
comparative of adverbs: indicating more, less, or equality
Plus + adverb + que conveys the idea of 'more ... than',
moins + adverb + que the idea of 'less ... than'.
Aussi + adverb + que conveys the idea of 'as ... as.'

Joe-Bob court plus vite qu'Edouard. |
Joe-Bob runs faster than Edouard. |
Tex court moins vite que Joe-Bob. |
Tex runs slower (less fast) than Joe-Bob. |
Qui court aussi lentement qu'Edouard? Personne, bien sûr! |
Who runs as slowly as Edouard? No one, of course! |
Note that mieux (better) is the irregular comparative form of the adverb bien (well).
The other comparative forms of bien are regular (moins bien que, aussi bien que).

Joe-Bob: Vous allez bien aujourd'hui? Vous êtes en forme pour la course? |
Joe-Bob: Are you doing ok today? Are you in good shape for the race? |
Tex: Ah, oui, je vais mieux qu'hier. Je n'ai pas fumé depuis 24 heures. |
Tex: Ah yes, I am better than yesterday. I haven't smoked for 24 hours. |
Edouard: Moi, je vais moins bien qu'hier. J'ai tellement travaillé que j'ai des courbatures. |
Edouard: Oh no, I am less well than yesterday. I've worked so much that I have aches and pains. |
Corey: Oh, je vais aussi bien qu'hier. Je suis dopé, comme d'habitude. |
Corey: Oh I am doing as well as yesterday. I'm high (on insecticides), as usual. |

superlative of adverbs: indicating the most, the least
In French as in English, the superlative is a way to express a maximum or minimum quality or capacity:
'the fastest', 'the least fast'. To form the superlative of an adverb,
the masculine singular form of the definite article is always used:
le, followed by plus (more) or moins (less) before the adverb.
Note that the superlative of an adverb has only one form.
Le mieux (the best) and le moins bien (the least well) are the superlative forms of the adverb bien (well).

Joe-Bob, Tex, Corey et Edouard se préparent à faire une course. |
Joe-Bob, Tex, Corey and Edouard are about to start a race. |
Corey: Qui va gagner? |
Corey: Who's going to win? |
Joe-Bob: Moi, bien sûr! je cours le plus vite et Edouard va être le dernier parce qu'il court le moins vite! |
Joe-Bob: Me, of course! I run the fastest and Edouard is going to be last, because he runs the least fast! |
Edouard (vexé): Tu dis ça parce que je suis un escargot! Mais tout le monde sait que je cours le plus élégamment! |
Edouard (offended): You say this because I am a snail! But everyone knows that I run the most elegantly! |
