Ghanaian Selfishness on the Rawlings' Debate
By Chika Onyeani
When I rushed to post the article from the former Ghanaian President Jerry
Rawlings on the just ended G8 summit in Gleneagles, England, which he had
written for the Guardian, UK newspaper, I thought Africans would take this
opportunity presented by a former Head of State to debate the merits
or demerits of the
G8 debt relief for Africa. In fact, I was expecting my friend, George
Ayittey, who was a invitee to the Summit, albeit a shadow summit, to
be the first to
chime in on Rawlings' observations. Sadly, what has happened has been the
seizure of this topic by Ghanaians to air their various grievances in
or support for Rawlings during the 19 years he was in power in Ghana. The
essence of the discourse, that's the G8 Africa policy vis-a-vis the debt relief
has totally been ignored. Mind you, I have no problem with the discussion
that is going on right now, but I have a problem of throwing out the dirty bath
water with the child.
What the discussion has shown is the truth of the adage that the grass is
always greener on the other side of the fence. I see Nigerians' admiration for
Rawlings, and many of the Ghanaians saying, good riddance, you can have him.
Any African with his head screwed right must necessarily find repugnance with
any government that comes into office through a military coup d'etat. And
Jerry Rawlings' was one of the most vicious and brutal military coups d'etat in
the history of Africa. I know I might be opening a Pandora's box here, but
nevertheless the reason most Africans may not be overtly angry or critical of
Jerry Rawlings is what they perceive, inspite of his violent nature, to have
achieved for Ghana, a la the great Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, especially
as an country
not torn by ethnic strife and if it is, not on the scale of what is happening
in other African countries.
There are those who will say that what is happening today in Ghana is as a
result of the last four and a half years of the Kufuor administration, which
will be doing injustice to Ghanaians who fought vehemently in opposition to
Rawlings' administration. I see a contradiction with the first
person to throw the
first salvo, Dr. Akurang-Parry's rebuttal of Rawlings post. Here's what he
said, "Today, Rawlings is a globe-trotter whose political theatrics and
demagoguery are treasured by Western institutions and their
governments as if they
are not aware of his sanguinary despotism. These are the same Western
institutions and governments that are calling for good governance in
Africa. For more
than twenty years, Jerry Rawlings has magisterially echoed some political
catch-words, two of which are "accountability and transparency." He used such
ideological catch-phrases to dupe peace-loving Ghanaians for 19
years. Indeed, the
rabble-rousing Rawlings has not demonstrated these politically magnetic
catch-words in his private or public life. Today, Rawlings is no
longer the poor
soldier who could not afford one meal per day. He owns a fleet of fancy cars,
boats, and can afford to educate his four children in British
universities after
his regime had undermined Ghana's stellar educational system."
In other words, Rawlings not only duped Ghanaians but as well as leaders of
the western institutions and governments that worked with him to restructure
Ghana's debt or grant loans to the country. Without even touching on Rawlings
using "such chatch-prases to dupe peace-loving Ghanaians for 19 years," are we
then to believe that Rawlings was able to also dupe these western institutions
or governments? On what basis was he able to do this? Was it on the basis
of the natural resources that Ghana possesses, which would have led these
institutions and governments to look the other way? Impossible, that's not how
these people work. There must be something in it for them. Of course, this is
far from being in defence of Rawlings actions.
Rawlings, like most of his African leadership colleagues then and now,
believe that the press is an enemy, throwing journalists into jail at
the slightest,
anticipated, or even without provocation. Hence, I have been amused and
angered at the same time by the harangue of criticism by former
African presidents
about how the western media treats African issues. I chuckle to myself, good
for you, if it were in Africa the journalists who dared to write such
objective, albeit critical, articles about Africa, would all have
been in jail. But
Rawlings did change in that he allowed private radio stations to be
established in the country, many of which advocated the views of the
opposition, leading
to the transparent and equally free and fair elections which ushered in the
Kufuor administration. Again, nobody has accused Rawlings of overt corruption,
of having millions deposited in bank accounts around the world.
If our Christian brothers/sisters are to be believed, the Kingdom of Heaven
is not only for those who from the day they are born are righteous, but as well
as for those who at the last minute confess to their sins and try to change
their ways. Otherwise, what would we make of the carnal excesses of Catholic
priests!! With the exception of South Africa, there is no other country south
of the Sahara that businessmen/women are trooping to other than Ghana, and I
would disagree with anybody who would want to convince me that this started in
the last five years. That would be an insult to my intelligence and the fact
that I try to know what is going on. As one of Nigeria's acclaimed
journalists, Reuben Abati, has noted, a lot of things do work in
Ghana - you are not
confronted by armed robbers every minute of the day, you are not
confronted with
corrupt policemen who have not been paid for months for bribe money, at the
airport you are not confronted with touts. These little things and the gentle
nature of the Ghanaians are what are driving Ghanaians abroad to return home
without fear of being killed. To me that is a great accomplishment, and it
should be applauded even for those who wish to deny that it started in the
Rawlings era.
I am sorry that it seems that I am being drawn into the quagmire of this
Ghanaian debate, but the reason I decided to contribute this my two
cents, is that
we must not allow the Ghanaians' selfishness, as exhibited in their
contributions, to take away the essence of the G8 debate. I especially wish to
re-direct us to what Rawlings wrote, which is that "Responsible
African governments
have endeavoured to keep up their debt obligations and have at times been
paying out a lot more than they receive. Therefore even selective debt
cancellation is welcome. The debt-relief debate has, however,
engendered the false
impression - dangerous for Africa's development prospects - that the
G8 concession
means access to more foreign, and free, funds for national development.
The reality is that no funds are coming from external sources. Debt
cancellation means the removal of the obligation to transfer
financial resources to the
creditor. This belief might lead to an unfortunate situation in which
governments abdicate responsibility
for sustainable economic development, assuming that debt cancellation is a
panacea for their country's problems."
I believe that this is the kind of advice that those countries which are
receiving debt relief should understand, especially since Rawlings went on to
advocate what these excess funds (non-utilised interests on loans)
should be used
for, including "empowerment, education, and the provision of power and clean
water - enabling our people to work and to live in conditions of human dignity
and hope."
Moreover, this debt relief, as Rawlings rightly observed would be meaningless
if, on the other hand, the western governments continue to employ
indiscriminate farm and other kinds of subsidies to dump their
products into Africa and
kill African industries.
I am elated at the present situation whereby former African leaders are
coming together in service for the continent. It should be an object
lesson to the
present ruling leaders that there is a better life, which I say with tongue i
n cheek, after their presidency - Diouf in Senegal, Konare in Mali, arap Moi
in Ethiopia, Aboubakar in Nigeria, and others. There is nothing more
empowering than knowing that after your term of office, your advice
will still be
sought, and we are seeing the dwindling of the