
Meanings in English

a. various things

b. Japanese clothes

c. clerk of a department store

d. What color is it?

e. western-type clothes

f. black bag

g. brown

h. red sweater

i. blue sky

j. yellow shoes

k. white dress

l. I (will) return the shoes to the store

m. returned goods

n. flower arrangement

o. butcher shop

p. flower shop

q. liquor store

r. bookstore

s. fish store

t. dark color

u. The room is dark










ようこそ I Chapter 7-2 Kanji compound reading quiz (員〜暗)

Type the reading of each Kanji compound in Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate) in the box to the right of it, and then choose the correct English equivalent from the left column and enter the letter (lower case) in the box to the right of the word "English."

1.   デパートの店員       English
2.   何色ですか       English
3.   茶色       English
4.   色々な物       English
5.   黒いかばん       English
6.   白いドレス       English
7.   青い空       English
8.   赤いセーター       English
9.   黄色いくつ       English
10.   洋服       English
11.   和服       English
12.   店にくつを返す       English
13.   返品       English
14.   花屋       English
15.   生け花       English
16.   肉屋       English
17.   魚屋       English
18.   本屋       English
19.   酒屋       English
20.   暗い色       English
21.   部屋が暗いです       English