The irregular verbs savoir and connaître both mean 'to know.
Listen first to the pronunciation of their forms in the present.

savoir 'to know (a fact)' |
je sais |
nous savons |
tu sais |
vous savez |
il/elle/on sait |
ils/elles savent |
past participle : su |

connaître 'to know, to be acquainted with' |
je connais |
nous connaissons |
tu connais |
vous connaissez |
il/elle/on connaît |
ils/elles connaissent |
past participle : connu |

Savoir and connaître are used in different contexts or to describe different degrees of knowledge.
Savoir is used for facts, things known by heart, or abilities.When followed by an infinitive,
savoir indicates knowing how to do something.(Je sais jouer de laguitare.)
Connaîtreis used for people and places and represents a personal acquaintance or familiarity.

Joe-Bob: Tex, explique-moi la différence entre savoir et connaître. Je ne comprends pas. |
Joe-Bob: Tex, explain the difference between savoir and connaître to me. I don't understand. |
Tex: C'est très simple, Joe-Bob. On sait des faits mais on connaît des gens et des endroits. Par exemple, je connais Tammy, la France et la Tour Eiffel. |
Tex: It's very simple, Joe-Bob. One knows (with savoir) facts, but one knows (with connaître) people and places. For example, I know Tammy, France, the Eiffel Tower. |
Joe-Bob: Oh, OK, et moi, je sais jouer de la guitare et je sais où se trouvel'université du Texas. |
Joe-Bob: Oh, OK, and I know how to play the guitar and I know where the University of Texas is located. |
Tex: Mais enfin, Joe-Bob, tu n'es pas aussi stupide qu'on le pense. |
Tex: Well, Joe-Bob. You aren't as stupid as they think. |
