John Weisweiler
Research Grantee
2012-13 Report
- Marie–Curie–Fellowship (until January 2014) and Wissenschaftlicher Assistent at the Departement für Altertumswissenschaften of the University of Basel (CH).
Publications 2012
- “Honorific Statues, Imperial Power and Senatorial Identity in Late-Antique Rome”, Journal of Roman Archaeology 25 (2012), 319–350.
- “Inscribing Imperial Power: Letters from Emperors in Late-Antique Rome”, in: Ralph Behrwald und Christian Witschel (eds), Historische Erinnerung im städtischen Raum: Rom in der Spätantike, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2012, 305–323.
- “The Price of Integration: State and Élite in Symmachus' Correspondence”, in: Peter Eich, Sebastian Schmidt–Hofner and Christian Wieland (eds), Staatlichkeit und Staatswerdung in Spätantike und Früher Neuzeit, Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg 2011, 346–75.
Papers at Conferences 2012
- “Vom Imperium zum Weltstaat: Zur Selbsttransformation des Römischen Reiches in der Spätantike”, Research Seminar, University of Basel, 22 March 2013. (invited paper)
- “Introduction” and “Virtue, Cosmopolitanism and the Self–Understandings of the Late Roman Aristocracy”, The Cultural Dynamics of Ancient Empires, seminar, American Philological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, 7 January 2013. (peer-reviewed).
- “Heredity, Office and Fiscality in the Late Roman Senate”, Between Heaven and Earth: Law, Ideology, and the Social Order in Late Antiquity, University of Manchester, 16 September 2012. (peer-reviewed).
- “Memories of Imperial Closeness: Objectifying Imperial Power in Late Antiquity”, Memoria Romana Workshop, University of Texas at Austin, 21 April 2012. (invited paper).
Work Done with Funding from Memoria Romana
My dissertation, “State Aristocracy: Resident Senators and Absent Emperors in Late–Antique Rome, c. 320–400” received the Hare Prize by the Faculty of Classics in Cambridge, which is awarded each year to an outstanding dissertation in the field of Classics.