[2] Texas Education Agency 81.
[3] Texas Education Agency 85.
[4] John Sharp, Disturbing the Peace: The Challenge of Change in Texas Government (Texas Performance Review: Austin, 1996) 4.
[5] Sharp, 27.
[6] Finn and Ravitch 60.
[7] Mark Pitsch, "House Republicans Unveil Bill to Ax E.D., Create Block Grants," Education Week on the Web 31 May 1995.
[8] Christine L. Olson, "U.S. Department of Education Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education: Where the Money Goes," Heritage Foundation FYI No. 126 30 December 1996.
[9] Olson.
[10] Olson.
[11] Olson.
[12] Olson.
[13] Finn and Ravitch 57.
14 Linda Greenhouse, "Justices Look Anew at a Landmark Church-State School Case," New York Times 16 April 1997: A16.
[15] "Supreme Court Review," The Newshour with Jim Lehrer 14 April 1997.
[16] Greenhouse A12.
[17] Olson.
[18] David J. Hoff, "Chapter 1 Aid Failed to Close Learning Gap," Education Week on the Web 2 April 1997.
[19] Hoff.
[20] Hoff.
[21] Chester E. Finn, Jr., "How Special Is Special Education?" Educational Excellence Network: Issues and Places February 1996.
[22] Lisa Gubernick and Michelle Conlin, "The Special Education Scandal," Forbes 10 February 1997: 69.
[23] Brent Staples, "The End of Special Education: Private Schools at Public Expense," New York Times A16.
[24] Gubernick and Conlin 66.
[25] Gubernick and Conlin 66.
[26] Finn, "Special."
[27] Karen Hawley Miles and Richard Rothstein, "Where Has the Money Gone?" Education Week on the Web 22 November 1995.
[28] Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P., Resource Allocations in the New York City Public Schools (New York, 1994) 18.
[29] Finn, "Special."
[30] Finn, "Special."
[31] Staples A16.
[32] Gubernick and Conlin 70.
[33] Finn, "Special."
[34] Lynn Schnaiberg, "States Rethink How to Pay for Special Ed.," Education Week on the Web 27 November 1996.