Exercises to Commands, Part 2:
Irregular and Pronominal Verbs-
If you wish, you can open or save these exercises as a Microsoft Word file (you can print them or save them on your computer and edit there).
Exercise 1:-
Listen to the following verbs read by your screen reader. Then, give the command for each one both affirmatively and negatively in the person indicated. Be sure to include the accents where necessary.
Note on special characters and accents: If your computer does not have a numeric key pad, copy the characters you need from the character map, which is typically accessed from the system tools under accessories.
- être (tu)-
- savoir (vous)-
- avoir (tu)-
- se lever (vous)-
- se laver (tu)-
- être (vous)-
- se réveiller (vous)-
- se coucher (vous)-
- se lever (tu)-
- avoir (vous)-
- savoir (nous)-
- être (nous)-
- s'asseoir (tu)-
- se détendre (vous)-
- s'habiller (tu)-
- s'amuser (vous)-
- s'en aller (tu)-
- se raser (vous)-
- se dépêcher (tu)-
- se taire (vous)-
- se reposer (tu)-
- se débrouiller (vous)-
- s'arrêter (nous)-
- s'inscrire (vous)-
- se servir (vous)-
Exercise 2:-
Ecrivez les verbes dans les phrases suivantes au pluriel.
Be sure to include the accents where necessary. You may write either on a sheet of paper or in the text areas that are provided.
1. Lave-toi les mains avant de faire la cuisine.
2. Amuse-toi bien à la boum.
3. Dépêche-toi! Le film va commencer.
4. Sois sage, mon enfant!
5. Plains-toi au patron du restaurant si tu n'aimes pas le service.
Exercise 3:-
Donnez des conseils à votre très bon ami!
In each of the following situations, your good friend Pierre asks for your advice. Using commands, tell him how he can solve each problem. All of your commands should be in the tu form because Pierre is a good friend.
Be sure to include the accents where necessary. You may write either on a sheet of paper or in the text areas that are provided.
1. Ce matin, je me suis endormi en classe.
2. Tous les jours, j'arrive en classe dix minutes en retard.
3. Ma petite amie déteste ma barbe.
4. J'attends l'autobus depuis trente-cinq minutes et je commence à m'énerver.
5. Ce dîner sent très bon, et j'ai faim.