Sadiq Manzan extends the dialogue on the editorial by the New York Times, posing new questions:
Prof. George Ayittey has once again posed a challenging question: How to Reform the (African) Vampire State and who should do it?
What is his answer? Very vague, unfortunately. All he says is that: "This reform cannot be dictated from the outside; it must come from WITHIN." He goes on to ask, rhetorically: "And where are Africa's intellectuals and scholars on this?"
I propose three possible answers:
First, we should strongly and persistently advocate for the establishment of a new African Union of democratic states, and keep the dictatorial states out of it. It can be done, and it should go with sanctions against the dictatorial states. This will help to transform the political landscape of Africa.
Second, African professionals (both at home and abroad) should speak out loudly against the Vampire States and invest their resources in the democratic ones. We need more and more viable democratic states in Africa.
Third, Pan-Africanists must establish a fund that can be used to support those who are struggling for democratic transitions within Vampire States.
I know some will dismiss me as a dreamer. If so, I plead guilty and can only add that: No one has ever achieved anything without a dream. And, if we must have others to make our dream come true, then it means we have no dream at all.