Michèle Lowrie
Research Grantee
2012-13 Report
- Professor of Classics and the College, University of Chicago
Papers at Conferences 2012
- “Civil War: Lucan and Victor Hugo,” conference on Roman Error, University of Michigan, September 2013
- “The Egyptian Within: A Roman Trope for Civil War,” keynote for Translatio Babylonis, a conference on Orientalism, Ludwig–Maximilians University, Munich, July 2013
- Participant in panel reviewing Daniel Kapust's Republicanism, Rhetoric, and Roman Political thought: Sallust, Livy, and Tacitus
- Discussant: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Roman Political Thought, Midwest Political Science Association, April 2013
- “Security in Vergil's Georgics: labor, amor, cura,” invited lecture, Leiden, September 2012
- Mini-conference on security, Harvard, April 2013
- “Legal Language in Horace's Ars Poetica,” conference on the Ars Poetica, ELTE University of Budapest, September 2012
- Humanities Day, University of Chicago, October 2012
- “Le salut, la sécurité, et le corps du chef de César à Horace,” Ecole Normale Supérieur Lyon, June 2012, conference on Horace and Greek lyric
- “The Exemplum and Exceptional Politics”, Political Theory Workshop, University of Chicago, Winter quarter 2013
Additional Fellowships/Grants/Awards
- Fellowship as a research collaborator with Barbara Vinken at the Institute for Advanced Studies, LMU Munich
- Participant in a faculty working group in Political Theology, Neubauer Collegium, the University of Chicago
- Volume being organized on the reception of Roman exemplarity, co–edited with Susanne Luedemann
Updated: March 18, 2013. Questions? Comments? Contact