Anna Anguissola
Research Grantee
2012-13 Report
- Ludwig Maximilians University Munich — postdoctoral teaching fellow and junior research unit coordinator
Publications 2012
- (with L. Bochicchio, A. Calabrò, S. Costa) Challenging Local Traditions: The South-Western Necropolis at Hierapolis in Phrygia, in 7ICAANE. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, vol. 3, eds. R. Matthews et al., Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 2012: 417-435.
- “Difficillima imitatio”. Immagine e lessico delle copie tra Grecia e Roma, Rome, L'Erma di Bretschneider 2012 (Studia Archaeologica, 183), 243 pp., 67 figs.
- Greek Originals and Roman Copies, in Oxford Online Bibliographies in Classics, ed. D. Clayman, New York, Oxford University Press 2012:1-45.
Papers at Conferences 2012
- “Social and intimate. The case of the ‘urban villas’ on the south–western slopes of Pompeii.”
- Paper delivered at the international workshop “Public and Private in the Roman House” (New York University)
- “Marks of imitation or signs of originality? Struts in Roman marble sculpture.”
- Paper delivered at the XXII Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (Goethe University Frankfurt).
- “Funerary architecture at Hierapolis in Phrygia: models and meanings. The case of the southwestern necropolis”
- Paper delivered (with L. Bochicchio, A. Calabrò, S. Costa) at the SOMA — 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology (Florence).
- “Turning Walls into Villas. Layout and movement in the houses along the edge of Pompeii.”
- Paper delivered at the international conference Architektur des Weges. Gestaltete Bewegung in gebauten Raum (Architekturreferat des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Berlin).
Updated: March 18, 2013. Questions? Comments? Contact