習った漢字を使って答えなさい 。 文の終わりはプレインフォーム(plain form)を使いなさい。-- An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese Ch 5.
[in order to...]
[We were forced to read a difficult newspaper article by our teacher: a short form if available]
[I was made by my father to wash his car: a short form if available]
[...so that...]
[I was forced to eat: a short form if available]
[without sleeping (used in classical JPN)]
[even Japanese]
[according to...]
[so that]
[Even if one eats]
[made into a movie]
[according to ...]
[for the purpose of …]
[I was forced to...]
[In Alaska, schools will not be closed even if it snows.]
[did things like cooking and watching TV.]