Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem cries "foul" in the attack directed at Kofi Anan:
The mild-mannered, soft -spoken UN General Secretary General, Mr Kofi Annan, has been receiving the unwholesome attention of the triumphalist neo-con fundamentalists and also that of sections of what passes for 'liberal' opinion in the USA, a country that is in the grip of right wing extremism. The ostensible reason for shooting pointed arrows at Mr Annan are the salacious but very selective revelations emanating from US investigations into the Iraqi Oil for Food programme. The allegations include corruption, diversion of food money into private
coffers, fraudulent contracts and all manners of under hand activities by individuals and companies (mostly Western), and others. These allegations are not earth shattering given what is going on with US mishandling of Iraqi economy, society and its vital oil resources
since they occupied the country. US companies and principally the notorious Halliburton of the US Vice President Dick Cheney are accused of similar practices. So why is the US so much interested in investigating the UN in Iraq without allowing any censure of its own illegal activities in that country? Even big Western humanitarian agencies that often keep their mouth shut in relation to powerful Western Governments (who were often their biggest Donors or protectors) were sufficiently outraged to break with their unwritten convention (of looking the other side when their governments are misbehaving) and demanded accountability from the US proconsul for Iraq, Paul Bremmer, before he handed over to their crony, Iyad Allawi and other US puppets in the Interim Government of Iraq now. Both Bremmer and the Bush administration
treated the request with contempt because they believe they are above the standards of public probity they demand of everybody else especially those governments or individuals they may not like. Since the US demands accountability from everybody else who dares demand
accountability from the US and its chosen agents? This is why the US has given itself the power to act as global law enforcer but exempts itself from the international criminal court. The Americans can fight wars on behalf of the UN but are not bound by UN procedures or resolutions.
The double standard stinks. The attack on the UN has taken an ironical personal turn for Mr Kofi Annan. His son is alleged to have worked for and received payments from one of the companies accused of being involved in the Iraqi gravy train. And because of this Anan's persecutors are demanding that Uncle Kofi should resign. They want him punished for a yet to be proven criminal act by his son. The logic is that because Anan Sr was inn charge of the UN and these things happened under his watch he should carry the can. Yet nobody demanded the resignation of Bush for allowing the US to be attacked by not concentrating on his watch! Not even the chiefs or operatives of the various security and intelligence services that failed the country on that fateful day were compelled to resign! The fact that Bush's family has a long history of juicy business relationship with the Bin Laden family and the obvious conflicts of interest in that was never an issue for US voters who returned Bush to power. The Enron and Halliburton scandals and the personal involvement of senior administration officials, Republican financiers and other supporters have not led to any resignations in the US government. So why are they calling for Kofi Annan's head?
The reason is not difficult to see. Kofi Anan, like Boutros Boutros- Ghali before him, both of them pro American gentlemen, when they started out, later than sooner, discover that the credibility of the UN and their own personal credibility demand being able to stand up to the bullies in the US who see the UN as an after-sales service complex for American
misadventures. They hounded Boutros-Ghali out of office when he began to resist US more brazen abuse of the UN system and contempt for multilateral solutions. When they were sending attack Dogs at Boutrous-Ghali Mr Annan was the master's poodle presented to the
world as 'safe pair of hands', 'moderate', 'sensible' and all the other superlatives used to dress up being 'a house Nigger'. And he seemed to play ball for many years but over Iraq he began to grumble which became much open during and after the last UN General Assembly when he declared the war against Iraq and the Anglo-American occupation of that country as illegal. Consequently the Bush administration and their screaming loony sects decree an end to his term. Some of the criticisms they are making of Annan today were the same ones many who had opposed his candidacy in 1997 put forward which did not matter to the US then.
For me the biggest stain in his dull bureaucratic career at the UN will remain inaction over genocide in Rwanda which he has been doing everything to atone for in the past few years. However his Rwanda record did not matter then so why now? The answer is simple: Mr
Anan is now tired of being a House Nigger. For talking back to his masters they want to banish him from the palace. It is yet another abject lesson for those Africans or other developing world peoples who always want to play it safe and be on the right side of the big powers. You are nothing but a disposable towel to them. You are not any 'special friend' or 'great
leader' but a convenient tool for sometime and they will get rid of you when you are no longer of service. A defence of Kofi and the UN is a correct thing to do today because those calling for his head and bashing the UN are more dangerous to our world. It is not an endorsement of all Annan /UN did or did not do but an expression of hope that together the whole world can
make the UN to be of better service to humanity. It is a proclamation of a fact that is definitely lost on Bush and his gangsters that The US does not own this world. It is a shared universe in which all of us, big and small countries, rich and poor, super power and powerless, are legitimate stake holders whose interests are better served by genuine cooperation, multilateralism and respectful interdependence, than by bullying by one super power. It is a shared world in which none of us is a tenant to the Americans.