Black Cowboys
Of the estimated
35,000 cowboys that worked the ranches and rode the trails, between
five and nine thousand or more was said to have been Black. They participated
in almost all of the drives northward, and was assigned to every job
except that of trail boss. One historian noted that there had been
a few cattle drives where the entire crews were black except for the
trail boss.
See especially:
Sara R. Massey, ed., Introduction by Alwyn Barr Black, Cowboys
of Texas (College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2000).
Book Cover:

of Contents:
Part 1. The Early
Chapter 1. Remembrances: Black Cowboy Life in Texas, T. Lindsay Baker
Chapter 2. Peter Martin: A Stockraiser of the Republic Period, Michael
Rugeley Moore
Chapter 3. Robert Lemmons: A Black Texan Mustanger, Allan O. Kownslar
Chapter 4. Henrietta Williams Foster, "Aunt Rittie": A Cowgirl
of the Texas Coastal Bend, Louise S. O'Connor
Chapter 5. Johanna July: A Horse-Breaking Woman,Jim Coffey
Chapter 6. Edward "Sancho" Mozique: A Buffalo Soldier Turns
Cowboy, Ken Pollard and Vicki J. Hagen
Part 2. Cowboys of the Cattle Drives
Chapter 7. Ben Kinchlow: A Trail Driver on the Chisholm Trail, John
H. Fuller
Chapter 8. Neptune Holmes: A Lifetime of Loyalty, Kitty Henderson
and Charlie Woodson
Chapter 9. George McDow: A Black Cowboy, Ira V. Lott
Chapter 10. Bose Ikard: Splendid Behavior, Bruce M. Shackelford
Chapter 11. James Kelly: The Ebony Gun,James Smallwood
Chapter 12. Bill "Tige" Avery: "Rare Back There, Boy,
Rare Back," Lawrence Clayton
Chapter 13. George Adams: A Cowboy All His Life, Kenneth W. Howell
Chapter 14. Charley Willis: A Singing Cowboy, Jim Chilcote
Chapter 15. Daniel Webster Wallace: A West Texas Cattleman, Joyce
Gibson Roach
Chapter 16. Addison Jones: "The Most Noted Negro Cowboy That
Ever ‘Topped Off' A Horse," Michael N. Searles
Chapter 17. Jim Perry: XIT Hand, Ron W. Wilhelm
Part 3. Twentieth-Century Cowboys
Chapter 18. Mathew "Bones" Hooks: A Pioneer of Honor, Ana
Carolina Castillo Crimm
Chapter 19. Louis Power: A Hero's Hero, Louise S. O'Connor
Chapter 20. The Paynes of Texas: Black Seminole Cowboys of the Big
Bend, Marilyn Dell Brady
Chapter 21. Richard "Bubba" Walker: Best Cowhand Wilson
County Ever Had, Lee N. Coffee, Jr.
Chapter 22. Troy John Williams: The Tennis Shoe Cowboy, C. A. "Tony"
Chapter 23. A. J. Walker: Cowboy and Rodeo Organizer,Alan Govenar
Chapter 24. Mack Williams, Sr.: Nobody's Fool,