Gold Torc
Bronze "Torc"
27 cm Dia.; traces of leather wrapping found on abdomen
Bracelets of stone (lignite)
8.7 cm max. Dia.
three found on each wrist
Bronze Anklets
109 g each. 13 cm Dia.
Amber and Stone Beads
7 Amber: from 4.6 cm Dia. to 1.7 cm Dia.
4 Stone: ca. 4 cm Dia.
found scattered in breast-height
Bronze Bracelet with Amber Beads
one found on each wrist
After Joffroy, 1979
Iron Fibula
6a in pl. XVI, below
4.5 cm H.
Iron & Gold Fibula
6b below
2.3 cm pres. H.
spiral, needle and foot missing.
Bronze, Coral & Amber Fibulae
6f below
2.4 and 3.1 cm H.
found in pairs
Selected Jewelry
top: bracelets of stone & amber
4 stone donuts
iron, bronze, amber, coral fibulae
bottom: amber beads
After Joffroy 1979, pl. XVI
Joffroy's drawings of fibulae
1: 6e (reconstructed), bronze, amber, coral
2: 6f, bronze, amber, coral
3: 6d, (reconstructed), bronze
4: 6b, iron and gold
5: 6a, iron
6: 6d, bronze
After Joffroy
Date: late 6th to early 5th C. (ca. 500). B.C.E.
Musée de Châtillon-sur-Seine