Two scholars, historian Magbaily Fyle and political scientist Abdul Bangura disagree with Ayittey's comments on the Ambassador's positive remarks (Nos. 15 and 16)

"I wonder how Ayittey determines what is or is not a sober assessment. Are the views of international organizations about Africa more sober that those of other observers? It seems clear from the perceptions of particularly Africans who have taken careful glances at the interests and determination of these organizations that they are more concerned with painting a bleak picture of Africa and their prognostications and designs are calculated for least benefit to Africa, but with the greatest concern for the interest of those who control those organizations. Africa may not be in very good shape right now, but the impression that Africans are all dying because they earn less than a dollar a day is very far from the truth, that truth that Ayittey has no interest in. But how else can he tout those truths if he is to keep his comfortable position with being "respected" by such institutions and being called upon to testify on the Hill?"
Magbaily Fyle

"Obviously,  Ayittey does not understand Swedes. Losing a job is not something that would worry Ambassador Bo Goransson. Swedes are among the most frank people in this world. NO!  NO!  NO!  NO, Baba Mzuri Cutlass. Bo Goransson was not smoking anything. If he is guilty of anything, it would be the fact that he, like most Swedes, genuinely loves Afrika. He manifested his love for the Motherland even during our university days in Sweden.

What Bo states simply reflects the fact that no region in the world is without its foibles. Even the Scandinavian societies that always lead the world in terms of economic development, quality of life indices, peace, etc. have their own shortcomings.

The fundamental difference between Bo and you can be explained in terms of the proverbial glass analogy. While you see the glass half empty, or best yet completely empty, Bo sees the glass half full. Recall that he began his piece by acknowledging that problems exist on the Motherland and then goes on to tell us about the good things that have been taking place there. The last time I checked, that is what an objective and optimistic observer is supposed to do, no?

Like A Phoenix, Africa Shall Rise Again!!!  We must believe that, as the signs are beginning to emerge throughout the Motherland and in its Diaspora."
Abdul Bangura