I have before noticed (Book ii. chap. iii. p. 134) the metaphysical
objection taken by certain writers to the view that Happiness is
Ultimate Good; on the ground that Happiness (=sum of pleasures) can
only be realised in successive parts, whereas a ``Chief Good'' must be
``something of which some being can be conceived in
possession''---something, that is, which he can have all at once. On
considering this objection it seemed to me that, in so far as it is
even plausible, its plausibility depends on the exact form of the
notion `a Chief Good' (or `Summum Bonum'), which is perhaps
inappropriate as applied to Happiness. I have therefore in this
chapter used the notion of `Ultimate Good': as I can see no shadow of
reason for affirming that that which is Good or Desirable per
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