The Dürrnberg is located across the Salzach river from the modern city of Hallein in
the northern Alps. Like Hallstatt, the Dürrnberg derived its prosperity from salt mining ,
processing and trading. We see here only two important bronze flagons from two of the many
graves excavated and published in exemplary fashion by Penninger
1972, Moosleitner et al.
1974, Pauli 1978,
Fischer 1984, and
Moosleitner 1987.
The Dürrnberg area seen from the south: Hallein on the right, the Moserstein with cemeteries at center.
II. Tombs 44/2 and 112 with Flagons
Hallein Tomb 44/2: Reconstruction of lower burial in Hallein Tomb 44 as displayed in open-air museum, Dürrnberg.
after Mohen 1987, fig.303
Drawing of lower burial in Tomb 44 as excavated in 1956.
The skeleton lay with the head to the west on a two-wheeled chariot; the wagon-box measured ca. 110 x 130 cm. The large bronze situla to the north contained a black-glaze Attic kylix. The knife to the east rested on animal bones; it was of iron, and has not survived.
Bronze attachments of flagon
The vessel itself was made of perishable material, perhaps wood or leather; only the
bronze attachments have survived. They were found in Hallein grave 44/2, a male chariot
burial, and date to ca. 400-350 B.C.E. (Early La Tène).
Note the distinctive Celtic Triskele shape -- a three-legged whirligig pattern.
Height of head: ca. 8.3 cm.
Hallein: Keltenmuseum.
Hallein tomb 112: This tomb was badly distrurbed; most items of value had been removed and even the
pottery was damaged when the tomb was excavated by the amateur Klose in 1932. The stone
packing around the chamber, the flagon, the preserved remains of iron hardware from a
two-wheeled chariot and an iron knife are all that remain. The tomb has, of course, been
interpreted as that of a male warrior -- however, in the absence of a skeleton and
weapons, there is no evidence favoring either sex. The startling new find of a similar
flagon at the Glauberg in Germany provides an
interesting comparandum.
Detail of top part of bronze flagon.
Side view of ribbed bronze flagon.
From Hallein tomb 112.
Height: 45.8 cm.
La Tène A (late 5th century B.C.E.)
Detail view of base of handle.
Detail side view of head and openwork at base of handle.