Basic bibliography on memory, as
studied by neuropsychologists:
of Markus Stachon, from Prof. Onur Güntürkün)
McGaugh, James L. 2000. "Memory - a Century of Consolidation." Science 287: 248-251.
= an overview of 20th century
studies on consolidation - i.e., how memories are saved and organized.
Tronson, Natalie C., and Taylor,
Jane R. 2007. "Molecular mechanisms of memory reconsolidation." Nature
Reviews Neuroscience 8: 262-275.
= an overview of studies on
reconsolidation - i.e., how memories, especially bad ones, can be modified in a
labile period of reactivation.
Siegel, Daniel J. 2006.
"Entwicklungspsychologische, interpersonelle und neurobiologische Dimensionen des Gedächtnisses. Ein
Überblick." In: Welzer, H./ Markowitsch, H. J. (Hgg.). Warum
Menschen sich erinnern können. Fortschritte in der
interdisziplinären Gedächtnisforschung.
Stuttgart, 19-49.
= an overview of neuropsychological
memory studies, written for interdisciplinary purpose and containing,
among others, the theses presented by Prof. Güntürkün at
the Bochum Memoria Romana Conference. These deal with mechanisms by
which memory of an event changes every time we recall it.
Luria, Aleksandr R. 1968. The Mind
of a Mnemonist. A little book about a vast Memory. Translated from the Russian by Lynn
Solotaroff. Chicago, IL.
= a basic study of synaesthetic
mnemotechics, by which the mnemonist can remember any lengthy series of nonsense
numbers, words or syllables once heard or seen over many years.
Parker, E. S., Cahill, L., and
McGaugh, J. L. 2006. "A Case of Unusual Autobiographical Remembering." Neurocase 12: 35-49.
= presentation of a case of a
woman with hyperthymestic syndrome, meaning that she has been able to
remember every single event,
every single activity, every single circumstance of every single day of
her life since she was