
will and desire
The subjunctive is used in dependent clauses after expressions of will and desire whenever there are two different subjects in the two clauses
linked by the subordinating conjunction que. Here is a list of common verbs expressing will and desire:

aimer que, to like that ... |
préférer que, to prefer that ... |
aimer mieux que, to prefer that ... |
souhaiter que, to hope that ... |
attendre que, to wait, expect that ... |
vouloir que, to want that ... |
désirer que, to desire that ... |
vouloir bien que, to be willing that ... |
exiger que, to require that ... |
Tex veut qu'Edouard fasse la cuisine ce soir. |
Tex wants Edouard to cook this evening. |
Note however that espérer (to hope) is an exception and is followed by the indicative:
'Tex espère qu'Edouard préparera du couscous ce soir' (Tex hopes that Edouard will prepare couscous this evening).
Remember that when there is only one subject, the conjugated verb is followed by an infinitive: 'Edouard ne veut pas faire la cuisine' (Edouard does not want to cook).

The subjunctive is used after expressions of emotion and opinion.
Remember that the subjunctive is found in the subordinate clause of sentences that contain a change of subject from the main clause to the subordinate clause.
Here is a list of common expressions of emotion with which the subjunctive is found in the subordinate clause:

être content(e) que, to be happy that |
être impatient(e) que, to be impatient that |
être heureux(/se) que, to be happy that |
être désolé(e) que, to be sorry that |
être ravi(e) que, to delighted that |
regretter que, to regret that |
être étonné(e) que, to be surprised that |
se réjouir que, to rejoice, celebrate that |
être mécontent(e) que, to be unhappy that |
craindre que, to fear that |
être malheureux(/se) que, to be unhappy that |
redouter que, to fear that |
être triste que, to be sad that |
avoir peur que, to fear that |
être surpris(e) que, to be surprised that |
Tammy est ravie que nous venions dîner chez elle ce soir. |
Tammy is delighted that we are coming to dinner at her house this evening
OR Tammy's delighted that we will come to dinner at her house this evening. |
Fiona craint qu'on mette un pesticide autour de l'immeuble de Tammy. |
Fiona is afraid that they're putting pesticides around Tammy's apartment building.
OR Fiona is afraid that they willl put pesticides around Tammy's apartment building. |
Notice how there are two ways of translating these two sentences.
Because the subjunctive is the tense for hypotheses and potentialities, it sometimes has a future meaning.
Only the context will determine if the action in the subjunctive refers to the present or future time.

Here is a list of common impersonal expressions of opinion; there are many more such expressions since any adjective may be used.
Remember that impersonal expressions always have 'il' as the subject. These expressions are followed by a dependent clause in the subjunctive.

il est bon que, it is good that |
il est utile que, it is useful that |
il est juste que, it is fair that |
il est urgent que, it is urgent that |
il est dommage que, it is unfortunate that |
il est logique que, it is logical that |

one subject
If expressions of emotion or opinion have only one subject throughout the sentence,
then the preposition de + infinitive replaces que + subjunctive
(See ways to avoid the subjunctive). Contrast the previous examples with these sentences:

Tammy est ravie de recevoir des amis. |
Tammy is delighted to have friends over.
OR Tammy is delighted she's going to have friends over. |
Fiona craint de ne pas pouvoir venir. |
Fiona is afraid she cannot come.
OR Fiona is afraid she won't be able to come. |
Il est bon de pouvoir s'amuser avec ses amis. |
It is good to be able to have fun with one's friends. |

Listen to the dialogue. Verbs in blue are in the subjunctive.

Tex et Tammy organisent un repas pour leurs copains ce soir. |
Tex and Tammy are preparing a meal for their friends tonight. |
Tammy: Tex, je voudrais que tu choisisses un bon vin. Mais je préfère que ce soit un rouge s'il te plaît. Il serait dommage que nous buvions du vin blanc avec du boeuf. |
Tammy: Tex, I would like you to pick a good wine. But I would prefer a red wine please. It would be a pity to drink a white wine with beef. |
Tex réfléchit un moment, puis il choisit un vin californien. |
Tex reflects a moment and then he chooses a Californian wine. |
Tammy: Mais enfin Tex, pas un vin américain! Il serait préférable que nous ouvrions une bouteille de Bordeaux ou de Bourgogne! |
Tammy: Tex! Not an American wine! It would be better if we opened a bottle of Bordeaux or Burgundy! |
Tex: Ma chère Tammy, j'ai bien peur que nous n'ayons plus de vins français en réserve! |
Tex: My dear Tammy, I am afraid we're out of French wines! |
Tammy: Tu es sûr? Je suis étonnée qu'il n'y ait plus de vin français. |
Tammy: Are you sure? I'm really surprised that there isn't any more French wine. |
