Simplified Example: Spanish

En muchas familias hay un platillo que es el favorito de todos los miembros. Generalmente, es una receta de la abuela, quien lo ha cocinado por muchos años y por eso se ha convertido en la especialidad de la familia. Muchas veces, ellas son muy celosas de su receta y no la quieren compartir con nadie que no sea un familiar cercano. Cuando a mi tía le piden su receta familiar, ella da los ingredientes en las cantidades equivocadas para que nadie pueda imitar el sabor de su platillo.

Simplified Example: English

In many families there is a dish that is the favorite of everyone in the family. Usually it's a recipe from grandma who has made it for many years and that's why it's become the family's specialty. They are often jealous of their recipe and they don't want to share it with anyone that isn't a close relative. When people ask my aunt for her family recipe, she tells them the wrong amounts for the ingredients so that no one can imitate the taste of her dish.