Part 1, Chapter 13, Footnote #01
Limitations on property rights
A general right of property in any thing, is possessed, when it may be use every way, with the exception of certain uses which are forbidden by special reasons. These reasons may be referred to three heads:
This sword is mine in full property, but plenary as this property is as to a thousand uses, I may not use it in wounding my neighbour, nor cutting his clothes; I may not wave it as a signal of insurrection against the government. If I am a minor or a maniac, it may be taken from me for fear that I should injure myself.
An absolute and unlimited right over any object of property would be the right to commit nearly every crime. If I had such a right over the stick I am about to cut, I might employ it as a mace to knock down the passengers, or I might convert it into a sceptre as an emblem of royalty, or into an idol to offend the national religion.