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-re verbs (regular)
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Verbs with infinitives ending in -re form a third group of regular verbs, often called 'third conjugation' verbs. To form the present tense conjugations of these verbs, drop the -re from the infinitive and add the third conjugation endings (-s, -s, -, -ons, -ez,-ent) to the resulting stem. As you listen, note especially that the final -d and -ds in the singular forms are silent. In the third person plural the 'd' consonant sound of the stem is pronounced because of the -ent ending. Can you hear the difference in the pronunciation of the singular and plural forms of the third person? (il vs. ils)

descendre  'to go down'
je descends nous descendons
tu descends vous descendez
il/elle/on descend ils/elles descendent
past participle: descendu

Here is a list of common regular -re verbs:

attendre, to wait for rendre, to hand in, give back
dépendre de, to depend (on) rendre visite à quelqu'un, to visit someone
entendre, to hear répondre, to answer, respond
pendre, to hang vendre, to sell
perdre, to lose  

Not all verbs ending in -re follow this pattern, however. Irregular -re verbs include prendre, mettre, suivre and vivre.

Un flic descend la rue. Tex panique et file.   A cop is coming down the street. Tex panics and runs off.
Agent de police: Attendez! Attendez ... Monsieur, vous vendez des T-shirts?   Policeman: Wait! Wait...Sir, are you selling t-shirts?
Tex répond: Euh, oui, monsieur l'agent.   Tex answers, "Yes, sir."
Agent de police: Vous n'avez pas de permis. Hé, hé, vous êtes déporté.   Policeman: You do not have a permit. Hey, hey, you are deported.


fill in the blanks
Give the correct form of the verb indicated in parentheses.
1. Corey ______ son vélo pour avoir de l'argent. (vendre)

2. Fiona, tu ______ la musique? (entendre)

3. Joe-Bob demande au prof: Est-ce que vous ______ nos examens aujourd'hui? (rendre)

4. Tex ______ la rue Guadalupe. (descendre)

5. Joe-Bob et Corey ______ souvent leurs devoirs. (perdre)

6. Tex et Tammy vont ______ visite à Paw-Paw. (rendre)

7. Tex: J' ______ mes étudiants à Quacks. (attendre)

8. Corey à Tex: Nous ______ visite à Joe-Bob. Tu viens? (rendre)

9. Joe-Bob et Corey: Nous ______ le week-end avec impatience. (attendre)

10. Corey, pourquoi est-ce que tu ne ______ pas? (répondre)

11. Joe-Bob ne ______ jamais aux questions du prof. (répondre)

12. Tex et Tammy, vous ______? (entendre)

listening comprehension
Listen to the following sentences and decide if they refer to Tammy (singular) or Fiona and Bette (plural).
audio 1.
Tammy Fiona et Bette
audio 2.
Tammy Fiona et Bette
audio 3.
Tammy Fiona et Bette
audio 4.
Tammy Fiona et Bette
audio 5.
Tammy Fiona et Bette
audio 6.
Tammy Fiona et Bette
audio 7.
Tammy Fiona et Bette
audio 8.
Tammy Fiona et Bette
audio 9.
Tammy Fiona et Bette
audio 10.
Tammy Fiona et Bette
audio 11.
Tammy Fiona et Bette
audio 12.
Tammy Fiona et Bette