by Okello Oculi
Executive Director
Cecil Rhodes, the notorious or glorious (depending on
which side of 19th and 20th Century history you
approve of) capitalist and empire monger after whom
Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) and Southern Rhodesia
(now Zimbabwe), were named, is quoted as having
expressed the following wish:
"Why should we not form a secret society with
but one object, the furtherance of the British
Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilized
world under British rule, for the recovery of the
United States, for making the Anglo-Saxon race
but one Empire".
Gavin Bell, a former correspondent of the BBC (who won
a seat in Parliament as an independent candidate in
the last British elections), claims that Rhodes
sounded out that dream in 1881 at the young age of
twenty three, and probably while gulping down chunks
of deer meat at the Kimberly Club at Kimberly in South
Africa, as thousands of black South Africans sweated
in digging for chrystalised carbon known popularly as
"diamonds". Rhodes's reference to reclaiming America
makes sense when it is remembered that American
colonies had carried out armed struggle and driven out
their British colonial rulers in 1776, 155 years
before Rhode's uttered his wish for a secret group of
angels of empire.
Cecil Rhodes's wish lives on in a project for which he
left money for Oxford University to prosecute under
which, each year, the most brilliant students in the
United States compete for 250 slots of "Rhodes
Scholars" to study at Oxford University in England for
two years as post-graduate students. A biographer of
former President Bill Clinton has claimed that his
group of Rhodes Scholars, who travelled to England on
a ship, had enough time to plot for one of them to one
day become the president of the United States, and the
others would form his cabinet. When Clinto's team
later lent election campaign technology to Tony Blair,
himself an Oxford graduate, there were probably
ancient echoes in their minds of Rhodes's dream of
those nurtured to promote the imperial unity of the
Anglo-Saxon empire working in unison.
The "secret society" agency proposed by Rhodes came to
my mind when, in April 2004, I went to eat millet
"ugali" in an outdoor joint near Lugogo Stadium in
Kampala. It was a late Saturday afternoon but the
place was packed with an animated crowd of customers
who mixed their beer with often rowdy television
watching.There was a televised match going on between
Arsenal and Manchester United, two teams in the
English football league.It was a familiar sight. I had
seen it in an elite club for businessmen, academics
and administrators in Zaria, a town in northern
Nigeria. I had seen it in the house the Governor of
Abia State in eastern Nigeria where the television
screen seemed to run from the floor to the roof as a
symbol of modernity and political power.
Television pictures of Japanese fans mobbing Beckham
as an idol who played for Manchester United (fondly
abbreviated as "Man U"), confirmed that the frontiers
of this British television football empire was indeed
transcontinental. I found myself marvelling at how
Britons (as an island people brought up on souls and
minds denied adequate sunlight for climatic
nutrition), are able (with the aid of information
technology) to weave so silent an empire of ruptuous
emotions out of fabrics invisible to the naked eye,
and other native minds and souls. Cecil Rhodes "secret
group" must be matching on.
There was a tinge of regret, laced with envy. in my
marvel. I recalled that I had once sold a simple idea
to Muktar Mbow when he was the Director General of
UNESCO. It went like this. Students in each university
in Africa would assume roles as Heads of State of
individual African countries and annually conduct
UNITY, OAU. These summits would have elements of drama
built into them so that audiences could be held down
to watch them. The best "performers" or simulators
from each university would also travel to Addis Ababa
Under this arrangement, the student who is President
of Kenya may come from Senegal; that of South Africa
may come from Cameroun and that of Algeria may come
from Namibia, etc.
Moukhtar Mbow liked the idea and urged me to get three
African countries to propose it as a "UNESCO Project",
meaning that they would give UNESCO's office in Geneva
some seed money for tending it. The late Professor
Ishaya Audu, Nigeria's foreign Minister in 1982, was
excited about it and refered us to work with one of
his ambassadors and put it out as a proposal that
could be presented to the Cabinet of President Shehu
Shagari for adoption into policy. My companion in the
team that went to meet the ambassador was Professor
Ibrahim Gambari, the current Undersecretary for
Political Affairs at the United Nations.It was a
mistake going with him. For reasons not openly stated,
but obviously related to struggles for succession to
the headship of Nigeria's Institute for International
Affairs, the ambassador was allergic to him. He
instantly terminated the meeting as soon as Gambari
uttered his name. For the furious ambassador,
Professor Gambari was merely seeking visibility with
top government leaders and beefing up his credentials
through being associated with the project. He was not
going to be a tool for such a careerist scheme.So, off
went support for our project.One year later, the
military overthrew the Shagari government and
Professor Audu was posted away to the United Nations
before being lured back and thrown into jail by
another military junta. We had counted on him making
approaches to the governments of Zambia and Tanzania
to come on board.
The crash of our grand pan-African educational vision
project against a vicious boulder of a local struggle
for bureaucratic power between Nigeria's elites,
taught the lesson of the need in Africa for the
equivalent of Cecil Rhodes's "secret society" of
angels of empire. That Pa-Africanism today needs such
angels is made more urgent both by the epidemic of the
best brains on the continent jumping into the "brain
drain" flood in a season of migration to Europe and
North America; and universities in Africa increasingly
being mainly local in their student populations. The
one undermines moments of dreaming big dreams to
redeem and reconstruct Africa, while the other blocks
out chances of nourishment from sunlight radiated from
larger transcontinental student landscapes found on
each campus.
Nigeria's elites have given such migration a new twist
in response to the education crisis in their country.
To avoid incessant closures of universities resulting
from academics going on strikes to fight for better
wages and better facililities, richer parents have
exported their children to universities in Ghana, and
Southern Africa. Makerere University also took in more
Kenyan undergraduates as parents avoided campus
strikes and political fights against President Moi's
politics. Perhaps a "secret society" of
pan-Africanists is still possible after all.
Yet the matter of young minds, in a "secret group"
that construct big dreams for Africa, remains an
urgent one. Garvin Bell, for example, came up with a
little personal dream of travelling by road in search
of little white communities in small outpost locations
across the harshes climatic backlands of the Northern
Cape, to get a hint of their views about the future
since the end of apartheid in South Africa. As I read
him, I kept hoping there are journalists out there in
West, East, Central and Southern Africa also
undertaking similar trips inorder to hug Africa, hug
Europe, hug China, hug India, hug Brazil, hug North
America so that, through their reporting back, we too
can hug the rawness of these places.
In 1970 we urged a group of Makerere students to trek
across Zaire (now DRC) from Arua in northern Uganda,
to Kinshasa, Lubumbashi, and back via Kigali in
Rwanda. The group went as far as Kisangani; met
President Obote attending a political rally staged by
Mobutu, and could not resist the flavours of fling
back with him to Entebbe via Kinshasa. An attempt at
building a generation of those who would think big in
aid of pan-Africanism was aborted. Since 1982 members
of a club interested in "International Studies" at
Ahmadu Bello University in northern Nigeria, travel
annually by road from Zaria to Monrovia and back.
One group made it to Egypt. They link up with campus
groups in these countries and hold discussions on
African affairs and the West African region. The
groups have not been very effective in getting press
coverage for these trips, but it is a fledgling
seedling with some promise.
After two decades dominated by decimations wreaked by
colonial victims of psychological damage (mainly
through inferiority complexes)-- from Uganda, Rwanda,
Burundi, the two Congos, Central African Republic,
Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone to Ethiopia, a
generation of young African minds pulverized by
resultant barbarisms, genocide, atavistic
vindictiveness, greed,despair and bewilderness at the
scale of their destructions, are in dire need of
curative and animating new visions and imagined
frontiers of pan-Africanism. Thinking big by
individuals, and a "secret group", is, clearly, the
task on the agenda.