some basic works
Assmann, A. 1999 (3rd ed. 2006). ErinnerungsrŠume. Formen und Wandlungen des kulturellen
GedŠchtnisses. Munich.
Significant for its range and methodology.
(Cambridge U.P. 2011)
Assmann, J. 1997. Moses the Egyptian: The Memory of Egypt in Western
Monotheism. Cambridge, MA.
A pioneering study.
________, Cultural Memory and Early Civilization: Writing, Remembrance, and Political Imagination (Cambridge U. P. 2011).
Important for its theoretical framework.
Boyer, P. and Wertsch, J., eds., Memory in Mind and Culture (Cambridge 2009).
Essays from the perspective of the humanities and psychology.
Connerton, Paul, How societies remember (Cambridge 1998).
Now in its 16th printing, this concise book has been deservedly influential. Connerton's central thesis is that cultural traditions
and memories are transmitted not just by literary texts or orality, but incorporated practices such as ritual performances.
Erll, Astrid, Kollektives Gedächtnis und Erinnerungskulturen (Stuttgart 2005).
Excellent introduction. Useful and manageable (200 pp.) overview.
A brave attempt to bring some order - while avoiding systematization - into the memory boom sprawl. 2nd ed. now in English:
Memory in culture (Palgrave Macmillan, NY 2011).
________, ed., Cultural memory. An international and interdisciplinary handbook (Berlin: de Gruyter 2008).
Another, longer, and useful attempt, this time in English - westward the course of memory takes its way :)
Erll, A. and Nünning, A., eds., A companion to cultural memory studies (Berlin: de Gruyter 2010).
Very useful collection of important, short essays on major aspects of cultural memory.
Fentress, J., and
Wickham, C. 1992. Social
Memory. Blackwell, Oxford.
Gedi, N., and
Elam, Y. 1996. ÒCollective Memory
– What is it?,Ó History and Memory 8.1.30-50.
Bracing critique of the usefulness of the term "collective memory."
A welcome dose of iconoclasm.
Halbwachs, M. 1992. On
Collective Memory. Translated by L. Coser. Chicago.
German translation: Das GedŠchtnis und
seine sozialen Bedingungen
(Suhrkamp Taschenbuch 1985).
One of the classics in the field. H., a sociologist, advanced the view
that not only individuals but groups, too,
develop ÒcollectiveÓ memory, which
then becomes an essential factor in shaping and maintaining identity.
Laqueur, Th. 2000. ÒIntroduction,Ó Representations 69:1-8.
introduction to the special issue of Representations, entitled ÒGrounds for Remembering.Ó
Le Goff, J. 1992. History
and Memory. Translated by S. Rendall and E.
Claman. New York.
Nora, P. 1996-98. Realms
of Memory: Rethinking the French Past. Three volumes. Translated by A. Goldhammer. New York.
classic. The original French
version, in seven volumes (1984-92), is entitled Lieux de mŽmoire and
comprises some 120 articles, with
widely scattered methodologies, on topics associated with French national
memory and identity formation. The
sprawling result covers places, holidays, statesmen and institutions,
monuments, the French flag, and much more. The contemporaneity of the project and the increased
immigration of foreigners and their cultures to France is hardly coincidental.
Oexle, O.G., ed. 1995. Memoria als Kultur. G›ttingen.
Olick, J., and Robbins, J., "Social Memory Studies: From "Collective Memory" to the Historical Sociology of Mnemonic Practices,"
Annual Review of Sociology 24 (1998) 105-40.
A key survey, useful as a starting point for any foray into memory studies. The authors lay out the history of these studies, review
basic definitional issues, and offer some good working definitions and suggestions for future work. Excellently informed and
sensibly argued. Now supplemented (with over 500 pp.) by
Olick, J., et al., eds.,The Collective Memory Reader (O.U.P., New York 2011).
The absolute go to resource for beginners and others.
See also the helpful overviews:
Walter, Uwe. Memoria und res publica. Zur Geschichtskultur im republikanischen Rom (Verlag Antike, Frankfurt 2004).
Good starting point is pp. 26-35: "memoria: semantische Facetten und moderne Konzepte."
Diefenbach, Steffen, Rõmische Erinnerungsräume. Heiligenmemoria und kollektive Identitäten im Rom
des 3. bis 5. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. (deGruyter, Berlin/NY 2007).
Excellent overview of methodology in chapter 1.
Galinsky, Karl, ed., Memoria Romana. Memory in Rome and Rome in Memory. Suppl. vol. 10 of Memoirs of the
American Academy in Rome (Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press 2014).
Gowing, Alain, Empire and Memory. The Representation of the Roman Republic in Imperial Culture (Cambridge 2005).
Accessible and concise treatment in English.
Alcock, S. (2001), “The reconfiguration of memory in the eastern Roman empire,” in S. Alcock et al., eds., Empire (Cambridge), 323-50.
Allison, C. (2013). “Addressivity and the Monument: Memorials, Publics and the Yezidis of Armenia,” History and Memory 25, 145-81.
Anguissola, A. (2013). “Remembering with Greek Masterpieces: Observations on Memory and Roman Copies,” in Galinsky (2013), 117-36.
Assmann, A. (1999). Erinnerungsräume. Formen und Wandlungen des kulturellen Gedächtnisses (Munich) = (2011) Cultural memory and Western civilization: functions, media, archives (Cambridge).
Assmann, A., and Shortt, L., eds. (2012), Memory and Political Change (New York).
Assmann, J. (2010). “Communicative and Cultural Memory,” in Erll and Nünning, 110- 118.
_____ (2011). Cultural memory and early civilization. Writing, remembrance, and political imagination (Cambridge).
Beard, M. (1987). “A complex of times: no more sheep on Romulus’ birthday, PCPhS 213 ns. 33, 1-15.
Beard, M., North, J., and Price, S. (1998). Religions of Rome (Cambridge).
Bloch, M. (1998). How We Think They Think: Anthropological Approaches to Cognition, Memory, and Literacy (Boulder, CO).
Boyer, P., and Wertsch, J., eds. (2009). Memory in Mind and Culture (Cambridge).
Braun, M. (2013). Wem gehört die Geschichte? Erinnerungskultur in Literatur und Film (Münster).
Brodd, J., and Reed, J. L., eds. (2011). Rome and Religion: A Cross-Disciplinary Dialogue on the Imperial Cult (Atlanta).
Burke, P. (1989). “History as Social Memory,” in Butler, T., ed., Memory: History, Culture and the Mind (New York), 97-113.
Cambiano, G. (2007). “Problemi della memoria in Platone,” in Sassi, M., ed. Tracce nella mente. Teorie della memoria da Platone ai moderni (Pisa), 1-23.
Carruthers, M. J. (1990). The Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture (Cambridge).
Castelli, E. (2004). Martyrdom and Memory: Early Christian Culture Making (New York).
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Elsner, J. (1995). Art and the Roman Viewer. The Transformation of Art from the Pagan World to Christianity (Cambridge).
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Updated 11.22.2013