[2] Bruno V. Manno, "Educational Excellence Takes More Than Money," Foresight: Hudson Institute Insights on the Issues of the Day. February 1997: 1.
[3] "Interview with Senator Phil Gramm," This Week 4 May 1997.
4 Luce 100.
[5] Eric Hanushek, Making Schools Work: Improving Performance and Controlling Costs (Washington, D.C.: Brookings, 1994) 9.
[6] McGroarty 16.
[7] Jackie Calmes, "On Education, Uncle Sam Still Is No Big Spender," Wall Street Journal 14 March 1997: R2.
[8] Hanushek xix.
[9] McGroarty 16; Calmes R2.
[10] Hanushek 26.
[11] OECD 59, 71.
[12] OECD 71.
[13] Boaz.
[14] McGroarty 20.
[15] Lisa W. Foderaro, "In Catholic School, Shared Values Include Rigor and Decorum," New York Times 26 September 1997: A12.
[16] Sol Stern, "Why the Catholic School Model is Taboo," Wall Street Journal 17 July 1997: A16.
[17] Finn and Ravitch 8.
[18] Keith Bradsher, "A New For-Profit Sets Off a Turf Battle in Detroit," New York Times 27 September 1997: A6.
[19] Mark Walsh, "EAI Gets Charter to Run Up to 12 Schools in Arizona," Education Week on the Web 22 January 1997.
[20] Peter Applebome, "Grading For-Profit Schools: So Far, So Good," New York Times 26 June 1996: A1.
[21] Douglas Munro, "How to Find Out Where the Money Goes in the Public Schools," Heritage Foundation State Backgrounder 10 August 1993.
22 Richard Murnane and Frank Levy, "Why Money Matters Sometimes," Education Week on the Web 11 September 1996.