The verbs suivre (to follow), and vivre (to live) are irregular.
Listen carefully to their forms in the present tense.

suivre 'to follow' |
je suis |
nous suivons |
tu suis |
vous suivez |
il/elle/on suit |
ils/elles suivent |
past participle : suivi |

Suivre is also used in the expression suivre un cours (to take a course).

vivre 'to live, to be alive' |
je vis |
nous vivons |
tu vis |
vous vivez |
il/elle/on vit |
ils/elles vivent |
past participle : vécu |

You may have seen the expression Vive ... (as in Vive la France!, Long live France!)
and the noun la vie (life). Vivre means 'to be alive,' as well as 'to live,'
in contrast to the verb habiter which refers only to where one lives, one's place of residence.

Edouard accueille des clients au restaurant. |
Edouard greets customers at the restaurant. |
Edouard: Bonsoir. Suivez-moi, s'il vous plaît. |
Edouard: Good evening. Follow me, please. |
Une heure plus tard, les clients attendent toujours. |
One hour later the clients are still waiting. |
Client: Excusez, moi, mais le service est vraiment très lent. |
Client: Excuse me, but the service is really very slow. |
Edouard: La qualité, ça prend du temps, monsieur. Les fastfoods, quelle horreur. Vive la cuisine française! |
Edouard: Quality takes time, monsieur. Fast food, how dreadful! Long live French cuisine! |
