
ようこそ I Chapter 1-2 Kanji compound reading quiz (三〜大)
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Type the reading of the Kanji compounds in Hiragana (and in Katakana where appropriate).

1.   三月   March

2.   三年生   3rd year student

3.   四月   April

4.   四年生   4th year student

5.   四さい   four years old

6.   五月   May

7.   五さい   five years old

8.   六月   June

9.   六さい   six years old

10.   六かい   sixth floor

11.   七月   July

12.   七さい   seven years old

13.   八月   August

14.   八さい   eight years old

15.   八かい   eighth floor

16.   九月   September

17.   九さい   nine years old

18.   九じ   9:00

19.   十月   October

20.   十かい   tenth floor

21.   三百   three hundred

22.   六百   six hundred

23.   八百   eight hundred

24.   先生   teacher

25.   話します   (will) speak

26.   日本語   Japanese language

27.   えい語   English Language

28.   スペイン語   Spanish language

29.   何語   what language

30.   大学   university

31.   大すきです   I like it very much

32.   大きい   big