ad Herennium 3.16-24
English translation
by Harry Caplan
(Loeb, 1954)
Nunc ad thesaurum inventorum atque ad
partium rhetoricae custodem, memoriam, transeamus.
Now let me turn to the
treasure-house of the ideas
supplied by Invention, to the guardian of all the parts of rhetoric,
the Memory.
memoria utrum habeat quiddam
artificiosi, an omnis ab natura proficiscatur, aliud dicendi tempus
idoneum dabitur. Nunc proinde atque constet in hac re multum
artem et praeceptionem, ita de ea re loquemur. Placet enim nobis
esse artificium memoriae; quare placeat, alias ostendemus; in
cuiusmodi sit ea, aperiemus.
The question whether memory has
some artificial quality, or comes
entirely from nature, we shall have another, more favourable,
opportunity to discuss. At present I shall accept as proved that
this matter art and method are of great importance, and shall treat the
subject accordingly. For my part, I am satisfied
that there is an art of memory — the grounds of my belief I shall
explain elsewhere. For the present I shall disclose what
sort of thing
memory is.
Sunt igitur duae memoriae:
una naturalis, altera artificiosa. Naturalis est ea, quae nostris
animis insita est et simul cum cogitatione nata; artificiosa est ea,
confirmat inductio quaedam et ratio praeceptionis. Sed qua via in
ceteris rebus ingenii bonitas imitatur saepe doctrinam, ars porro
commoda confirmat et auget, item fit in hac re, ut nonnumquam naturalis
memoria, si cui data est egregia,
similis sit huic artificiosae, porro haec artificiosa naturae commoda
et amplificet ratione doctrinae; quapropter <et> naturalis
memoria praeceptione
confirmanda est, ut sit egregia, et haec, quae doctrina datur, indiget
ingenii. Nec hoc magis aut minus in hac re, quam in ceteris
fit, ut ingenio doctrina, praeceptione natura nitescat. Quare et
illis, qui natura memores sunt, utilis haec erit institutio, quod tute
paulo post poteris intellegere: et si illei, freti ingenio, nostri non
indigerent, tamen iusta causa daretur, quare iis, qui minus ingenii
adiumento velimus esse. Nunc de artificiosa memoria loquemur.
are, then, two kinds of memory: one natural, and the other the product
of art. The natural memory is that memory which is imbedded in our
minds, born simultaneously with thought. The artificial memory is that
memory which is strengthened by a kind of training and system of
discipline. But just as in everything else the merit of natural
excellence often rivals acquired learning, and art, in its turn,
reinforces and develops the natural advantages, so does it happen in
this instance. The natural memory, if a person is endowed with an
exceptional one, is
often like this artificial memory, and this artificial memory, in its
turn, retains and develops the natural advantages by a method of
discipline. Thus the natural memory must be strengthened by discipline
so as to become exceptional, and, on the other hand, this memory
provided by discipline requires natural ability. It is neither more nor
less true in this instance than in the other arts that science strives
by the aid of innate ability, and nature by the aid of the rules of
art. The training here offered will therefore also be useful to those
who by nature have a good memory, as you will yourself soon come to
understand. But even if these, relying on their natural talent,
not need our
help, we should still be justified in wishing to aid the less
well-endowed. Now I shall discuss the artificial memory.
Constat igitur artificiosa
memoria locis et imaginibus. Locos appellamus eos, qui breviter,
perfecte, insignite aut natura aut manu sunt absoluti, ut eos facile
memoria conprehendere et amplecti queamus: <ut> aedes,
angulum, fornicem et alia, quae his similia sunt. Imagines sunt
quaedam et notae et simulacra eius rei, quam meminisse volumus: quod
equi, leones, aquilae; [memoriam] si volemus habere imagines eorum,
certis conlocare oportebit. Nunc, cuiusmodi locos invenire et quo pacto
reperire et in locis
imagines constituere oporteat, ostendemus.
The artificial memory includes
backgrounds and images. By backgrounds
I mean such scenes as are naturally or artificially set off on a
scale, complete and conspicuous, so that we can grasp and embrace them
easily by the natural memory — for example, a house, an intercolumnar
space, a recess, an arch, or the like. An image is, as it were, a
figure, mark, or portrait of the object we wish to remember; for
example, if we wish to recall a horse, a lion, or an eagle, we must
place its image in a definite background. Now I shall show what
kind of
backgrounds we should invent and how we should discover the images and
set them therein.
(17) Quemadmodum
igitur qui litteras
sciunt, possunt id, quod dictatur, eis scribere et recitare quod
item qui nemonica didicerunt, possunt, quod audierunt, in locis
<et> ex his memoriter pronuntiare. Nam loci cerae
aut cartae
simillimi sunt, imagines litteris, dispositio et conlocatio imaginum
pronuntiatio lectioni.
Oportet igitur, si volumus
multa meminisse, multos <nos> nobis locos conparare, uti multis
multas imagines conlocare possimus. Item putamus oportere <ex
ordine hos locos habere,> ne quando perturbatione ordinis
inpediamur, quo
setius, quoto quoquo loco libebit, vel ab superiore vel ab inferiore
imagines sequi et ea, quae mandata locis erunt, edere possimus.
Those who know the letters of
the alphabet can thereby write out what
is dictated to them and read aloud what they have written. Likewise,
those who have learned mnemonics can set in backgrounds what they have
heard, and from these backgrounds deliver it by memory. For the
backgrounds are very much like wax tablet or papyrus, the images like
letters, the arrangement and disposition of
the images like the script, and the delivery is like the reading. We
should therefore, if we desire to memorize a large number of items,
equip ourselves with a large number of backgrounds, so that in these we
may set a large number of images. I likewise think it obligatory
have these backgrounds in a series, so that we never by confusion in
their order be prevented from following the images — proceeding from
any background we wish, whatsoever its place in the series, and whether
we go forwards or backwards — nor from delivering orally what has been
committed to the backgrounds.
(18) nam ut,
si in ordine stantes notos quomplures viderimus, nihil nostra intersit,
utrum ab summo an ab imo an ab medio nomina eorum dicere incipiamus,
in locis ex ordine conlocatis eveniet, ut in quamlibebit partem quoque
loco lubebit imaginibus commoniti dicere possimus id, quod locis
quare placet et ex ordine locos conparare.
For example, if we should see a great number of our
acquaintances standing in a certain order, it would not make any
difference to us whether we should tell their names beginning with the
person standing at the head of the line or at the foot or in the
middle. So with respect to the backgrounds. If these have been arranged
in order, the result will be that, reminded by the images, we can
repeat orally what we committed to the backgrounds, proceeding in
either direction from any background we please. That is why it
also seems best to arrange the backgrounds in a series.
quos sumpserimus, egregie commeditari oportebit, ut perpetuo nobis
haerere possint: nam imagines, sicuti litterae delentur, ubi nihil
loci, tamquam cera, remanere debent. Et, ne forte in numero
falli possimus, quintum quemque placet notari: quod genus, si in quinto
loco manum auream conlocemus, <si> in decumo aliquem notum, cui
sit Decumo; deinde facile erit inceps similis notas quinto quoquo loco
We shall need to study with
special care the backgrounds we have
adopted so that they may cling lastingly in our memory, for the images,
like letters, are effaced when we make no use of them, but the
backgrounds, like wax tablets, should abide. And that we may by no
chance err in the number of backgrounds, each fifth background should
be marked. For example, if in the fifth we should set a golden hand,
and in the tenth some acquaintance whose first name is Decimus, it will
then be easy to station like marks in each successive fifth background.
(19) Item
commodius est in derelicta, quam in celebri regione
locos conparare, propterea quod frequentia et obambulatio hominum
et infirmat imaginum notas, solitudo conservat integras simulacrorum
Praeterea dissimilis forma atque natura loci conparandi sunt, ut
interlucere possint: nam si qui multa intercolumnia sumpserit,
similitudine, ut ignoret, quid in quoquo loco conlocarit. Et
modica et mediocris locos habere oportet: nam et praeter modum ampli
imagines reddunt et nimis angusti saepe non videntur posse capere
conlocationem. tum nec
nimis inlustris nec vehementer obscuros locos habere oportet, ne aut
tenebris imagines aut splendore praefulgeant. Intervalla locorum
mediocria placet esse, fere paulo plus aut minus pedum tricenum: nam ut
aspectus item cogitatio minus valet, sive nimis procul removeris sive
prope admoveris id, quod oportet videri.
Again, it will be more advantageous to obtain
backgrounds in a deserted than in a populous region, because the
crowding and passing to and fro of people confuse and weaken the
impress of the images, while solitude keeps their outlines sharp.
Further, backgrounds differing in form and nature must be secured, so
that, thus distinguished, they may be clearly
visible; for if a person has adopted many intercolumnar spaces, their
resemblance to one another will so confuse him that he will no longer
know what he has set in each background. And these backgrounds ought to
be of moderate size and medium extent, for when excessively large they
render the images vague, and when too small often seem incapable of
receiving an arrangement of images. Then
the backgrounds ought to be neither too bright nor too dim, so that the
shadows may not obscure the images nor the lustre make them glitter.
I believe that the intervals between backgrounds should be of
extent, approximately thirty feet; for, like the external eye, so the
inner eye of thought is less powerful when you have moved the object of
sight too near or too far away.
Sed quamquam facile est ei,
qui paulo plura noverit, quamvis multos et idoneos locos conparare,
si qui satis idoneos invenire se non putabit, ipse sibi constituat quam
volet multos licebit. Cogitatio enim quamvis regionem potest
et in ea situm loci cuiusdam ad suum arbitrium fabricari et
Quare licebit, si hac prompta copia contenti non erimus, nosmet ipsos
cogitatione nostra regionem constituere et idoneorum locorum
distinctionem conparare. De locis satis dictum est; nunc ad
rationem transeamus.
Although it is easy for a person
with a relatively large experience to
equip himself with as many and as suitable backgrounds as he may
desire, even a person who believes that he finds no store of
backgrounds that are good enough, may succeeded in fashioning as many
such as he wishes. For the imagination can embrace any region
whatsoever and it at will fashion and construct the setting of some
background. Hence, if we are not content with our ready-made supply of
backgrounds, we may in our imagination create a region for ourselves
and obtain a most serviceable distribution of appropriate backgrounds.
On the subject of backgrounds enough has been said; let me now turn to
the theory of images. |
Quoniam ergo rerum similes imagines esse oportet, ex
omnibus rebus
nosmet nobis similitudines eligere debemus. Duplices igitur
esse debent, unae rerum, alterae verborum. Rerum similitudines
cum summatim ipsorum negotiorum imagines conparamus; verborum
constituuntur, cum unius cuiusque nominis et vocabuli memoria imagine
Rei totius memoriam saepe
una nota et imagine simplici conprehendimus.
Since, then, images must resemble objects, we ought
ourselves to choose from all objects likenesses for our use. Hence
likenesses are bound to be of two kinds, one of subject-matter the
other of words. Likenesses of matter are formed when we enlist
images that present a general view of the matter with which we are
dealing; likenesses of words are established when the record of each
single noun or appellative is kept by an image. Often we
encompass the record of an entire matter by one notation, a
single image.
hoc modo, ut si accusator
dixerit ab reo hominem veneno necatum, et hereditatis causa factum
et eius rei multos dixerit testes et conscios esse: si hoc primum, ut
defendendum nobis expeditum <sit,> meminisse volemus, in primo
rei totius imaginem conformabimus: aegrotum in lecto cubantem faciemus
ipsum illum, de quo agetur, si formam eius detinebimus; si eum non, at
aliquem aegrotum <non> de minimo loco sumemus, ut cito in
venire possit. Et reum ad lectum eius adstituemus, dextera
sinistra tabulas, medico testiculos arietinos tenentem: hoc modo et
et hereditatis et veneno necati memoriam habere poterimus. Item deinceps cetera crimina ex ordine in
locis ponemus; et, quotienscumque rem meminisse volemus, si formarum
et imaginum diligenti notatione utemur, facile ea, quae volemus,
consequemur. |
For example, the prosecutor has
said that the defendant
killed a man by poison, has charged that the motive for the crime was
an inheritance, and declared that there are many witnesses and
accessories to this act. If in order to facilitate our defence we wish
to remember this first point, we shall in our first background form an
image of the whole matter. We shall picture the man in question as
lying ill in bed, if we know his person. If we do not know him, we
shall yet take some one to be our invalid, but a man of the lowest
class, so that he may come to mind at once. And we shall place the
defendant at the bedside, holding in his right hand a cup, and in his
left tablets, and on the fourth finger ram's testicles. In this way we
can record the man who was poisoned, the inheritance, and the
witnesses. In
like fashion we shall set the other counts of the charge in backgrounds
successively, following their order, and whenever we wish to remember a
point, by properly arranging the patterns of the backgrounds and
carefully imprinting the images, we shall easily succeed in calling
back to mind what we wish. |
Cum verborum similitudines
imaginibus exprimere volemus, plus negotii suscipiemus et magis
nostrum exercebimus. Id nos hoc modo facere oportebit: Iam domum itionem reges Atridae arant.
When we wish to represent by images the likenesses
of words, we shall be undertaking a greater task and exercising our
ingenuity the more. This we ought to effect in the following way:
Iam domum itionem reges Atridae
arant. "And now their home-coming the kings, the sons of
Atreus, are making ready."
loco constituere manus
ad caelum tollentem Domitium, cum a Regibus Marciis loris caedatur: hoc
erit "Iam domum itionem reges"; in altero loco Aesopum et Cimbrum
ut ad Ephigeniam, in Agamemnonem et Menelaum: hoc erit "Atridae
Hoc modo omnia verba erunt expressa. Sed haec imaginum
tum valet, si naturalem memoriam exsuscitaverimus hac notatione, ut
posito ipsi nobiscum primum transeamus bis aut ter eum versum, deinde
imaginibus verba exprimamus. Hoc modo naturae subpeditabitur
Nam utraque altera separata minus erit firma, ita tamen, ut multo plus
in doctrina atque arte praesidii sit. |
If we wish to remember this
verse, in our first background we should put Domitius, raising hands to
heaven while he is lashed by the Marcii Reges — that will represent "Iam domum itionem reges"
("And now their home-coming the kings,"); in the second background,
Aesopus and Cimber being dressed as for the r�les of Agamemnon
Menela�s in Iphigenia — that will represent "Atridae parant"
("the sons of Atreus, making ready"). By this method all the words will
be represented. But such an arrangement of images succeeds only if we
use our notation to stimulate the natural memory, so that we first go
over a given verse twice or three times to ourselves and then represent
the words by means of images. In this way art will supplement nature.
For neither by itself will be strong enough, though we must note that
theory and technique are much the more reliable. I should not
to demonstrate this
in detail, did I not fear that, once having departed from my plan,
I should not so well preserve the clear conciseness of my
quoniam solet accidere, ut imagines partim firmae et acres et ad
monendum idoneae sint, partim inbecillae et infirmae, quae vix memoriam
possint excitare, qua de causa utrumque fiat, considerandum est, ut
causa, quas vitemus et quas sequamur imagines, scire possimus. |
Now, since in normal cases some
are strong and sharp and suitable for awakening recollection, and
others so weak and feeble as hardly to succeed in stimulating memory,
we must therefore consider the cause of these differences, so that, by
knowing the cause, we may know which images to avoid and which to seek.
Docet igitur nos ipsa natura,
quid oporteat fieri. Nam si quas res in vita videmus parvas,
cottidianas, meminisse non solemus propterea quod nulla nova nec
re commovetur animus: at si quid videmus aut audimus egregie turpe aut
honestum, inusitatum, magnum, incredibile, ridiculum, id diu meminisse
consuevimus. <Itaque quas res ante ora videmus> aut
audimus, obliviscimur
plerumque; quae acciderunt in pueritia, meminimus optime saepe; nec hoc
alia de causa potest accidere, nisi quod usitatae res facile e memoria
elabuntur, insignes et novae diutius <manent in animo.
Solis> exortus, cursus, occasus nemo admiratur,
propterea quia cottidie fiunt; at eclipsis solis mirantur, quia raro
et solis eclipsis magis mirantur quam lunae, propterea quod hae
sunt. Docet ergo se natura vulgari et usitata re non exsuscitari,
novitate et insigni quodam negotio commoveri. Imitetur ars igitur
naturam et, quod ea desiderat, id inveniat, quod ostendit,
Nihil est enim, quod aut natura extremum invenerit aut doctrina primum;
sed rerum principia ab ingenio profecta sunt, exitus disciplina
Now nature herself teaches us what we should do.
When we see in everyday life things that are petty, ordinary, and
banal, we generally fail to remember them, because the mind is not
being stirred by anything novel or marvellous. But if we see or hear
something exceptionally base, dishonourable, extraordinary, great,
unbelievable, or laughable, that we are likely to remember a long time.
Accordingly, things immediate to our eye or ear we commonly forget;
incidents of our childhood we often remember best. Nor could this be so
for any other reason than that ordinary things
easily slip from the memory while the striking and novel stay longer in
mind. A sunrise, the sun's course, a sunset, are marvellous to no
one because they occur daily. But solar eclipses are a source of wonder
because they occur seldom,
and indeed are more marvellous than lunar eclipses, because these are
more frequent. Thus nature shows that she is not aroused by the common,
ordinary event, but is moved by a new or striking occurrence. Let art,
then, imitate nature, find what she desires, and follow as she directs.
For in invention
nature is never last, education never first; rather the beginnings of
things arise from natural talent, and the ends are reached by
Imagines igitur nos in eo genere constituere
oportebit, quod genus
in memoria diutissime potest haerere. Id accidet, si quam maxime
notatas similitudines constituemus; si non multas nec vagas, sed
agentes imagines ponemus; si egregiam pulcritudinem aut unicam
eis adtribuemus; si aliquas exornabimus, ut si coronis aut veste
quo nobis notatior sit similitudo; aut si qua re deformabimus, ut si
aut caeno oblitam aut rubrica delibutam inducamus, quo magis insignita
sit forma, aut ridiculas res aliquas imaginibus adtribuamus: nam ea res
quoque faciet, ut facilius meminisse valeamus. Nam, quas res
facile meminerimus, easdem fictas et diligenter notatas meminisse non
est. Sed illud facere oportebit, ut identidem primos quosque
imaginum renovandarum causa celeriter animo pervagemus. |
We ought, then, to set up images
of a
kind that can adhere longest in the memory. And we shall do so if we
establish likenesses as striking as possible; if we set up images that
are not many or vague, but doing something; if we assign to them
exceptional beauty or singular ugliness; if we dress some of them with
crowns or purple cloaks, for example, so that the likeness may be more
distinct to us; or if we somehow disfigure them, as by introducing one
stained with blood or soiled with mud or smeared with red paint, so
that its form is more striking, or by assigning certain comic effects
to our images, for that, too, will ensure our remembering them more
readily. The things we easily remember when they are real we likewise
remember without difficulty when they are figments, if they have been
carefully delineated. But this will be essential — again and again to
run over rapidly in the mind all the original backgrounds in order to
refresh the images.
Scio plerosque Graecos, qui de memoria
sripserunt, fecisse, ut multorum
verborum imagines conscriberent, uti, qui ediscere vellent, paratas
ne quid in quaerendo consumerent operae. Quorum rationem aliquot
de causis inprobamus: primum, quod in verborum innumerabili multitudine
ridiculumst mille verborum imagines conparare. Quantulum enim
haec valere, cum ex infinita verborum copia modo aliud modo aliud nos
meminisse oportebit? Deinde cur volumus ab industria quemquam
ut ne quid ipse quaerat, nos illi omnia parata quaesita tradamus?
Praeterea similitudine alia alius magis commovetur. Nam ut saepe,
formam si quam similem cuipiam dixerimus esse, non omnes habemus
quod alii videtur aliud, item fit <in> imaginibus, ut, quae nobis
notata sit, ea parum videatur insignis aliis. Quare sibi quemque
suo commodo convenit imagines conparare.
Postremo praeceptoris est docere, quemadmodum quaeri quidque conveniat,
et unum aliquod aut alterum, non omnia, quae eius generis erunt,
causa subicere, quo res possit esse dilucidior: <ut> quom de
quaerendis disputamus, rationem damus quaerendi, non mille prohemiorum
<genera conscribimus, item arbitramur> de imaginibus fieri
I know that most of the Greeks who have written on the memory have
taken the course of listing images that correspond to a great many
words, so that persons who wished to learn these images by heart would
have them ready without expending effort on a search for them.
I disapprove of their method on several grounds. First, among the
multitude of words it is ridiculous to collect images for a thousand.
How meagre is the value these can have, when out of the infinite store
of words we shall need to remember now one, and now another? Secondly,
why do we wish to rob anybody of his initiative, so that, to save him
from making any search himself, we deliver to him everything searched
out and ready? Then again, one person is more struck by one likeness,
and another more by another. Often in fact when we declare that some
one form resembles another, we fail to receive universal assent,
because things seem different to different persons. The same is true
with respect to images: one that is well-defined to us appears
relatively inconspicuous to others. Everybody,
therefore, should in equipping himself with images suit his own
convenience. Finally, it is the instructor's duty to teach the proper
method of search in each case, and, for the sake of greater clarity, to
add in illustration some one or two examples of its kind, but not all.
For instance, when I discuss the search for Introductions,
I give a
method of search and do not draught a thousand kinds of Introductions.
The same procedure I believes be followed with respect to images.
(24) Nunc, ne
forte verborum memoriam
aut nimis difficilem aut parum utilem arbitrere, rerum ipsarum
contentus sis, quod et utilior sit et plus habeat facultatis,
es, quare verborum memoriam <non> inprobemus. Nam putamus
eos, qui velint res faciliores sine labore et molestia facere, in rebus
difficilioribus esse ante exercitatos. Nec nos hanc verborum
inducimus, <ut versus meminisse possimus,> sed ut hac
illa rerum memoria, quae pertinet ad utilitatem, confirmetur, ut ab hac
difficili consuetudine sine labore ad illam facultatem transire
Sed cum in omni disciplina infirma est artis
praeceptio sine summa adsiduitate exercitationis, tum vero in nemonicis
minimum valet doctrina, nisi industria, studio labore, diligentia
Quam plurimos locos ut habeas et quam maxime ad praecepta adcommodatos
curare poteris; in imaginibus conlocandis exerceri cotidie
Non enim, sicut a ceteris studiis abducimur nonnumquam occupatione,
ab hac re nos potest causa deducere aliqua. Numquam est enim,
aliquid memoriae tradere velimus et tum maxime, cum aliquo maiore
detinemur. Quare, cum sit utile facile meminisse, non te fallit,
quod tantopere utile sit, quanto labore sit adpetendum: <quod>
existimare utilitate cognita. Pluribus verbis ad eam te hortari
est sententia, ne aut tuo studio diffisi aut minus, quam res postulat,
dixisse videamur. De quinta parte rhetoricae deinceps dicemus: tu
primas quasque partes in animo frequenta et, quod maxime necesse est,
Now, lest you should perchance regard the memorizing of words either as
too difficult or as of too little use, and so rest content with the
memorizing of matter, as being easier and more useful, I must
you why I do not disapprove of memorizing words. I believe
that they
who wish to do easy things without trouble and toil must previously
have been trained in more difficult things. Nor have I included
memorization of words to enable us to get verse by rote, but
rather as an exercise whereby to strengthen that other kind of memory,
the memory of matter, which is of practical use. Thus we may without
effort pass from this difficult training to ease in that other memory.
every discipline artistic theory is of little avail without unremitting
exercise, but especially in mnemonics theory is almost valueless unless
made good by industry, devotion, toil, and care. You can make sure that
you have as many backgrounds as possible and that these conform as much
as possible to the rules; in placing the images you should exercise
every day. While an engrossing preoccupation may often distract us from
our other pursuits, from this activity nothing whatever can divert us.
Indeed there is never a moment when we do not wish to commit something
to memory, and we wish it most of all when our attention is held by
business of special importance. So, since a ready memory is a useful
thing, you see clearly with what great pains we must strive to acquire
so useful a faculty. Once you know its uses you will be ab
le to appreciate this advice. To exhort you further in the matter of
memory is not my intention, for I should appear either to have
confidence in your zeal or to have discussed the subject less fully
than it demands.
[DRB 11.17.2009]