
questions with intonation
One of the easiest ways to ask a question that may be answered by yes/no is to raise the pitch of your voice at the end of a statement.
In a declarative statement, the pitch normally falls. Listen to the following dialogue and pay close attention to the intonation.

Tex: Trey, tu aimes la philosophie? |
Tex: Trey, do you like philosophy? |
Trey: Non. Je n'aime pas la philosophie. |
Trey: No. I do not like philosophy. |
Tex: Tu connais Sartre? |
Tex: Do you know Sartre? |
Trey: Non. Qui est-ce? |
Trey: No. Who is that? |
Tex: Gloups! C'est l'auteur du chef d'oeuvre existentialiste, La Nausée. |
Tex: Gulp! He's the author of the existentialist masterpiece, Nausea. |

questions using 'est-ce que ... ?'
Another way to ask a yes/no question is to place est-ce que before a statement.
Note that que becomes qu' before a vowel.
Trey: Et toi, Tex, est-ce que tu aimes les films? |
Trey: And you, Tex, do you like films? |
Tex: Bien sûr, j'adore les films. |
Tex: Of course, I adore films. |
Trey: Est-ce que tu connais Yoda? |
Trey: Do you know Yoda? |
Tex: Non. Qui est-ce? |
Tex: No. Who is that? |
Trey: Duh ... |
Trey: Duh ... |

questions using 'n'est-ce pas ?'
N'est-ce pas? is added to the end of a yes/no question when the speaker expects an affirmative response.

Trey: Tu connais 'La guerre des étoiles,' n'est-ce pas? Yoda, c'est le petit sage. |
Trey: You know 'Star Wars,' don't you? Yoda is the little wise man. |

Listen to the end of the dialogue:

Trey: Yoda est mon héros. Tu ne connais pas Yoda? |
Trey: Yoda is my hero. You don't know Yoda? |
Tex: Ah, si, si, si*, je connais le petit philosophe. Est-ce que tu es fou? Yoda n'est pas Sartre. |
Tex: Ah, yes, yes, yes, I do know the little philosopher. Are you crazy? Yoda is not Sartre. |
Trey: Oh, mais la philosophie de Yoda est plus intéressante que la philosophie existentialiste de La Nausée! Tu es d'accord, n'est-ce pas? |
Trey: Oh, but Yoda's philosophy is more interesting than the existentialist philosophy of La Nausée! You agree, don't you? |
Tex: Quel crétin! Retourne à tes jeux électroniques! |
Tex: What an idiot! Go back to your video games! |
*Si is used to answer 'yes' to a negative question.
