
ようこそ I Chapter 2-2 Kanji compound reading quiz (中〜有)
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Type the reading of the Kanji compounds in Hiragana (and in Katakana where appropriate).

1.   中ごく   China

2.   中   inside

3.   一日中   all day

4.   田中さん   Mr./Mrs. Tanaka

5.   レストランの外   outside the restaurant

6.   名前   name

7.   大学の前   in front of the university

8.   ご前   A.M.

9.   たてものの後ろ   behind the building

10.   ご後   P.M.

11.   一時間   one hour

12.   山田さん   Mr./Mrs. Yamada

13.   山本さん   Mr./ Mrs. Yamamoto

14.   何時ですか   What time is it?

15.   時々   sometimes

16.   山口さん   Mr./Mrs. Yamaguchi

17.   人口   population

18.   三千   three thousand

19.   二千二百万   twenty two million

20.   一万   ten thousand

21.   あの方   that person (polite)

22.   近い   close

23.   近じょ   neighborhood

24.   遠い   far

25.   有名な人   famous person