ぱちんこ: Japanese pinball game
てきぱきと: in a businesslike manner
ぴくぴくする: to twitch
てんぷら: tempura
ちんぷんかんぷん: mumbo jumbo, incoherent
ぺこぺこする: bow and scrape
かんぺき: allness
ぽんこつ: a piece of junk
かんぽう: traditional Chinese medicine
ばか: fool, stupid
かば: hippopotamus
びよういん: beauty parlor
かび: mold
ぶんぽう: grammar
しぶしぶ: with great reluctance
べんとう: boxed lunch
しらべる: to investigate
ぼく: I (used by male)
えくぼ: dimples on one's cheeks
だるい: feel sluggish
あいだ: last name, between
はなぢ: nose bleeding
まぢか: up close
つづく: to continue
かなづち: hammer
でま: false rumor
かえで: maple
どろぼう: thief, burglar
まど: window
ざつだん: chitchat
かざん: volcano
じまん: self-praise
かんじ: kanji
ずつう: headache
あんず: apricot
ぜいたく: luxury
かんぜい: customs duty
ぞう: elephant、statue
かんぞう: liver
がっこう: school
わたがし: cotton candy
ぎかい: assembly
かいぎ: conference
ぐち: complaint
どうぐ: equipment
げんじつ: the facts of life
いんげん: pinto bean
ごはん: meal, rice
げんご: language
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