Chika Onyeani
I am really appalled at the current nauseating odor of crab mentality that
has seeped into the discussion on the merits and demerits of how to solve
Africa's problems, especially on the question of the huge debt owed
by Africa and
the new "crusade" by members of the G8 nations to alleviate the debt burden.
This type of odiferousness is the kind of foul air you inhale in 90 degree
weather in the midst of women who have bleached themselves to Michael Jackson's
skin color. It is repugnant especially coming from so-called 'christian' men,
but what do you expect from Africans with p.h.ds (permanent heads damage)? The
naked exhibition of jealousy is rather despicable.
We continue to witness daily the devastating effects of insidious games of
crab mentality. Have you ever seen crabs which have been caught and put either
in a basket or basin? For Chrissake, they all know that they are going to die
or be eaten. But what do they do when one tries to get out of this death
trap? The others would carefully watch it try to escape and just at the point
when it is about to scale the top, they quickly grab his last leg and pull him
back in. They would tell him, listen my friend, you cannot get out. You have
to perish here with us.
I consider it tragic when an individual departs from an rather good analysis
of the issue of Africa's debt, and delves into myopic personal vendetta,
thereby rendering their argument incongruous and inconsequential. I
am driven to
puke when I read a crap like this, "Some of these voices are individuals who
regal themselves strutting themselves within the halls of Western parliaments
shouting Armageddon, and hauling brimstones upon any viable concept capable of
paving the way for the future of growth and
achievement. Preoccupied by their own sense of self-worth, they valorize
ideas and ideals that are troubling and fixated on the thesis that
past failures
do not open new vista for future possibilities and growth." Was this really
necessary, that's the question?
The Rev. Dr. Agbali made some great observations, and I commend him for
recognizing the resilience of the African. It is precisely this
resilience that
there is a cadre of Africans who believe that we need to harness it, and reject
the perception of Africa as a groveling continent, incapable of governing
itself. Don't get me wrong. I am totally in support of debt
recollection but not"debt relief" or "debt forgiveness." You are correct to ask what is the
difference? Debt recollection is the cancellation of the debt owed by African
countries based on a admission by the West that they made dubious loans to
African despots, who would not have registered on the one percentile
of their scale
of good credit risks. They made these loans with ulterior motives, e.g.
support for the Western ideals of governance against that of the former Soviet
Union. Debt Relief and Debt Forgiveness on the other hand is that of
the notion of a impoverished Africa begging at the mercy of its knights in
shining armor. It is dehumanizing and we should recognize it for
what it is. I
believe I cautioned African leaders to be aware of Tony Blair in my earlier
article "Tony Blair's Trojan Horse to Africa."
What's is so disturbing is that we cheerfully and enthusiastically accept
these Trojan horses to our eternal damnation. First it was the "Scramble for
Africa," to "civilize" the natives, but look at what it got us. We should be
tired of these "Live Aids" for Africa every decade. Bet you, in 2015
there will
be another "Live Aid" for Africa, just as there is going to be a "Million More
March" after ten years of nothing accomplished from the first one. Who's
really fooling who?
In conclusion, let's purge ourselves of this nauseating and odiferous
syndrome of crab mentality, and its accompanying phd. If you have an idea you
believe in, argue it forcefully either in a book form or series of
articles. Peddle
your book to the same fronts that the other individual is strutting around.
That's competition. As I have always believed, it is the survival of the
fittest. The winner always carries the spoils of war. Let's not be
groveling at
our own inability to reach the same pinnacle as our brother or sister. Maybe
it is not in our stars, yet!!
Chika Onyeani