Selections from the bibliography in Alain Gowing, Empire and Memory (Cambridge, 2005).


Memory and History


Carruthers, M.  1990.  The Book of Memory: A Study of Memory in Medieval Culture.  Cambridge.


Gillis, J.  1994.  "Memory and Identity: The History of a Relationship."  In Commemorations: The Politics of National Identity, 3-24.  Edited by J. Gillis.  Princeton.


Hobsbawn, E.  1997.  On History.  New York.


            "History is not ancestral memory or collective tradition" (8).


Hutton, P.  1993.  History as an Art of Memory.  London.


Le Goff, J.  1992.  History and Memory.  Translated by S. Rendall and E. Claman.  New York.


            "It is societies whose social memory is primarily oral or which are in the process of establishing a written collective    memory that offer us the best chance of understanding this struggle for domination over remembrance and tradition, this manipulation of memory" (98).


Oexle, O.  1995.  "Memoria als Kultur."  In Memoria als Kultur, 9-78.  Edited by O. Oexle.  Gšttingen.


Roth, M.  1995.  The Ironist's Cage: Memory, Trauma, and the Construction of History.  New York.


Small, J. P. and J. Tatum.  1995.  "Memory and the Study of Classical Antiquity."  Helios 22: 149-77.


Terdiman, R.  1993.  Present Past: Modernity and the Memory Crisis.  London.


Memory and Late Antiquity


Felmy, A.  1999.  Die Ršmische Republik im Geschichtsbild der SpŠtantike.  Ph. D. diss., Frieburg.


Memory and Roman Art


Flower, H.  1996.  Ancestor Masks and Aristocratic Power in Roman Culture.  Oxford.


Koortbojian, M.  1996.  "In commemorationem mortuorum: Text and Image along the 'Streets of Tombs.'"  In Art and Text in Roman Culture, 210-33.  Edited by J. Elsner.  Cambridge.


*See also several publications by Tonio Hšlscher.




Miles, G.  1995.  "History and Memory in Livy's Narrative." In Livy: Reconstructing Early Rome, Chapter 1.  Ithaca.


                           Memory and Roman Topography


Edwards. C.  1996.  Writing Rome.  Cambridge.


                        Memory and Roman Civilization


*E. Stein-Hšlkeskamp and K.-J. Hšlkeskamp, eds. 2006.  Erinnerungsorte der Antike. 

Die ršmische Welt. Munich.

Collection of essays on various topics and their relation to memory.  Illustrates interdisciplinarity

of GedŠchtnisgeschichte and its lack of dogmatic theorizing; some of the essays are more descriptive than analytical.