
Meanings in English

a. bedroom

b. vacant room

c. guest room

d. to wash your hands

e. bathroom

f. restroom, toilet

g. Western style room

h. washing machine

i. to build a house

j. to assist; help

k. laundry

l. building

m. Japanese style room

n. washstand

o. friend

p. rental house

q. two story house

r. living room

s. Western style room

t. room

u. to lend

v. to borrow

w. rental tenant

x. kitchen

y. Japanese style room

z. to place a book on top of this

aa. storage room

bb. peaceful park

cc. convenient house

dd. real estate agency

ee. household matters

ff. inconvenient house

gg. landlord

hh. microwave

ii. garden








ようこそ II Chapter 2-3/4 Kanji compound reading quiz (室ー不)

Type the reading of each Kanji compound in Hiragana in the box to the right of it, and then choose the correct English equivalent from the left column and enter the letter (lower case) in the box to the right of the word "English."

1.   和室       English
2.   洋室       English
3.   客室       English
4.   しん室       English
5.   よく室       English
6.   空室       English
7.   手伝う       English
8.   手を洗う       English
9.   お手洗い       English
10.   洗めん所       English
11.   洗たくき       English
12.   洗たく物       English
13.   家を建てる       English
14.   二階建て       English
15.   建物       English
16.   友だち       English
17.   貸す       English
18.   貸家       English
19.   部屋       English
20.   茶の間       English
21.   日本間       English
22.   洋間       English
23.   台所       English
24.   借りる       English
25.   借家人       English
26.   この上に本を置く       English
27.   物置       English
28.   静かな公園       English
29.   庭       English
30.   便利な家       English
31.   不便な家       English
32.   不動さん屋       English
33.   家事       English
34.   大家さん       English
35.   家主       English
36.   電子レンジ:     レンジ      English