Additional pairs |
verbs |
verbs |
[C2] 伝える(つたえる)to convey, to report, to transmit |
[C1] 伝わる(つたわる)be conveyed; be passed along |
[C2] 集める(あつめる)to gather (things/people) |
[C1] 集まる(あつまる)to congregate
[C2] 見つける to find |
[C1] 見つかる to be found |
[C1] 残す(のこす)to leave behind |
[C1] 残る(のこる)to be left, to remain |
[C2] 並べる(ならべる)to line (things) up |
[C1] 並ぶ(ならぶ)to get in line |
[C1] 寝かす(ねかす)to put to bed |
[C2] 寝る(ねる)to go to bed, to sleep |
[C1] 切る(きる)to cut |
[C2] 切れる(きれる)to be cut |
[C2] 写す(うつす)to film, to picture, to photograph |
[C1] 写る(うつる)to be photographed, to be projected |
[C2] 映す(うつす)to project, to reflect, to cast |
[C1] 映る(うつる)to be reflected, to harmonize with |
[C2] 決める(きめる)to decide, to choose, to determine |
[C1] 決まる(きめる)to be decided, to be settled |
[C2] 育てる(そだてる)to raise, to rear, to bring up |
[C1] 育つ(そだつ)to grow (up)
, to be raised (e.g. child) |
[C2] 立てる to put up, to set up, to erect, to raise
[C1] 立つ to stand, to rise, to stand up |
[C2] 建てる(たてる)to build, to construct |
[C1] 建つ(たつ)to be erected, to be built |
[C2] 続ける(つづける)to continue, to keep up |
[C1] 続く(つづく)to be continued, to last, to go on |
[C2] 泊める(とめる)to give shelter, to lodge |
[C1] 泊まる(とまる)to stay at (e.g. hotel) |
[C2] 治す(なおす)to cure, to heal |
[C1] 治る(なおる)to be cured, to get well, to be healed |
[C2] 無くす(なくす)to lose something, to get rid of |
[C1] 無くなる(なくなる)be [get] lost, be missing |
[C2] 沸かす(わかす)to boil, to heat |
[C1] 沸く(わく)to grow hot(e.g. water), to be boiled |
[C2] 渡す(わたす)to hand [turn] over, to build (a bridge) over |
[C1] 渡る(わたる)to cross over, to go across |
[C2] 揚げる(あげる)to fry, to cook |
[C1] 揚がる(あがる)to be deep fried |
[C2] 飛ばす(とばす)to fly (something), to launch |
[C2] 飛ぶ(とぶ)to fly |
[C2] 温める(あたためる)to warm, to heat |
[C1] 温まる(あたたまる)to become warm, to get warm: |
[C2] 薄める(うすめる)to dilute, to water down |
[C1] 薄まる(うすめる)to become weak, o become diluted |
[C2] 移す(うつす)to move from one setting or context to another |
[C1] 移る(うつる)to move《to a place, into a house》, to transfer to... |
[C2] 埋める(うめる)to bury (e.g. in the ground) |
[C1] 埋まる(うまる)to be buried, to be surrounded |
[C2] 売り切る to sell out, to sell off |
[C1] 売り切れる to be sold out |
[C2] 起こす(おこす)to set up, to cause |
[C1] 起こる(おこる)to occur, to happen |
[C2] 驚かす(おどろかす)to surprise (someone), to frighten (someone) |
[C1] 驚く(おどろく)to be surprised, to be astonished |
[C2] 降ろす(おろす)to take down (e.g. flag), to let (a person) off |
[C1] 降りる(おりる)to descend (e.g. a mountain), to get off |
[C2] 帰す to send (someone) back |
[C1] 帰る to return, to come home, to go home |
[C2] 重ねる(かさねる)to pile up, to put something on top of something else |
[C1] 重なる(かさなる)to be piled up, to lie on top of one another |
[C2] 片付ける(かたづける)to tidy up, to put in order |
[C1] 片付く(かたづく)be in (good) order, be tidy |
[C2] 被せる(かぶせる)to cover (with something) |
[C1] 被る(かぶる)to put/wear on (one’s head) |
[C2] 代える(かえる)to replace |
[C1] 代わる(かわる)take somebody's place, replace somebody |
[C2] 切る to cut, to cut through |
[C1] 切れる to break, to snap, to be cut, to be disconnected |
[C2] 崩す(くずす)to destroy, to demolish |
[C1] 崩れる(くずれる)to collapse, to crumble |
[C2] 砕く(くだく)to break, to smash |
[C1] 砕ける(くだける)to be broken (into pieces) |
[C2] 加える(くわえる)to add, to add up, to sum up |
[C1] 加わる(くわわる)to be added to, to be appended |
[C2] 転がす(ころがす)to roll (something) |
[C1] 転がる(ころがる)to roll over
, to tumble |
[C2] 裂く(さく)to tear, to rip up |
[C1] 裂ける(さける)to split, to tear, to burst |
[C2] 刺す(さす)to pierce, to stab, to prick |
[C1] 刺さる(ささる)be stuck |
[C2] 覚ます(さます)to awaken |
[C1] 覚める(さめる)to wake, to be awaken |
[C2] 従える(したがえる)to be accompanied by |
[C1] 従う(したがう)to abide (by the rules), to obey |
[C2] 湿らす(しめらす)to make moist |
[C1] 湿る(しめる)to become wet; to be damp, to be moist
[C2] 進める(すすめる)to advance, to promote, to haste |
[C1] 進む(すすむ)to advance, to go forward |
[C2] ずらす to shift (something), to slide (something) |
[C1] ずれる to slide, to slip off, be shifted |
[C2] 揃える(そろえる)to collect, to gather, to get together |
[C1] 揃う(そろう)to become complete |
[C2] 倒す(たおす)to throw, to bring down |
[C1] 倒れる(たおれる)to fall, to aollapse, to fall |
[C2] 炊く(たく)to cook (grains, e.g. rice) |
[C1] 炊ける(たける)to be boiled, to be cooked |
[C2] 助ける(たすける)to help, to save, to rescue |
[C1] 助かる(たすかる)to be saved, to be rescued |
[C2] 溜める(ためる)to amass, to accumulate |
[C1] 溜まる(ためる) be accumulated, be piled up |
[C2] 近づける(つかづける)to bring near, to put close |
[C1] 近づく(ちかづく)to approach, to draw near |
[C2] 縮める(ちぢめる)to shorten, to reduce |
[C1] 縮まる(ちぢまる)to shorten, to narrow, to close |
[C2] 縮める(ちぢめる) to shorten, to reduce |
[C1] 縮む(ちぢむ)to shrink, to contract, to diminish |
[C2] 散らかす(ちらかす)to scatter around, to leave untidy |
[C1] 散らかる(ちらかる)to be in disorder, to lie scattered |
[C2] 捕まえる(つかまえる)to catch, to arrest, to seize |
[C1] 捕まる(つかまる)to be caught, to be arrested |
[C2] 浸ける(つける)to soak, to dip in |
[C1] 浸かる(つかる)to be soaked
, to be well seasoned |
[C2] 繋ぐ(つなげる)to tie, to connect |
[C1] 繋がる(つながる)to be tied together, to be connected |
[C2] 繋げる(つなげる)to tie, to fasten, to connect |
[C1] 繋がる(つながる)to be tied together, to be connected |
[C2] 潰す(つぶす)to smash, to crush |
[C1] 潰れる(つぶれる)to be crushed, to be smashed |
[C2] 詰める(つめる)to stuff into, to jam, to cram |
[C1] 詰まる(つまる)be blocked, be stuffed (up) |
[C2] 通す(とおす)to stick through, to force through |
[C1] 通る(とおる)to go by, to go past, to go along |
[C2] 退かす(どかす)to remove |
[C1] 退く(しりぞく)to withdraw, to retire |
[C2] 退ける(しりぞける)to put something out of the way |
[C1] 退く(しりぞく)to withdraw, to retire |
[C2] 溶かす(とかす)to melt, to dissolve |
[C1] 溶ける(とける)be dissolved, be melted |
[C2] 届ける(とどける)to deliver, to send |
[C1] 届く(とどく)to reach, to be delivered |
[C2] 留める(とどめる)to stop, to turn off |
[C1] 留まる(とどまる)to stop (moving), to stay |
[C2] 流す(ながす)to drain, to pour, to spill, to shed |
[C1] 流れる(ながれる)to stream, to flow (liquid, time, etc.) |
[C2] 鳴らす(ならす)to ring, to sound, to chime |
[C1] 鳴る(なる)rings |
[C2] 煮る(にる)to boil, to simmer, to stew |
[C1] 煮える(にえる)be boiled, be cooked |
[C2] 逃がす(にがす)to let somebody escape |
[C1] 逃げる(にげる)to escape, to run away |
[C2] 抜く(ぬく)to extract, to omit, to draw out |
[C1] 抜ける(ぬける)to come out, to fall out, to be omitted |
[C2] 残す(のこす)to leave (behind, over) |
[C1] 残る(のこる)to remain, to be left |
[C2] 伸ばす(のばす)to stretch, to extend, to lengthen |
[C1] 伸びる(のびる)to grow long (e.g. hair, nails) |
[C2] 延ばす(おばす)to grow long (e.g. hair, nails) |
[C1] 延びる(のびる)to stretch, to extend, to lengthen |
[C2] 載せる(のせる)to place on (something), to upload |
[C1] 載る(のる)to be placed on, to be uploaded |
[C2] 挟む(はさむ)to interpose, to hold between |
[C1] 挟まる(はさまる)to get between, to be caught in |
[C2] 外す(はずす)to unfasten, to undo |
[C1] 外れる(はずれる)to be disconnected |
[C2] 冷やす(ひやす)to cool, to ice |
[C1] 冷える(ひえる)to get chilly, to cool down
[C2] 広げる(ひろげる)to spread, to extend, to expand |
[C1] 広がる(ひろがる)to spread(out), to extend, to stretch |
[C2] 増やす(ふやす)to increase, to add to |
[C1] 増える(ふえる)to increase, to multiply |
[C2] 膨らます(ふくらます)to swell, to expand, to inflate |
[C1] 膨らむ(ふくらむ)to expand, to swell (out) |
[C2] 塞ぐ(ふさぐ)to stop up, to close up |
[C1] 塞がる(ふさがる)to be closed, to be blocked |
[C2] ぶつける to hit (e.g. one’s head), to strike |
[C1] ぶつかる to strike against, to collide with |
[C2] ぶら下げる to hang, to suspend, to dangle |
[C1] ぶら下がる to hang from, to dangle, to swing |
[C2] 減らす(へらす)to abate, to decrease, to diminish |
[C1] 減る(へる)to decrease (in size or number) |
[C2] 解く(とく)to untie, to unfasten, to unwrap |
[C1] 解ける(とける)to come untied, to come apart |
[C2] 曲げる(まげる)to bend, to crook, to bow |
[C1] 曲がる(まがる)be bent, be curved, be crooked |
[C2] 混ぜる(まぜる)to mix, to stir, to blend |
[C1] 混ざる(まざる)to be mixed, to be blended with |
[C2] 混ぜる(まざる)to mix, to stir, to blend |
[C1] 混じる(まじる)to be mixed in with, to blend with |
[C2] まとめる to collect, to put (it all) together |
[C1] まとまる to be collected, to be settled |
[C2] 回す(まわす)to turn/rotate (something) |
[C1] 回る(まわる)to turn, to revolve |
[C2] 向ける(むける)to turn towards, to point |
[C1] 向く(むく)to face |
[C2] 儲ける(もうける)to profit, to get, to earn, to gain |
[C1] 儲かる(もうかる)to be profitable, to yield a profit |
[C2] 燃す(もす)to burn |
[C1] 燃える(もえる)to burn, to get fired up |
[C2] 燃やす(もやす)to burn |
[C1] 燃える(もえる)to burn, to get fired up |
[C2] 戻す(もどす)to put back, to return, to give back |
[C1] 戻る(もどる)to turn back (e.g. half-way) |
[C2] 破く(やぶく)to tear, to violate, to defeat |
[C1] 破ける(やぶける)to get torn, to wear out |
[C2] 破る(やぶる)to tear, to break, to destroy |
[C1] 破れる(やぶれる)to get torn, to tear, to rip |
[C2] 茹でる(ゆでる)to boil (something in hot water) |
[C1] 茹る(ゆだる)to get boiled |
[C2] 汚す(よごす)to pollute, to contaminate |
[C1] 汚れる(よごれる)to get dirty, to become dirty |
[C1] 寄る(よる)to approach, to draw near |
[C2] 寄せる(よせる)to come near, to let someone approach |
[C2] 分ける(わける)to divide (into), to split (into) |
[C1] 分かれる(わかれる)to branch, to fork, to diverge |
[C2] 割る(わる)to divide, to cut, to break |
[C1] 割れる(われる)to break, to be smashed, to split |
[C2] 合わす(あわす)to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) |
[C1] 合う(あう)to come together, to merge |
[C2] 当てはめる(あてはめる)to adapt, to apply |
[C1] 当てはまる(あてはめる)applicable to, to apply (a rule) |
[C2] 余す(あます)to leave (over), to spare |
[C1] 余る(あまる)to reamin, to be left over |
[C2] 改める(あらためる)to change, to alter, to revise |
[C1] 改まる(あらたまる)to be renewed |
[C2] 現す(あらわす)to reveal, to show, to display |
[C1] 現れる(あらわれる)to appear, to come in sight |
[C2] 生かす(いかす)to make (the best) use of |
[C1] 生きる(いきる)to live, to exist |
[C2] 痛める(いためる)to hurt, to injure, to cause pain |
[C1] 痛む(いたむ)be hurt, be damaged |
[C2] 浮かべる(うかべる)to float |
[C1] 浮かぶ(うかぶ)be afloat, to rise to surface, to come to mind |
[C2] 受ける(うける)to receive, to get |
[C1] 受かる(うかる)to pass (examination) |
[C2] 動かす(うごかす)to move/shift (something) |
[C1] 動く(うごく)to move, to shift |
[C2] 埋める(うめる)to bury (e.g. in the ground) |
[C1] 埋まる(うまる)to be buried, to be surrounded |
[C2] 産む(うむ)to give birth, to deliver |
[C1] 産まれる(いまれる)to be born |
[C2] 植える(うえる)to plant, to grow, to raise |
[C1] 植わる(うわる)to be planted |
[C2] 遅らす(おくらす)to delay |
[C1] 遅れる(おくれる)to be late, to be delayed |
[C2] 収める(おさめる)to paye, to make an offering |
[C1] 収まる(おさまる)to be in one’s place, to be installed |
[C2] 欠く(かく)to be short of..., to lack |
[C1] 欠ける(かける)to be chipped, to be damaged, to be broken |
[C2] 固める(かためる)to harden, to freeze, to strengthen |
[C1] 固まる(かたまる)to harden, to solidify |
[C2] 傾ける(かたむける)to incline, to lean, to tip, to tilt |
[C1] 傾く(かたむく)to incline toward, to slant |
[C2] 叶える(かなえる)to grant (request, wish) |
[C1] 叶う(かなう)to come true (wish) |
[C2] 被せる(かぶせる)to cover (with something) |
[C1] 被さる(かぶさる)to hang over, to cover |
[C2] 絡める(からめる)to arrest |
[C1] 絡まる(からまる)to be entwined, to be involved |
[C2] 絡める(からめる)to arrest |
[C1] 絡む(からむ)to entangle, to entwine |
[C2] 涸らす(からす)to dry up, to exhaust |
[C1] 涸れる(かれる)to dry up(spring, pond, etc.) |
[C2] 枯らす(からす)to let dry, to kill (vegitation) |
[C1] 枯れる(かれる)to wither (of a plant) |
[C2] 乾かす(かわかす)to dry (clothes, etc) |
[C1] 乾く(かわく)to get dry |
[C2] 傷つける(きずつける)to wound, to injure |
[C1] 傷つく(きずつく)to be wounded, to get injured |
[C2] 切り替える(きりかえる)to change, to exchange, to convert |
[C1] 切り替わる(きりかわる)to change completely, to switch to... |
[C2] 腐らす(くさらす)to spoil, to rot, to corrode |
[C1] 腐る(くさる)to rot, to go bad, to decay |
[C2] 苦しめる(くるしめる)to torment, to pain, to inflict |
[C1] 苦しむ(くるしむ)to suffer, to groan, to be worried |
[C2] 焦がす(こがす)to burn, to scorch, to singe |
[C1] 焦げる(こげる)to burn, to be burned |
[C2] 拗らす(こじらす)to make worse (e.g. disease) |
[C1] 拗れる(こじれる)to twist, to wrench, to screw |
[C2] 零す(こぼす)to spill, to drop, to shed (tears) |
[C1] 零れる(こぼれる)to spill over, to fall out of, to overflow |
[C2] 凝らす(こらす)to concentrate, to devote |
[C1] 凝る(こる)to grow stiff,
to devote oneself to (something) |
[C2] 裂く(さく)to tear, to rip up |
[C1] 裂ける(さける)to split, to tear, to burst |
[C2] 授ける(さずける)to grant, to award |
[C1] 授かる(さずかる)to be awarded (e.g. a prize), be blessed with (a child) |
[C2] 定める(さだめる)to decide, to establish |
[C1] 定まる(さだまる)to become settled, to be fixed |
[C2] 冷ます(さます)to cool (e.g. from a high temperature) |
[C1] 冷める(さめる)to become cool (e.g. from a high temperature) |
[C2] 仕上げる(しあげる)to finish up, to complete |
[C1] 仕上がる(しあがる);to be finished, to be completed |
[C2] 茂らす(しげらす)to grow thickly, to be in full leaf |
[C1] 茂る(しげる)to grow thickly, to be in full leaf |
[C2] 鎮める(しずめる)to appease, to suppress, to calm down |
[C1] 鎮まる(しずまる)to quieten down, to calm down |
[C2] 沈める(しずめる)to sink, to submerge |
[C1] 沈む(しずむ)to sink, to go under, to submerge |
[C2] 済ます(すます)to finish, to get it over with |
[C1] 済む(すむ)to come to an en |
[C2] 擦る(する)to rib, to chafe, to strike (match) |
[C1] 擦れる(すれる)to be rubbed |
[C2] 備える(そなえる)to furnish, to provide for |
[C1] 備わる(そなわる)to be furnished with |
[C2] 染める(そめる)to dye, to color |
[C1] 染まる(そまる)to be dyed |
[C2] 反らす(そらす)to bend, to warp, to curve |
[C1] 反る(そる)to be curved, to be arched, to bend |
[C2] 逸らす(そらす) to turn something aside/away |
[C1] 逸れる(それる)to turn aside, to turn away |