
ようこそ I Chapter 1-1 Kanji compound reading quiz (日〜二)
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Type the reading of the Kanji compounds in Hiragana (and in Katakana where appropriate).

1.   日本   Japan

2.   日よう日   Sunday

3.   学生   student

4.   学ねん   academic year

5.   学こう   school

6.   二月生まれ   one who was born in February

7.   名し   name card

8.   名まえ   name

9.   学年   academic year

10.   何ご   what language

11.   何ですか   what is it

12.   何年生   what year student

13.   月よう日   Monday

14.   何月生まれ   What month were you born in?

15.   一月   January

16.   日本人   a Japanese person

17.   アメリカ人   an American

18.   この人   this person

19.   一年生   1st year student

20.   一さい   one year old

21.   二月   February

22.   二年生   2nd year student