At least the Socialists have offered an alternative approach to this debt burden debate, even if the alternative is the same old, same old sing song.
But we need someone to really explore for us the legalistic implications of Nigeria not paying this legal debt-even though we know we have overpaid when we look at the total sum of money disbursed over the years. The question is: Do we have any serious legal recourse to challenge the legality of those debts? May be the international legal minds can help here.
Apart from the argument that much of this debt are corrupt-ridden and the position that we are giving the Europeans a huge payday, what option is open indeed to effectively deal with this debt burden different from campaigning for its abolition outrightly on moral and humanitarian grounds?
And if it is indeed true that Nigeria would still need to continue to deal with the International Finance Capital-IFC-how much room does that leave us with in exploiting a fundamental disputation on these matter? Where are the lawyers??!!
_________ Abayomi Akinyeye, historian, Lagos
While one may disagree with the methods proposed for the solution to the Nigerian and African debt crisis, there is no doubting the fact that the DSM has an apt grasp of the import of the so called debt relief.One needs to add that the Paris Club and creditor nations should not pushed the debtor nations to the brink where they have to think of whatever means of sustaining their lives.The current Blair inspired debt deal is another great assault to humanity and clever devise of continuing with aged long British practice of participating in the enslavement of the continent.What Africa and indeed the world needs from Britain is a sober regrets of her past role in African deprivation and sincere plan for future restitution and not another smart moves to continue flogging Africa with scorpions instead of the ordinary whips of yesteryears.Mr Blair should show the world that Britain is capable of better things that she had
---------- Tunde Abatan, journalist, Daily Independent
For the article on Help Us to help ourselves, it is my opinion that
the future and destiny of Africa is in the hands of Afrca themselves
who have to come to terms with the
accidental disruptions to our lifes occasioned by the Berlin
Conference kof 1884.however, having spent hundreds of years managing
to survive under a
disjointed enclave and post independence governments, it is high
timne people of Africa take a conscious effort to redesign leadership
which to a large extent
account for the aid sponsored development projects which in many
cases often end up being white elephant projects.Consider the
situation with our country
Nigeria that has operated a lopsided unitary federalism for the lpast
39 years after the first military coup with the feudal and oligarchic
class all over the
country holding onto the future of our people.Until
there is a fundamental restructuring of our polity
which would remove funds that would l have been made
available for development from the pockets of our
gullotinuos politicians and office seekers the hope
of a development of the 36 states structure is
impossible .A situation where 90 percent of earnings
is spent on maintaining the overbloated civil service is
uncalled for.I make bold to say that as a primary school
student in the late 60s I experienced responsible
governance which is contrary to my three children who
have never in any way benefited anything from governance .Anbd that
is the disaster with our country which prides itself as the hope of
I also enjoyed your illuminating report on the RCCG
exploits in North America and lell us give thanks to God that at
least we have something where we can lead the west.