Republic of Botswana (17/12/05)
TAUTONA TIMES no 45 of 2005 The Weekly Electronic Press Circular of the Office of the President
"Our ability to achieve a more united Development Community was never conceived as something that could be dictated from the top. It has always been dependent on our own people seeing for themselves that the advantages of achieving greater unity outweigh any challenges posed by such an evolution. " - President Mogae [D1]
A. Maru ga se pula
B. Press Schedule
C. The Week That Was
D. Statements by:
1) H.E. the President at the opening of the 19th
SADC Parliamentary Forum Plenary Assembly.
2) H.E. the President and incoming envoys of
Zimbabwe, Finland, Greece and Cyprus, at this
week's credentials ceremony.
3) The Hon. Minister of Presidential Affairs and
Public Administration at the opening of a Course
on Defence and Security Management.
E. OP Press Office Notices:
1) H.H. the Vice President responds to letter by Mr. Roy Sesana
2) H.E. the President receives "40 Years of Democracy in Botswana"
3) Additional notices and forwarding
F. Other voices also in the media:
1) "An open letter to Vice President Ian Khama" by Roy Sesana
2) "Ditshwanelo Director awarded prestigious
Chevalier de Ordre National du Merite"
3) Business Day: "Botswana's increasing independence over its diamonds."
4) BOPA: "Botswana may open another diamond mine"
A. Maru ga se pula
"I think this issue could have been long
resolved. The problems came only because people
come and put themselves in front of us and
started fighting for power to represent us even
though we are there and ready to talk for
ourselves. People like that now have to go back
and give us a chance to direct our words to any
concerned and responsible person in any CKGR
negotiations." - Mr. Roy Sesana
Welcome to this week's addition, which includes
an open letter addressed to his Honour the Vice
President by Mr. Roy Sesana of the First People
of the Kalahari organisation [full text F 1],
along with a Press Release from this Office
summarising the content of His Honour's letter
in response [E 1].
The door to this Office has all along been open
to Mr. Sesana and others for discussions. As
previously noted in TT 43, ideally a management
plan for the Central Kgalagadi Game Reserve
(CKGR), which provides for sustainable benefits
to local communities, as well as the nation as a
whole, should have been long finalised. But,
progress has been blocked by the ongoing case
before the High Court, which was not initiated
by Government, and thus can not be withdrawn by
Government. As long as the case remains before
the Court, Government shall remain legally
barred from undertaking any actions that would
have the effect of prejudging its outcome.
Government's view has also all along been that
it would be ideal if, as was the case in the
past, discussions about the status of the CKGR
were held directly between Government and
members of the affected community, including Mr.
Sesana. In this context we concur with the
sentiment, now seemingly also being voiced by
Mr. Sesana, that this is a matter better
resolved without the undue interference, much
less blackmail tactics, of people who have no
genuine stake in either the matter itself or our
wellbeing as a nation. Di tsa bana ba mpa ga di
Further to the above, this Government has at all
times accepted that Mr. Sesana and other
affected stakeholders are perfectly capable of
speaking for themselves. In this context we look
forward to any further proposals Mr. Sesana may
Contrary to the impression being created by
some, neither H.E. neither the President, nor
anyone else Government, intends to change the
name of the local currency, the Pula. This
latest misconception began with an offhand
comment by His Excellency, during a courtesy
call by Bishop Mashaba two weeks ago, to the
effect that it might have been better had the a
different name been originally chosen. This was
in the context of a casual discussion between
the two on blessings. That an exaggerated
account in the Daily News has incited even more
exaggerated comment and concern in some quarters
is therefore unfortunate. As it is this
President's pula worries are focused on the
Gaborone Dam; since the introduction of the
crawling peg mechanism earlier this year the
currency has been stable.
As this will be the last full issue of TT for
the year we wish all our readers a happy festive
season and best wishes for a constructive and
productive 2006! Pula!
- Dr. Jeff Ramsay, Press Secretary to the President (17/12/05)
Contacts: Office Telephone: (267) 3975154 & Facsimile: (267) 3902795.
Cell: (267) 71318598. E-mail:
B. Press Schedule:
As always the events listed below, which
represent only those parts of H.E. the
President's schedule open in whole or part to
press coverage, are subject to change. When
possible and necessary, updates will be
forwarded. Members of the Press are also
encouraged to contact the sponsors of the
various events listed below for further
programme details and possible updates.
Tuesday (20/12/05): In the afternoon, at 13:00,
H.E. the President will depart for Dar es
Salaam, in order to attend the inauguration of
the fourth President of the United Republic of
Wednesday (21/12/05): In the afternoon H.E. the
President will return from Tanzania [arrival
time tbc].
Thursday (22/12/05): In the afternoon, at 16:00,
H.E. the President will meet with Mr. Ira
Magaziner of the William J. Clinton Foundation,
at the Office of the President.
C. OP Press coverage for the week ending 18/12/05:
Tuesday (13/11/05): In the morning H.E. the
President opened the 19th Plenary Assembly SADC
Parliamentary Forum [D 1]. At noon he met with
the European Union Director Mr. Eric
Hendriksson, who is responsible for the Horn of
Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa, as well
as the Indian Ocean and Pacific, in the European
Commission Directorate-General for Development.
In the afternoon there was a diplomatic
credentials ceremony at State House [D 2].
Friday (16/12/05): In the afternoon, H.E. the
President received a courtesy call from the Vice
Chancellor of the University of Botswana, Prof.
Bojosi Otlhogile, who was accompanied by Dr.
Zibani Maundeni, Senior Lecturer of Political
Science at the University and Coordinator of its
Democracy Research Project, and Dr. Marc
Meinardus, resident director of the Friedrich
Ebert Foundation [E 2]. He also received a
Special Envoy of the Republic of Sudan, H.E. Mr.
Bona Malwal, who delivered a message from H.E.
the Sudanese President Omar Hassan Ahmed El
[Salutations]...Fellow SADC citizens,
1. On behalf of the Government and people of
Botswana, and, indeed, on my own behalf, let me
begin by welcoming those of you who have come
from outside our country to attend this the 19th
Plenary Assembly of the Southern African
Development Community (SADC) Parliamentary
Forum. We are honoured to be able to host this
important gathering here in Gaborone. Besides
serving as our capital, this city is also the
home of the SADC Secretariat. We thus share this
city with you. I therefore trust that you shall
all feel very much at home here.
2. It is especially appropriate that this
Assembly should be convened here during SADC's
Silver Jubilee year. A few months ago we were
also privileged to host the Summit of Heads of
State and Government, at which those attending
recommitted themselves to realising the vision
of SADC's founders. I am confident that this
Assembly will also serve to confirm to both our
own people and the outside world that SADC is
indeed moving forward.
3. Our ability to achieve a more united
Development Community was never conceived as
something that could be dictated from the top.
It has always been dependent on our own people
seeing for themselves that the advantages of
achieving greater unity outweigh any challenges
posed by such an evolution.
4. It is only by the consent of its citizens
that SADC is able to serve as a vehicle for the
realisation of our common interests. Yet,
presently at the popular level many of our
people remain reluctant in their recognition
that as a region we ought to stand together, in
order to more effectively compete in this world
of global markets and instant communication.
5. This is a particular challenge for us
politicians. It is not always easy for our own
constituents see beyond their parochial concerns
so as to appreciate the practical benefits of
greater regional integration. In this context,
the SADC Parliamentary Forum should continue to
exercise its leadership in the promotion of
wider perspectives.
6. Let me here acknowledge the useful role
that this Forum has been playing since its
inception in 1997. As a body you have been
proactive in working towards greater regional
consensus and capacity in such areas as gender
equality, election monitoring and the struggle
against the scourge of HIV/AIDS. In the process
you have established common benchmarks for
further progress.
7. Director of Ceremonies, the task of this
forum is also manifest in the fact that SADC
will only progress if the various protocols that
have been collectively negotiated, and thus
signed at the level of Heads of State and
Government, are implemented. This often requires
changes in domestic policy and legislation,
which is the domain of you, our legislators.
8. In addition, the familiarization of
elected representatives with regional
instruments though this Forum has the added
benefit of facilitating the harmonisation of
domestic legislation with SADC declarations and
protocols. This is all the more important given
that, even in situations where member states
have not as yet domesticated one or more of the
protocols, there exists a legitimate expectation
that any new legislation should not be
formulated, which is in contradiction with them,
the protocols.
9. Director of Ceremonies, at the time when
it was decided to establish the Parliamentary
Forum as a consultative body, it was not
considered necessary for SADC to establish a
regional parliament. There are those of you who
now feel that the time has come to establish
such a body. In this regard, I would like to
acknowledge the courtesy calls paid by the
Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of this Forum
to myself and other Heads of States and
Government on the issue. You can be assured that
during the remainder of my term of office as
SADC Chairperson the matter shall be carefully
considered. Be that as it may, and in the
absence of such a transformation, there remains
much scope for this Forum to continue to
contribute to the realisation of SADC objectives.
10. It is heartening to learn that the new
SADC Executive Secretary and the Secretary
General of the Parliamentary Forum have already
discussed ways of strengthening cooperation. I
am further encouraged by the practical
collaboration that has occurred between the
Parliamentary Forum and the SADC Election
Observer Mission, especially after the 2004
adoption of the SADC Principles and Guidelines
for Democratic Elections.
11. I have no doubt that the SADC Election
Observer Missions stand to benefit from the
Forum's experience. In the case of my own
country we are continuing to study the
observations made by the Forum's mission to our
last, 2004, general election. We, of course,
appreciate their overall endorsement of our
electoral processes as having been open and
transparent, as well as free and fair.
12. Our common disappointment about the last
election was the failure of more of our women to
gain elective office. This failure stands in
sharp contrast with the enormous strides women
have been making in other areas of leadership in
this country. Indeed, in a recent United
Nation's Development Programme report, we were
ranked sixteenth in the world in terms of the
total percentage of females - at 35% - serving
in leadership positions, such as senior
officials and managers, as well as in
Parliament; including our Attorney General,
Governor of the Central Bank and Director of
Public Prosecutions.
13. Director of Ceremonies, as I stated in my
inaugural address upon becoming SADC
Chairperson, there is an urgent need for us to
move forward in implementing the 15 year
Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan
(RISDP). This Plan provides strategic direction,
while committing us all to undertake programmes
and activities aimed at achieving our long term
goals of poverty reduction and employment
14. If we are to realize these objectives,
individual Member States must ensure that their
policies are consistent with the RISDP, which
again shall require legislative input.
15. As it is, the implementation of the RISDP
remains a major challenge. In this regard, I can
only reiterate that we all need to commit
ourselves to ensuring adequate budgetary
provisions for the implementation of the SADC
agenda. We should, moreover, find innovative
ways of financing SADC on a sustainable basis,
lest we remain over-dependent on the development
assistance of outsiders. Whilst we seek to
assume greater responsibility for financing our
own agenda, we should, nonetheless, also
continue to strengthen our relations with our
co-operating partners.
16. I am aware that amongst issues to be
dealt with at this 19th Plenary Assembly is the
consideration and approval of its second
Strategic Plan for the Forum. I am pleased to
learn that this Plan has taken account of both
the RISDP and the Strategic Indicative Plan of
the SADC Organ on Defence, Politics and Security
17. Director of Ceremonies, in summation, it
remains my hope that this Forum will continue to
serve as the voice of Parliamentarians,
regularly presenting its findings to the SADC
structures, including Summit meetings. I further
hope that through the Forum's initiatives and
proposals, our collective aspiration for a
Southern Africa and ideals contained in our
declarations, protocols and plans of action
shall be advanced.
18. In conclusion, I wish you all a fruitful
and successful conference and it is my singular
pleasure to declare the 19th Plenary Assembly of
the SADC Parliamentary Forum officially open. I
thank you.
D 2) 13/12/05: Remarks by H.E. the President and
incoming diplomatic envoys of the Republics of
Zimbabwe, Finland, Greece and Cyprus at a
Credentials Ceremony held at State House.
Please find below the statements made at a
Credentials Ceremony held at State House by the
incoming Ambassadors of the Republics of
Zimbabwe (I), Finland (II) and Greece (III), and
the High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus
(IV), along with the respective responses made
to each by H.E. the President:
I. Republic of Zimbabwe
Ia. Remarks delivered by H.E. Thomas Mandigora,
Ambassador of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Botswana
on the occasion of the presentation of his
letters of credence to H.E. Mr. Festus G. Mogae,
President of the Republic of Botswana:
1. Your Excellency, I have the honour on
this occasion to convey to you greetings and
personal best wishes from your brother and
colleague, His Excellency Robert Gabriel Mugabe,
President of the Republic of Zimbabwe.
2. Your Excellency, on behalf of the
Government and People of Zimbabwe, I wish to pay
tribute to the Government and People of Botswana
for their unwavering and principled support for
the liberation struggle, which brought about
Zimbabwe's independence and freedom from the
racist colonial regime in 1980. Driven by Sir
Seretse Khama's vision of a liberated and free
Southern Africa, it was natural that Botswana
became one of the major supporters of Zimbabwe's
liberation movements. Zimbabweans will forever
cherish that solidarity from the people of
Botswana. The people of Botswana paid a great
price for supporting the liberation struggle in
Zimbabwe and other countries in Southern Africa.
We know that valuable lives of Batswana
compatriots were lost in wanton Rhodesian raids
into Botswana.
3. Zimbabwe and Botswana have always enjoyed
good relations based on good neighbourliness and
mutual respect since Zimbabwe gained its
independence on 18 April 1980.
4. Your Excellency, I will work hard to
further strengthen and broaden the bonds of
friendship and co-operation that exist between
our two countries during my tour of duty. The
Joint commission for Economic, Scientific,
Technical and Cultural Cooperation has served
our countries well. Through the Joint
commission, our two countries have worked
together to improve co-operation in such areas
as trade and investment, agriculture, tourism,
energy, transport and communications. I am
committed to ensuring that we achieve the goals
and objectives for which the framework of our
bilateral cooperation was set up.
5. Zimbabwe regards Botswana as a very
important trading partner in the SADC Region and
on the continent. Botswana has also become an
important investment destination for Zimbabwean
companies, most of which have gone into joint
venture projects with local business people. We
should work hard to encourage this. It will
become easier to attract foreign direct
investment when our own entrepreneurs
demonstrate their confidence by investing in the
6. I will also work through the Botswana/Zimbabwe Joint Permanent Commission on Defence and Security to improve the security and safety of all our citizens. Important issues of mutual concern have been dealt with successfully on this forum in the past. I am aware that security is one important factor that foreign investors and tourists consider before making a decision to invest in, or visit a country or region.
7. With these few remarks, Your Excellency, I have the honour to present the Letters of Recall of my predecessor, Mr. Phelekezela Mphoko, and the Letters of Credence accrediting me as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Zimbabwe to the Republic of Botswana.
1. Your Excellency, I am very pleased to accept the Letters by which H.E. Mr. Robert Gabriel Mugabe, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe has appointed you as Zimbabwe's Ambassador to Botswana. I also accept your predecessor's Letters of Recall.
2. I wish first of all to thank you for kindly acknowledging Botswana's modest efforts in support of Zimbabwe's liberation struggle. Your struggle was our struggle. For as long as our neighbours were under colonial occupation, our own freedom could never be guaranteed.
3. Let me also commend Zimbabwe for the excellent role it played in support of the liberation efforts soon after it attained its independence. By supporting the liberation of other countries in the region, your country has paid in full, the debt of gratitude it owed to those who supported its own struggle.
4. I am very pleased to acknowledge the good relations that exist between our two countries. The Joint Permanent Commissions we have set up between our two countries have contributed enormously to the enhancement of our bilateral cooperation including defence. I am therefore pleased that you undertake to work in support of the goals and objective of our bilateral cooperation agreements.
5. As neighbours, it is logical that our interaction should cover as many fronts as it does. It was therefore inevitable that our two countries should set up a mechanism to facilitate our bilateral activities.
6. Your Excellency, we must challenge ourselves to enhance our bilateral trade relations. Although I am pleased to note that Zimbabwe is Botswana's second largest regional trading partner after South Africa, I have no doubt that there is still room for improvement. Similarly, as you rightly observed, there is scope for improvement of our cooperation in the field of investment.
7. In that regard, I am pleased to note that in 2001, our two countries concluded the Bilateral Treaty on the Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investments between our two countries. Botswana has now concluded its internal consultations and we are ready to sign the Treaty. I hope that you will facilitate early conclusion of the Treaty between our two countries.
8. Finally, Your Excellency, let me welcome
you to Botswana and assure you that during your
stay, you will be amongst your own people,
Batswana. You are therefore assured of our
fullest support and friendship during your tour
of duty. I wish you success in your assignment.
II. Republic of Finland
IIa. Remarks by H.E. Mr. Heikki Tuunanen,
ambassador of Finland to the Republic of
Botswana at the ceremony for the Presentation of
Credentials to His Excellency the President, Mr.
Festus G. Mogae:
1. Your Excellency, it is a great pleasure
and, indeed, an honour to me to present to you
Mr. President the Letter of Credentials from the
President of the Republic of Finland, Madame
Tarja Halonen, accrediting me as the Ambassador
of the Republic of Finland to the Republic of
2. I feel privileged for having been given
this opportunity to serve my country in
Botswana, in a country which is a symbol and a
shining example of stable democracy, respect for
human rights, sustainable economic and social
development and the rule of law in Africa.
3. The achievements of the Government and People of Botswana during the past decades are truly impressive. Your commitment to democracy has created a stable and predictable environment in your country. The consistent and rapid - one of the fastest in the world - economic growth has been turned into the well-being and empowerment of your people through excellent social services, for example in the fields of education and health.
4. We have always highly appreciated the constructive role that your country has played in the regional co-operation in southern Africa, in the framework of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and other regional organisations. The very same applies to you country's role in the African Union as well as in the multilateral co-operation in the United Nations and other global forums.
5. Mr. President, the bilateral relations between our two countries and peoples are excellent, mutually rewarding and cover all walks of life.
6. Botswana is an active member in the Helsinki Process, an international forum, where governments, non-governmental organisations and the private sector work together. Helsinki Process is assessing the trends in the world of rapid globalisation and growing interdependence. Helsinki Process is also looking for ways and means to make globalisation a process that will have more equal and predictable impact on the development and life of various countries. My government highly appreciates the contribution of your country to this process. It was only three months ago that your Foreign Minister, Honourable Lt. Gen. Mompati S. Merafhe, participated in the Helsinki Conference in Finland, where the findings and recommendations of Helsinki Process were presented to the international community.
7. Botswana is also a member of this forum, where Foreign Ministers from ten African and five Nordic Countries meet frequently in order to assess the developments in Africa and to enhance the co-operation between these countries in international issues.
8. Trade between our two countries has been growing steadily. It may not all be seen in the direct trade statistics between our two countries, since a large part takes place via third countries, as it increasingly happens in the globalised world economy. But, the rapid and sustainable economic growth in your country together with free trade in the Southern African Customs Union and the new free trade arrangements in the entire Southern Africa mean, also, that the Finnish industries increasingly assess the opportunities to invest in Botswana.
9. Co-operation between non-governmental organisations and civil societies in our two countries has been increasing steadily. A number of projects are ongoing and new ones are under preparation. I would like to take this opportunity and express to you, Mr. President my most sincere appreciation for your kind presence in the inauguration ceremonies of the School for the Deaf in Maun last September, a great example of co-operation between civil societies of our two countries.
10. The exchange in the field of culture has been increasing as well. It was only a few weeks ago that the exhibition of Botswanan art was opened in Helsinki with the presence of the artists, whose works were displayed for Finnish audience. It goes without saying that the exhibition attracted a lot of visitors in my country and it was a great success.
11. Mr. President, co-operation between our
two countries cover many fields. A lot has been
achieved during the last few decades. But there
are still a lot of opportunities to be explored
and to be promoted in our bilateral relations
and for our mutual benefits. Let me assure you
Mr. President, that in discharging my duties I
will spare no efforts to ensure that good
relations between our two governments and
peoples will further diversify and grow. Thank
you Mr. President.
1. I am pleased to accept the Letters by
which Her Excellency Madam Tarja Halonen,
President of the Republic of Finland has
appointed you Ambassador of the Republic of
Finland to the Republic of Botswana.
2. Your Excellency let me first of all thank
you for acknowledging Botswana's democracy,
observance of human rights and for its provision
of social services to citizens. We are confident
that the stability we have enjoyed since our
independence thirty nine years ago is to a large
measure the outcome of our democratic traditions.
3. During your tour of duty, you will no
doubt appreciate the challenges we face as a
nation. Amongst the problems we face are
HIV/AIDS , the urgent need to diversify our
economy, the oil crisis and the cycles of
drought that have often compelled us to revise
our development agenda. We therefore have no
doubt that Finland and other European Union
partners will be mindful of our constraints in
the allocation of development resources.
4. Let me take this opportunity to thank
Finland for its contribution to our development
efforts. Although Finland's support might not be
too evident, the loans Botswana has received
from the Nordic Investment Bank and the Nordic
Development Fund, of which Finland is a member,
have been used for our vital infrastructure
5. Amongst the projects are the Morupule
Power Plant, Botswana Telecommunications,
Molepolole - Mochudi Ground Water Exploration
and the Trans Kgalagadi Highway. On other
fronts, Finland's support to SADC projects has
been of benefit to Botswana as a member of the
regional organization.
6. In September this year, I had the
pleasure of attending the inauguration ceremony
of the School for the Deaf in Maun. The support
that school received from Finland's
non-governmental organizations is an example of
your country's outstanding record of compassion
towards fellow members of the human race. Once
again I thank the Government and the people of
Finland for their much needed support to the
less privileged members of our society.
7. Your Excellency, as you rightly pointed
out, Botswana is an active participant in the
Helsinki Process on Globalisation and Democracy.
We do so because we are firmly convinced that
the forum addresses issues that are of critical
importance not only to Botswana as a developing
nation, but also to the entire human family. You
can therefore be assured of our country's
fullest support to your commendable initiative.
8. Finally, we are deeply grateful that
Botswana has been nominated as a recipient of
the Finnish Quality Travel Award. The award
which we will receive in January 2006 is a
tremendous boost to our efforts to promote
Botswana's outstanding tourism product. We look
forward to welcoming many more of your
tourists to Botswana.
9. Your Excellency I welcome you to Botswana
and wish you a successful tour of duty.
III. Republic of Greece
IIIa. Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Aristides
Sandis at the Presentation of Credentials to the
President of the Republic of Botswana, H.E. Mr.
Festus G. Mogae:
1. Mr. President, since its independence in
1966 the Republic of Botswana has earned our
admiration and deep respect. It 40 year
uninterrupted flourishing multi-party
parliamentary democracy and its social and
economic stability, along with the prevalence of
rule of law, good governance and the safeguard
of human rights, compose one of the greatest
success stories in the annals of the African
2. We in Greece three thousand years ago
have invented democracy. Your nation has for
forty years been a model of democracy in Africa.
Greece, a member of the European Union and NATO
has long been an oasis of freedom and prosperity
in the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean.
Botswana has also been an example of peace,
stability, law and order and freedom for the
whole Continent. And we both steadfastly adhere
to the same principles and values.
3. Aside from Botswana's remarkable domestic achievements, your presence in the international arena and your voice in multilateral fora are very much respected. We highly appreciate your stabilizing influence in the region and commend you on your dedicated engagement and constructive role in the framework of the African Union, the SADC, the Pan African Parliament and other regional initiatives.
4. Our bilateral political relations, as also reflected by our fruitful cooperation in international for a, are excellent. For my part I shall endeavour to ensure that they further expand in all domains of human activity.
5. We welcome the designation of your Permanent representative to the International Organisations in Geneva as your Ambassador to Greece. This development will undoubtedly contribute to the strengthening of the bonds between our two countries. We also appreciate the fact that you are proposing to appoint an honorary Consul in Athens. We are also contemplating naming an Honorary Consul in Gaborone.
6. The dynamic Greek community in Botswana, established many years ago, is an active human bridge firmly linking our two countries. We are very happy that they are welcomed here and that they are good, law abiding and useful citizens. We are also proud for their substantial contribution to the welfare and prosperity of the country.
7. Mr. President, I would like to assure you that I will spare no effort in fulfilling my task to the benefit of our bilateral relations and that in me the Batswana people will have a devoted friend and ardent admirer of their beautiful country.
8. In conclusion, I would like to express
the great honour, privilege and indeed personal
pleasure that I have in presenting to Your
Excellency my letter of credence as Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
Hellenic [Greek] Republic to the Republic of
Botswana and the letter of recall of my
1. Your Excellency, I am very pleased to
accept the Letters by which His Excellency
President Karolos Papoulias has appointed you
Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic of Greece to
Botswana. I also accept the Letter of Recall of
your predecessor.
2. As you have rightly mentioned, Botswana
and Greece share a common tradition of
multi-party democracy, social and economic
stability and good governance, and observance of
human rights. Although Greece has a much longer
legacy of democracy, our young nation is equally
committed to securing and entrenching democracy
throughout the structures of our society. The
context and experiences may be different,
however the underlying principles and values are
the same.
3. Your Excellency, let me also express
appreciation for your acknowledgment of
Botswana's economic and social achievements
since our Independence in 1966. Every milestone
we achieve has been matched by equally and
daunting challenges. At present we have had to
divert substantial financial and human resources
to the fight against HIV/AIDS, as well as
addressing challenges of economic
diversification and unemployment.
4. Botswana nonetheless, will continue to
call upon traditional allies like Greece to
render the necessary assistance in terms of
skills development. As a member of the European
Union, Greece is in a strong partnership with
Botswana and other SADC countries. The SADC-EU
partnership will unleash Africa's development
potential and facilitate the integration of
Africa into the global economy.
5. The Greek community in Botswana has established itself as active members of the local business community. I trust that our small enterprises do benefit from their interaction with your illustrious nationals. In the area of tourism development, there is a lot of scope for collaboration between our two countries. Botswana has in place a very ambitious strategy to propel tourism to one of the main generators of foreign exchange.
6. Your Excellency, I am grateful for your offer to continue to strengthen bilateral relations such that they yield tangible and beneficial results for both our countries.
7. I wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge the successful hosting of the Olympic Games by Greece last year. The Olympics are a true expression of human solidarity and indeed a legacy that Greece has given to the world through successive generations of sports men and women.
8. Once again, I welcome you to Botswana and
extend my best wishes for a pleasant and
successful stay.
IV. Republic of Cyprus
IVa. Accreditation Statement by H.E. Mr. Costas
Leontiou, high Commissioner of the Republic of
Cyrus on the presentation of his letters of
credence to H.E. Mr. Festus G. Mogae, President
of the Republic of Botswana:
1. Your Excellency, I have the honour and
privilege to present to you the Letters of
Credence with which the President of the
Republic of Cyprus has appointed me as the first
high commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus to
the Republic of Botswana.
2. I have been entrusted with the important
task of strengthening even further our excellent
relations, which have been recently sealed with
the formal establishment of diplomatic
relations. Cyrus and Botswana have been
co-operating within the framework of the United
Nations, the Commonwealth and other
international for a in a spirit of amity and
mutual respect and understanding.
3. Cyrus full accession to the European Union as from May 2004 will affect and influence positively the solid ties binding traditionally and historically our States both on the bilateral and bi-regional levels, explicitly between the EU and SADC.
4. We appreciate your achievements, especially in the field of good governance. We are also aware of the challenges you face and the enormous efforts you make in this respect.
5. I take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude for Botswana's constant support, for lasting and viable settlement of the Cyprus problem. Since July 1974 we have been struggling with consistency to prove that the fate of Cyprus does not lie in division and partition. We have made great efforts to pursue a peaceful solution and an honourable compromise.
6. The Aquis Communitaire and the anachronistic fait accompli imposed manu militari by occupying force are in complete disharmony.
7. Our vision is a united Cyprus with bi-zonal and bi-communal federal structures providing security and prosperity to all its inhabitants, to Greek-Cypriots and Turkish-Cypriots, with the safeguarding of Human rights and freedoms.
8. Your Excellency, Permit me in presenting
these letters of Credence, to convey to you a
warm message of friendship from President Tassos
Papaopoulas and to express our most sincere
wishes for the health and prosperity to Your
Excellency, the Government and people of
1. Your Excellency, I am very much pleased
to accept the letters by which His Excellency
President Tassos Papadopoulos has appointed you
as the High Commissioner to Botswana.
2. I take particular pleasure in receiving
you as the first High Commissioner of Cyprus to
Botswana. Your appointment, which comes shortly
after the formal establishment of diplomatic
relations between our two countries in May of
this year, signifies the importance your country
attaches to building mutually beneficial
relations between Botswana and Cyprus. Please
convey our gratitude to your Government for its
goodwill and determination to cement and enhance
relations with my country.
3. Your Excellency, may I thank you for the
kind words of acknowledgment of the strides
Botswana has made in the area of democracy and
good governance. Let me assure you of my
country's commitment to nurturing and
strengthening the democratic systems that have
become part of our identity as a people.
4. As you have rightly noted we are not without enormous developmental challenges, key amongst them, the fight against HIV/AIDS, poverty alleviation, economic diversification and drought.
5. We are, however, optimistic that these challenges can be resolved with the support of countries like your own. Cyprus acceded to the European Union on 1st May 2004. As signatories to the Cotonou Agreement cooperation between our two countries will go from strength to strength and extend to virtually all areas of human endeavour.
6. Your Excellency Botswana would like to pledge support for the United Nations efforts towards sustainable resolution of the Cyprus-Turkey issue. Botswana has also been a strong proponent of the respectful for the territorial integrity of states. In this regard we give our full support to the efforts of the UN towards the reunification of the island of Cyprus. We intend to collaborate with Cyprus to advance issues of mutual interest at the Commonwealth, United Nations and other international fora.
7. I have no doubt that your Excellency would support and be an advocate for Botswana's development efforts. There is a lot we can learn from your well developed horticultural and textile sectors, and are eager to learn lessons on how to attract and retain foreign direct investments in the economy.
8. Yours is a very onerous task of building bilateral relations from their infancy and I have no doubt that your Government trusts you to pioneer cooperation with Botswana and the rest of the SADC region.
9. Your Excellency, let me once again
welcome you to Botswana and wish you success in
you tour of duty.
[Salutations]...Ladies and Gentlemen,
1. It is my singular honour and privilege to
have been invited to officiate at the opening of
the Executive Course on Defence and Security
Management. Allow me to begin my remarks by
congratulating the Centre for Strategic Studies
of the University of Botswana, together with its
regional partners, for organizing this event. I
am convinced that this kind of course does not
only enable the Centre to provide a service to
the community but that the Centre itself will
benefit from various ideas from the participants
coming from the wider community.
2. I understand that the objectives of the
course are: a) To enhance conceptual,
theoretical and management skills of leaders in
the defence sector for both civilian and
military personnel; b) To explore key issues in
defence and civil relations; and c) To provide
an environment in which key players in the
Botswana Security Sector interact in a
structural way in order to develop the basis for
common security.
3. Distinguished participants, given the
turmoil that post independence Africa has lived
through, and the demands imposed upon small
countries like ours by the phenomenon of
globalization, I believe a course of this nature
is long overdue.
4. Managerial skills which your course seeks
to impart to the participants are key to the
success of any organization, including the
military. Many of the military coupes, which
until recently haunted post independence Africa,
were carried out on the pretext that governments
of the day were failing to manage the affairs of
the State properly. Unfortunately, as we are
all no doubt aware, those who staged the coupes
tended to be junior in rank with no requisite
managerial skills themselves. The result was
that instead of improving the fortunes of their
countries many military regimes only succeeded
in aggravating the problems. Elsewhere around
the World, history is replete with incidences of
failure in management which resulted in
unnecessary but devastating bloody conflicts or
5. Equally important to the stability of the state or organization Director of Ceremonies, are the relations between various stakeholders. In successful countries or organisations each stakeholder is clear about the role to play and understands that for the organization to function properly each stakeholder should effectively and efficiently play their role.
6. Distinguished participants, it is important to note that where these factors are lacking, mistrust and opportunities for conflict have tended to increase among various stakeholders. Many of Africa's conflicts can be attributed to these problems. Our Southern African region has been largely spared some of the conflicts which afflicted the rest of the Continent, and I believe that was because various stakeholders in the running of the affairs of the state were clear about their roles and also did their best to play by the rules agreed on. It is heartening that Botswana is one of the four countries that can be proud of this exemplary conduct.
7. Increasingly the phenomenon of globalization is imposing a common value system as well as challenges, on countries which neither their own citizens nor external factors would allow governments to ignore. A few years ago, for example, our own African Union took the decision to prohibit any government brought into power through unconstitutional means from participating in its programmes and meetings. The Union has since, strictly enforced this decision with countries such as Madagascar and Ivory Coast kept out of the African Union programmes until sufficient measures had been taken to restore civilian rule. This development did not take place due to a sudden change of heart on the part of some leaders, but because of domestic and external factors.
8. On a global scale, Director of
Ceremonies, the international community has not
only continued to respond to the emerging global
challenges, through developing appropriate
measures for dealing with such challenges, but
often finds itself caught up in acrimonious
debates over the definitions and interpretation
of already existing international instruments.
Unfortunately, some powers have used such
loopholes to act or interpret such agreements
arbitrarily. There are many instances whereby
arbitrary security measures have been imposed on
the international community by individual powers
in violation of the international humanitarian
9. Botswana has actively participated in
this global debate in the past few years for
a) Botswana actively participated in the USA
Government sponsored workshops on civil/military
relations. I had the privilege of opening such
a meeting only last August;
b) Government has with the involvement of
various non-state actors started producing
national reports on humanitarian international
instruments such as the International Convention
on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). I note
that quite a few of the organizations
represented at this workshop, also participated
in the preparation of such reports. The
preparation process provides opportunities for
information sharing among stakeholders as well
as for reviews on the country's performance;
c) Botswana participated actively in the process
leading to the establishment of the
International Criminal Court. I was privileged
to lead the Botswana delegation. In recognition
of its role, it became one of the few countries
approached to avail a candidate for the post of
Prosecutor-General; and
d) Our country has of course participated in
many other international fora dealing with this
10. Distinguished participants, I consider
this workshop as an extension of the national
debate already taking place in this country.
However, as this workshop is organized by an
academic institution, I can only urge you to
push the level of your debate beyond the realm
of the carefully structured governmental and
intergovernmental meetings. We look forward to
benefiting from the outcome of this workshop.
11. Distinguished participants, I wish once
again to thank the Centre for Strategic Studies
for affording me the opportunity to participate
at the opening of this workshop. My thanks also
go the Danish Government for the funding of the
workshop. Le ka moso Bagetsho.
12. Director of Ceremonies, Distinguished
participants, I wish you fruitful deliberations
and I happily and formally declare this workshop
officially open.
E 1) 16/12/05: His Honour the Vice President,
Lt. Gen. Seretse Khama Ian Khama responds to
letter from Mr. Roy Sesana of the First People
of the Kalahari.
This is to confirm that His Honour the Vice
President has received and responded to a letter
from Mr. Roy Sesana, leader of the First People
of the Kalahari organisation. The same letter by
Mr. Sesana has already been published in the
local print media, e.g. Mmegi (14/12/05) and the
Guardian (16/12/05).
In his response, His Honour the Vice President
indicated Government's availability to discuss
an amicable settlement to matters surrounding
the Central Kgalagadi Game Reserve (CKGR) issue,
but that such discussions would be improper to
conduct in a process parallel to the ongoing
case before the High Court, as it could
undermine the Court's authority.
It follows therefore that for such discussions
to proceed the case before the court will have
to be withdrawn and it is in this regard that
His Honour the Vice President has invited
proposals from Mr. Sesana on a possible way
forward in order for discussions to take place.
E 2) 16/12/05: H.E. the President receives copy
of book "40 Years of Democracy in Botswana"
This afternoon H.E. the President had the
pleasure of receiving a courtesy call from the
Vice Chancellor of the University of Botswana,
Prof. Bojosi Otlhogile, who was accompanied by
Dr. Zibani Maundeni, Senior Lecturer of
Political Science at the University and
Coordinator of the Democracy Research Project,
and Dr. Marc Meinardus, resident director of the
Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
The three gentlemen came to the Office of the
President in order to formally present His
Excellency with the publication "40 Years of
Democracy in Botswana", which is a collection of
studies that examines various aspects of
politics and governance in Botswana. The book
was edited by Dr. Maundeni as a joint
publication by the Democracy Research Project
and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
Topics highlighted in the book include the role
of leadership in ensuring Botswana's democratic
stability, alternative electoral systems, voting
trends, the organisation of political parties,
and the role of various stakeholders such as
civil society, youth and women in the political
and electoral process.
During the meeting, H.E. the President voiced
his appreciation of the collective effort that
had gone into producing the publication. In the
context of discussions about possible electoral
reform he further indicated his own belief that
any discussion of electoral reform should
consider the need to reflect proportional
representation in terms of gender.
E 3) Additional notices and forwarding for the week ending 18/12/05:
* 12/12/05: Business Day: "Botswana licences 'undermine' DeBeers" (below)
* 12/12/05: Visit by EU Director at OP noon Tuesday
* 12/12/05: "Ditshwanelo Director Awarded
Prestigious Chevalier de L'Ordre National du
Merite." (below)
* 14/12/05: SWA Radio: "A Day's life inside Botswana"
* 14/12/05: Democracy Book handover Friday
* 16/12/05: "Botswana, Zimbabwe sign deal on standardization systems."
F Other views in the news
The views expressed in the press reports
reproduced below are not necessarily those of
F1) "An open letter to Vice President Ian Khama" by Roy Sesana
[The following letter was received by the Office
of the President via fax this week. It was also
published in the local Mmegi (14/12/95) and
Guardian (16/12/05) newspapers. See also E 1]
Your Honour,
I am writing to you because I have heard rumours
that there might be some people who would like
to negotiate with you on the issue of the
Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR). I think I
went to you twice to try to talk about the CKGR
issue. At the time, all those people who now
want to negotiate with you were not there.
If you do have interest in negotiations, or in
talking about the CKGR issue, we, the CKGR
community, the people affected by the issue are
available. We have got mouths, ears and brains
like each and every human being. Nowadays we do
not want people to speak on our behalf. We want
to speak for ourselves.
I think the government has to realise this: We
have got the list of names of the people who
have taken the government to court, who are the
affected people. Those people who want to
negotiate with you are not members of the CKGR
community. They are not the affected people.
They have not taken the government to court, so
anything to be discussed about the CKGR has to
be directed to the people of the CKGR who have
taken the government to court.
We think now there is a lot of confusion in this
matter where different people come out with
different ideas of trying to solve the matter.
We do not agree with all of those people. We
think the matter will be resolved if, the
Basarwa talk and an agreement is reached in our
That is the only way we can resolve this matter.
With people talking on our behalf, we don't know
what will be discussed and how it will affect us
and we don't know what they are going to say.
Your Honour, I think this issue could have been
long resolved. The problems came only because
people come and put themselves in front of us
and started fighting for power to represent us
even though we are there and ready to talk for
ourselves. People like that now have to go back
and give us a chance to direct our words to any
concerned and responsible person in any CKGR
We have been expecting help from you. The way
your father handled matters that affect us make
us to expect good help from you as you are now
in the Cabinet. We think that you are just about
to take the position that your father held. Your
Honour, my chief, I Roy Sesana expect a good
response from you.
Yours sincerely,
Roy Sesana
DITSHWANELO - The Botswana Centre for Human
Rights is pleased to announce that our Director,
Alice Mogwe, was awarded the prestigious
Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Merite by The
Republic of France on 8 December 2005. In
presenting the award, H.E. Pierre Coulont, the
Ambassador of France to Botswana, said the award
is an honour to the Director and through her,
the whole institution.
The ceremony at the Alliance Fran?aise, on
Thursday 8 December 2005, was attended by the
First Lady, Mrs Mogae, several Ambassadors and
representatives of the government, churches,
NGOs and other organisations. The French
Embassy also provided a significant donation to
support the work of DITSHWANELO.
This honour is bestowed on non-French nationals
as a distinguished mark of respect for
exceptional achievement. The Ambassador
applauded all that Ms Mogwe has achieved as one
of the first Motswana women activists, a
founding member of Women and Law in Southern
Africa (WLSA) and a pioneer of Botswana's human
rights movement. He stressed the immense
importance of human rights and the Government of
France's strong commitment to support those who
work to protect these rights. He said that the
honour was bestowed on Ms Mogwe for two main
- Firstly, Alice Mogwe defends the principles we
share, in terms of defending the basic rights of
the people and among them the weakest and the
- And secondly, as a person of great quality,
who has devoted her whole life in the service of
her countrymen, whatever price it could cost
In accepting the honour, Ms Mogwe said she felt
"extremely humbled" by the honour and went on to
thank those without whom, she said, "none of the
work in which I am engaged would be possible".
She thanked her father - Ambassador Mogwe, who
encouraged her to dream even when he disagreed
with her; her husband - Mr Ruud Jansen, who was
always ready to go the extra mile; the Patron of
DITSHWANELO - His Grace Archbishop Emeritus
Khotso Makhulu, and all the Board members of
DITSHWANELO. She particularly noted that her
school Maru a Pula had helped give her "the
courage to know that it is possible to change
the world" and taught her that "it was possible
for people of different backgrounds, cultures,
colour and creed to live together peacefully."
She also recognised that her university
experiences in Apartheid South Africa taught her
to fight against what apartheid represented and
"to work to prevent racism, exclusion and
discrimination becoming an acceptable part of
our lives in Botswana."
Ms Mogwe particularly thanked all the staff, volunteers, interns, supporters and friends of
DITSHWANELO. She noted that although DITSHWANELO is "renown - or even notorious - for... work on the death penalty and Basarwa/San issues in Botswana, we also work on children's rights; monitor elections within Botswana and in the region; hold annual human rights film festivals; together with the Botswana Red Cross led to the establishment of BONELA (The Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS);
established LeGaBiBo (Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals of Botswana); initiated the
establishment of SAHRINGON (The Southern African Human Rights NGO Network - based in Zambia); and support the State in working towards meeting our collective obligations under the various international human rights instruments."
This wide-ranging work as well as her personal achievements have earned DITSHWANELO's Director, Ms Mogwe, the Medal of Chevalier. The award
acknowledges the immense importance of what she described as her ongoing "quest to ensure that on a daily basis, at least one person realizes that they too have the right to be treated with
dignity and respect and have a responsibility to treat others in a similar manner."
F3) From 12/12/05 edition of Business Day (South Africa): THE decision by the Botswana government to issue licences to two sightholders who already have another one in SA is likely to force De Beers to reconsider the way it is doing business.
Under De Beers' current regulations, a sightholder who has a licence in a
diamond-producing country in southern Africa such as SA may not get a licence in another producing country such as Botswana and Namibia.
Analysts say the decision also marks Botswana's increasing independence over its diamonds. It is also in line with growing pressure from Botswana on De Beers to boost the southern African state's diamond share.
Botswana President Festus Mogae has said his country wants a greater return from its diamond industry.
The restriction to allow sightholders to have only one sight in a producer country has angered
Botswana officials as it excludes De Beers' largest players with sights in SA, such as Safdico and Steinmetz, from investing in Botswana in return for rough.
Botswana is De Beers' largest supplier of rough diamonds and the biggest producer in the world by value. The decision announced late last week to hand out the licences undermines a list of potentials recently presented by De Beers following an exhaustive process that saw six
candidates with no sight or allocation in southern Africa.
"This is a strong signal from Botswana that they are independently going to decide about the
future of their own industry," said one industry source. "It is a very courageous move."
The granting of the licences highlights the power shift in diamond production in that
country as the government moves to increase its independence from De Beers. Last year's
negotiations with Botswana for the renewal of the Jwaneng and Orapa's 25-year leases, two of the most profitable diamonds in the De Beers portfolio, resulted in Botswana slashing its
contribution to De Beers' profits from these mines. Previously, Botswana was believed to
provide more than 70% of the profit within De Beers group diamond account.
De Beers also agreed to relinquish its London-based distribution system and move
sorting and sales operations to the Botswana capital, Gaborone.
F 4) BOPA report published in the 13/12/05 edition of the Daily News (Botswana): "Botswana might open another diamond mine"
SEROWE - Botswana might open another mine and become an even larger diamond producing country, with the discovery of AK6 kimberlite in Letlhakane.
Minerals, energy and water resources minister Charles Tibone said at a full meeting of the
Central District Council last Thursday that following the finding of AK6 kimberlite by
De-Beers and a company called Africa Diamonds, the mineral sector will continue to play a major role in the economy of the country.
Tibone said diamonds were the mainstay of Botswana's economy but because they were not a
renewable resource, it was important to diversify into other minerals.He described Botswana as a growing diamond producer since the discovery of many kimberlites, particularly in places such as the Central District and Orapa-Letlhakane areas.
He said Botswana was planning to be a centre of excellence for mineral production and
processing. We want the whole world to know that whoever wants to extract minerals should learn something from Botswana, he said.
He also said countries such as Mozambique and Tanzania, Botswana could not run small mines because of sand cover. For instance, the mine discovered by De Beers in Tswapong, where there are diamond occurrences, is too small for operation but we need to deal with larger deposits, he said.
He said there has been an increased activity of copper/nickel mining at Selebi-Phikwe. Tibone stated that his ministry intended to export coal since 75 per cent of Botswana has
coal deposits, some under heavy sand cover. Concerning the Mmamabula project, the minister said it was of great interest as some oil companies such as BP had even shown interest in it. The challenge we are now facing is how long it will last if we dig it, he said.
By 2007, South Africa would no longer be able to supply electricity to Botswana given the
projected shortages in southern Africa. He lamented that instead of being an importer,
Botswana can develop a coal mine and build a power station and supply South Africa with
power. Because Mmamabula is nearer to South Africa, the connection from the power station
will be easier, he said. He said the power station project -- expected to start soon -- would be funded by the United States.
Since we are facing a shortage of electricity, we need to expand the capacity of Morupule Power Station so that when there is a deficiency, we are able to sustain ourselves, he said. Tibone said Botswana and South Africa were still negotiating the concerned project and that a memorandum of understanding had been drafted, of which South Africa was still vetting into their system.
Regarding the coal-bed methane gas found along Mmashoro-Mosolotshane areas, Tibone said the gas could help in diversifying the economy away from diamonds. Investigations have been done and they have confirmed that the gas can be used in cylinders, cars and for power generation, he said.
End Notes: 1) Tautona Times; 2) Sources of Information on the Central Kgalagadi Game Reserve
1) Tautona Times was launched in May 2003 as a means to communicate scheduling and additional matters to the media and other interested stakeholders. It now has a global e-circulation of several thousand and is freely available to any who wish to receive it. But, we have no wish to spam. Requests for cancellation will be promptly acted on, as will any complaints about such things as double mailings. For ease of downloading all e-mailed copies of TT are sent in plain text format WITHOUT ANY ATTACHMENTS.
Back issues of TT, as well as electronic copies of His Excellency the President's speeches as from May 2003, are available on request.
2) Those seeking online information on the settlement of Botswana citizen outside of the
Central Kgalagadi Game Reserve (CKGR) can browse For further information one can also contact the Director of the Public Relations, Research and Information Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mr. Cliff Maribe, at Tel: (267) 3600763 or e-mail: