
When the following conjunctions introduce a subordinate clause with a new subject, they always trigger the subjunctive.
Remember that the subjects of the subordinate clause and of the main clause are different.
In the examples below, the verb in the subjunctive is underlined.

conjunctions expressing intention: pour que, afin que, de sorte que (in order that, so that)

Bette drague Tex pour qu'il lui donne de bonnes notes. |
Bette is hitting on Tex so that he will give her good grades. |
Bette drague Tex afin que Tammy soit jalouse. |
Bette is hitting on Tex so that Tammy will be jealous. |
Bette drague Tex de sorte que Tammy et Tex se disputent. |
Bette is hitting on Tex so that Tammy and Tex will fight. |

Conjunctions expressing fear: de crainte que, de peur que (for fear that, lest)

Mais Tex n'a rien dit à Tammy de crainte qu'elle (ne)* se fâche. |
But Tex hasn't said anything to Tammy for fear that [lest] she be angry. |
Il ne veut pas en parler de peur que Tammy soit blessée. |
He doesn't want to bring it up for fear that [lest] Tammy be hurt. |
* ne is optional. It is sometimes added to certain subjunctive clauses for stylistic purposes, in these cases it does not negate the verb.

conjunctions expressing time: avant que (before), en attendant que (while waiting for), jusqu'à ce que (until)

Pourtant, il doit faire quelque chose avant que Tammy (ne) se rende compte de ce qui se passe! |
Yet he must do something before Tammy realizes what's going on! |
Tex prend un café en attendant que Tammy le rejoigne. |
Tex is having a cup of coffee while waiting for Tammy to join him. |
Il va réfléchir au problème jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrive. |
He's going to think about this problem until she arrives. |

Conjunctions expressing obstacles or restrictions: bien que, quoique (although), à moins que (unless)

Tammy a du mal à croire l'histoire de Tex, bien qu'il ait l'air sincère. |
Tammy finds it difficult to believe Tex's story, although he looks sincere. |
Tammy: Alors Bette n'est pas une vraie amie, à moins que ce (ne) soit toi qui la drague. |
Tammy: So Bette is not a true friend, unless it is you who has been hitting on her. |

conjunctions expressing a condition: à condition que (on the condition that), pourvu que (provided that), sans que (without)

Tammy: Ecoute, Tex, je veux bien te faire confiance, à condition que tu me promettes de tout me dire. |
Tammy: Listen Tex, I'm willing to trust you, if you promise that you will tell me everything. |
Je veux bien pardonner aussi à Bette, pourvu qu'elle ne recommence pas. |
I am also willing to forgive Bette, provided that she never does it again. |

conjoining conjunctions which have the same subject
The subjunctive is required after a few conjunctions even when the subject stays the same from the main clause to the dependent clause.
These four conjunctions are bien que, quoique, pourvu que,
jusqu'à ce que.

Tammy aime Tex bien qu'elle le trouve puéril par moments. |
Tammy loves Tex although she finds him childish at times. |
Quoique Tammy soit sûre de vouloir épouser Tex, elle ne veut pas précipiter les choses. |
Although Tammy is certain she wants to marry Tex, she does not want to rush things. |
Tex veut attendre jusqu'à ce qu'il se sente prêt. |
Tex wants to wait until he feels ready. |
Tammy veut bien patienter un peu pourvu que Tex n'attende pas trop longtemps. |
Tammy is happy to wait a bit more provided that Tex doesn't wait too much longer. |
