The verb aller is irregular in the present tense.
Listen carefully to the pronunciation of the -s in the plural forms
nous andvous forms.
This -s is pronounced as a /z/ to link with the vowel sound in the plural forms
allons and allez.

aller 'to go' |
je vais |
nous allons |
tu vas |
vous allez |
il/elle/on va |
ils/elles vont |
past participle : allé |

Aller literally means 'to go', but is used figuratively in salutations to say how one is doing.

Corey: Salut, Joe-Bob , où vas -tu? |
Corey: Hey, Joe-Bob, where are you going? |
Joe-Bob: Je vais au café. |
Joe-Bob: I'm going to a coffee shop. |
Corey: Mais, tu as cours maintenant. |
Corey: But, you have class right now. |
Joe-Bob: Oui, mais le prof est horrible, vraiment horrible! |
Joe-Bob: Yes but, the prof is horrible, really horrible. |
Corey: Attention! Il arrive! |
Corey: Watch out! He's coming! |
Joe-Bob: Ah, bonjour monsieur le professeur. Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui? |
Joe-Bob: Oh, hello, professor. How are you today? |

Aller is also used to talk about the near future, what one is 'going to do.'
