Regular adjectives are formed by adding an e to the masculine form in the singular
(content / contente), or by adding an s to the masculine and feminine forms in the plural
(Tex et Edouard sont contents / Tammy et Bette sont contentes).
This group of adjectives is by far the most common. There are, however, a number of adjectives which are called irregular,
because they do not have the normal -e, -s, or -es endings.
The endings of these irregular adjectives vary widely and often change the pronunciation.

Some adjectives are completely irregular:

masculine |
feminine |
translation |
doux |
douce |
soft |
faux |
fausse |
false |
favori |
favorite |
favorite |
frais |
fraîche |
fresh |
long |
longue |
long |
public |
publique |
public |

Other adjectives can be grouped in categories:

masculine ending |
feminine ending |
french |
english |
-el |
-elle |
cruel cruelle |
cruel |
-eil |
-eille |
pareil pareille |
similar |
-il |
-ille |
gentil gentille |
kind, nice |
-on |
-onne |
mignon mignonne |
cute |
-s |
-sse |
gros grosse |
big, fat |
-en |
-enne |
ancien ancienne |
old |
-et |
-ète |
secret secrète |
secretive |
-er |
-ère |
cher chère |
dear, expensive |
-eux |
-euse |
heureux heureuse |
happy |
-eur |
-euse |
trompeur trompeuse |
deceptive |
-teur |
-trice |
créateur créatrice |
creative |
-f |
-ve |
actif active |
active |
-c |
-che |
franc franche |
frank |
-ou |
-olle |
fou folle |
crazy |

Some adjectives have identical masculine and feminine forms. This is generally the case with adjectives ending in e
in their masculine form and with foreign adjectives like 'snob', 'cool', etc. For example: Tex est un tatou imaginaire;
Tammy aussi est imaginaire. Ils sont imaginaires.
(Tex is an imaginary armadillo; Tammy too is imaginary. They are imaginary.) Here are a few of these adjectives:

pauvre (poor) |
difficile (difficult) |
sensible (sensitive) |
riche (rich) |
calme (calm) |
semblable (similar) |
mince (slim) |
minuscule (tiny) |
ridicule (ridiculous) |
propre (clean) |
ironique (ironic) |
imaginaire (imaginary) |

The majority of adjectives are regular in the plural; that is, an -s is added to the singular masculine or feminine forms.
There are two major exceptions to this rule:
1. |
Do not add an s to the masculine form of adjectives ending in s or x. The masculine singular and plural forms are thus identical: un animal heureux (a happy animal), des animaux heureux (happy animals). However, the feminine plural form of these adjectives is regular; it is formed by simply adding an s to the feminine singular form: une fille heureuse (a happy girl), des filles heureuses (happy girls). |
2. |
Adjectives ending in al in the masculine singular form change to aux in the masculine plural form. |
Tex est un tatou international. Edouard et Tex sont des animaux internationaux. |
Tex is an international armadillo. Edouard and Tex are international animals. |
The feminine plural form of these adjectives is regular; it is formed by simply adding an s to the feminine singular form: Tex aime lire la presse internationale. Tex aime aussi les revues internationales. (Tex likes to read international papers. Tex also likes international magazines).

Listen to this dialogue:
Tex: Mais, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? |
Tex: But, what's wrong? |
Tammy: C'est encore Bette! Elle n'est jamais sincère! Sois franc Tex. Tu ne la trouves pas capricieuse et cruelle? |
Tammy: It's Bette again! She is never sincere! Be frank Tex. Don't you find her capricious and cruel? |
Tex: Non! Elle est gentille! C'est une bonne amie! Qu'est-ce qu'elle a fait? |
Tex: No! She is nice! She is a good friend! What did she do? |
Tammy: Comme tu es naïf! Elle me raconte que tu me trouves ennuyeuse, que tu es amoureux d'une de tes étudiantes. C'est vrai? |
Tammy: You are so naive! She tells me that you think I'm boring, that you are in love with one of your students. Is that true? |
Tex: Tu es folle! C'est une fausse accusation! |
Tex: You're crazy! It's a false accusation! |
Tammy: Hmm ... Tu veux que je t'explique? C'est très clair. Elle est jalouse! C'est le complot classique. Elle essaie de nous séparer, nous des amis si loyaux! |
Tammy: Hmm ... Do you want me to explain? It's very clear. She is jealous! It's the classic plot. She is trying to separate us, such loyal friends! |
