Number of Governments by Type, 1942 - Current Era

Year US. Gov State Govs Local Governments Grand Total
County Municipal Township
and Town
School District Special District Local Total
1942 1 48 3,050 1,620 18,919 108,579 8,299 155,067 155,116
1952* 1 48 3,052 16,807 17,202 67,355 12,340 116,756 116,807
1957* 1 48 3,050 17,215 17,198 50.454 14,424 102,341 102,392
1962 1 50 3.043 18,000 17,142 34,678 18,323 91,186 91,237
1967 1 50 3,049 18,048 17,105 21,782 21,264 81,248 81,299
1972 1 50 3,044 18,517 16,991 15,781 23,885 78,218 78,269
1977 1 50 3,042 18,862 16,822 15,174 25,962 79,862 79,913
1982 1 50 3,041 19,076 16,734 14,851 28,078 81,780 81,831
1987 1 50 3,042 19,200 16,691 14,721 29,532 83,186 83,237
1992 1 50 3,043 19,279 16,656 14,422 31,555 84,955 85,006
1997 1 50 3,043 19,372 16,629 13,726 34,683 87,453 87,504
2002 1 50 3,034 19,429 16,504 13,506 35,502 87,525 87,576

View Source
U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2004-2005.

Footnote: Adjusted to include units in Alaska and Hawaii which adopted statehood in 1959.