漢字とかなを使って答えなさい (When the cue word contains kanji, then use the kanji in your answer. 文の終わりはプレインフォーム(plain form)を使いなさい。-- An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese Ch4.
[to win (a game)=かつ]
[to lose (a game)=まける]
it does not mean that I don't study at all
ate too much
started to ...
more than... (use Kanji)
looks like
it does not mean that I do...
will continue to...
...is very feminine
got by without doing...(use Kanji)
too long (in Kanji)
have become used to...
...runs fast like...
less than...(use Kanji)
little by little
Not be accustomed to