The verb venir is irregular in the present tense.
Listen carefully to the pronunciation of the third person singular (vient) and the third person plural (viennent).
Can you hear the difference? The vowel is nasal in the singular, but not in the plural.

venir 'to come' |
je viens |
nous venons |
tu viens |
vous venez |
il/elle/on vient |
ils/elles viennent |
past participle : venu |

Verbs conjugated like venir include:

devenir, to become |
revenir, to come back |
tenir, to hold, keep |
tenir à, to value, care about, (+ infinitive, to be anxious to) |
Bette: Tiens, Tammy, qu'est-ce que tu deviens? |
Bette: Hey, Tammy, what have you been up to? (literally, what have you become) |
Tammy: Oh, je prépare une grande fête pour l'anniversaire de Tex. Corey et Joe-Bob, ils viennent. Tout le monde vient, bien sûr, sauf Fiona. Elle n'est pas très sociable. |
Tammy: Oh, I'm preparing a big party for Tex's birthday. Corey and Joe-Bob, they're coming. Everyone's coming, of course, except Fiona She's not very sociable. |
Bette: Une fête ... Eh bien moi, je suis très sociable. Miaou ... |
Bette: A party ... hmm. Well, I am very sociable. Miaow ... |
