Ann-Louise Colgan
Director for Policy Analysis & Communications
Africa Action
1634 Eye Street NW, #810
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: 202-546 7961 *
This open letter to the President highlights the urgency of the
ongoing genocide in Darfur, and calls for immediate U.S. action
through the United Nations to strengthen the mandate of the African
Union (AU) force on the ground and to augment the AU mission with an
international intervention force to protect the people of Darfur.
This is a leadership letter, for which we are seeking endorsement
from organizations and prominent individuals. If your organization
can sign on, we would like to list both the organization's name and
the name of its Executive Director or President. Where it is not
possible for your organization to sign on for reasons of procedure or
time, we would like to invite you to sign on in your individual
capacity, and your affiliation could be listed for identification
purposes only.
The closing date for endorsements is Friday, May 20. On Tuesday, May
24, [all] original signatories of this letter will host a major media
briefing to release the letter and full list of signatories.
Please let me know if you can sign on to this initiative, and thank
you for your consideration and support. If you can help us gather
additional sign-ons, these will be much appreciated too!
Many thanks and best regards,
Ann-Louise Colgan
Africa Action
Dear President Bush,
In September 2004, your Administration rightfully recognized that the
crisis in Darfur constitutes genocide. Yet the U.S. has failed to
respond to this genocide with the urgency that is required. As the
death toll in Darfur continues to mount, it is clear that nothing
short of international intervention can protect the people of Darfur.
We call on you to assert U.S. leadership to ensure such an
international intervention takes place as a matter of the greatest
Up to 400,000 people have lost their lives in Darfur since the
government-sponsored genocide began in 2003. More than 2.5 million
people have been displaced, their livelihoods and villages destroyed
by government forces and their proxy militias, and many thousands of
women and girls have been raped by these forces. Recent reports
confirm that the government-sponsored violence continues in Darfur,
and that the security situation is deteriorating. The humanitarian
crisis that forms part of the genocide is escalating, as the
government of Sudan continues to obstruct humanitarian operations,
creating famine conditions for millions of vulnerable people.
Mr. President, our most important priority must be providing
protection to the people of Darfur. The African Union (AU) has shown
important leadership, and its mission in Darfur is doing what it can
on the ground in the face of growing insecurity. But the AU cannot
address this crisis alone, and nor should it have to. Genocide is an
international crime, a crime against humanity, and it requires an
international response.
Unless there is an urgent international intervention in Darfur, up to
a million people may be dead by the end of this year. An
international intervention is essential to support the AU's efforts,
and can achieve four critical purposes: (1) stop the killing and
provide security for millions of internally displaced people (IDPs);
(2) facilitate the urgent delivery of humanitarian assistance; (3)
enforce the cease fire and provide a stable environment for
meaningful peace talks to proceed; and (4) facilitate the voluntary
return of IDPs to their land and the reconstruction of their homes by
providing a secure environment.
The U.S. is to date the only government that has rightfully
recognized that genocide is taking place in Darfur. We urge you to
immediately take the following steps to support an urgent
international intervention to stop genocide in Darfur:
First, the U.S. must assert leadership at the United Nations (UN) by
circulating a resolution calling for a stronger civilian protection
mandate for the African Union mission and for a broader international
force under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter.
Second, the U.S. must encourage the UN to quickly approve and
assemble a robust international force, under Chapter 7 of the UN
Charter, to integrate or co-deploy with the African Union and
reinforce its efforts. Such a force can be assembled with troop
contributions and financial & logistical support from additional
countries within and outside the African continent.
Mr. President, genocide is a unique crime and it requires a unique
and urgent response. We can still save thousands of lives in Darfur
if we act now. We look to you to provide strong leadership to stop
the genocide in Darfur by supporting an international intervention
force to protect the people of Darfur as a critical first step to
bringing peace and stability to this troubled region.
Original Signatories:
Salih Booker
Africa Action
Ruth Messinger
American Jewish World Service
Nina Bang-Jensen
Coalition for International Justice
Elnour Adam
Darfur Rehabilitation Project
Emira Woods
Foreign Policy in Focus
Mark Hanis
Genocide Intervention Fund
John Heffernan
Physicians for Human Rights
David Rubenstein
Save Darfur Coalition
Eric Reeves
Smith College*
Bill Fletcher, Jr.
TransAfrica Forum
*Affiliation listed for identification purposes only