A pronoun is a word used to replace a noun.
It is commonly used to avoid repeating a previously mentioned noun known as the antecedent.
In the following example, pronouns in bold face are used to replace the underlined antecedents.

Tex a écrit un poème érotique, et puis il l'a envoyé à Tammy. Elle a été choquée quand elle l'a lu. |
Tex wrote an erotic poem and then he sent it to Tammy. She was shocked when she read it. |

The different kinds of pronouns are named according to their grammatical function.

subject pronouns |
je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles |
I, you, he, she, one, we, you, they (m), they (f) |

direct object pronouns |
me, te, le, la nous, vous, les |
me, you, him / it, her / it us, you, them (m) / (f) |

indirect object pronouns |
me, te, lui nous, vous, leur |
to me, to you, to him / her to us, to you, to them (m) / (f) |

the pronouns y and en |
y en |
there (replaces preposition + location) some, any, not any (replaces 'de' + noun) |

disjunctive pronouns |
moi, toi, lui, elle, soi nous, vous, eux, elles |
me, you, he, she, one we, you, them (m), them (f) |

reflexive pronouns |
me, te, se nous, vous, se |
myself, yourself, himself, herself ourselves, yourselves, themselves |

interrogative pronouns |

demonstrative pronouns |
celui, celle ceux |
this one / that one (m,f) these, those |

relative pronouns |
qui, que lequel, laquelle |
who, whom, which which |

indefinite pronouns |
quelqu'un quelque chose |
someone something |