriarchy Dialogues/Contestations;
Matrimony/Patrimony Debates;
Ethnicity and Nationalism;
Crime, Social Order and Delinquency;
Power, Visibility and Agency;
Motherhood and Mothering;
Politics of Production of Knowledge and Representation;
Cultural Heritage, Indigenous ideas and Knowledge;
Migration, Displacement and Mobility;
Conflict and Wars;
African Homosexualities
Law and Authority;
Diasporas and Transnationalism;
Gender and Globalization;
Political and Grassroot Mobilization;
Endangered Genders and Sexualities;
Life Histories, Autobiography and Biography;
Womanism and Feminisms;
Voluntary and Non-government organizations;
Media, Literature and Popular Culture;
Health, Illness and Medical Issues;
Environment and Science;
Western Images of Africa Women; etc.
The deadline for submitting paper proposals is November 1, 2009. Proposals should include a 250-word abstract and title, as well as the author's name, address, telephone number, email address, and institutional affiliation. Please submit all abstracts as email attachment to:
Toyin Falola:
Saheed Aderinto:
A mandatory non-refundable registration fee of $100 must be paid immediately when an abstract is accepted.
All participants will raise the funding to attend the conference. The University of Texas at Austin does not provide participants with any form of funding support, travel expenses, or boarding expenses.