Susan Ludi Blevins
Dissertation Fellowship
2012-13 Report
- Visiting Instructor, Bridgewater State University
- Visiting Instructor of Art History, Wheaton College
- Lecturer, Classical Association of New England (CANE) Summer Institute, 2013, Brown University
Papers at Conferences 2012
- “Sacrifice in Stone: Sacred Implements on the Temple of Divus Vespasian and Divus Titus”, Gods, Objects, and Ritual Practice in Ancient Mediterranean Religion, an Interdisciplinary Conference sponsored by the Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions, March 2013.
- “Epiphany in Bronze: Colossal Commemoration in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods”, Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, January 3-6, 2013.
- “(Re)presenting a Roman Imperial Past, Present, and Future: Trajan's Restoration Coin Series and the Deified Emperors”, Middle Atlantic Symposium in the History of Art by the University of Maryland Department of Art History and Archaeology and the National Gallery, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (CASVA), March 2012.
Conference Sessions Organized
- “Remembering Material Culture: Archaeology and the Science of Memory”, Session co-chair with Maggie Popkin (Institute of Fine Arts of New York University), Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) USA Annual Meeting, Buffalo, NY, May 2012.
Guest Lecture
- “Roman Religion and the Deified Emperors: Integration and Innovation”, The College of the Holy Cross, Ancient Sanctuaries and Religion Seminar, April 2012.
- Art History 111, Arts of the Western Tradition, 2012 (team-taught).
Updated: March 19, 2013. Questions? Comments? Contact