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Friday, March 30, 2012 10:00am -10:20am: - Shuttle Service from Holiday Inn Town Lake to Conference Location 10:30am-11:00am: Conference Opening PANEL SESSION A, 11am-12:30pm A1: Youth, Poverty, and Empowerment in East Africa Running Head: Mungiki Violence against Women Youth Movements in Kenya from Mau Mau to Mungiki Using Poverty for Education Abroad in East Africa, 1950-1965 Jamahiriya and Libyan Youth Movement: A New Chapter Somalia’s Terrorist Shabab: The Global Political Economy of Impoverishment and Disempowerment
A2: Lifting the Loincloth: Interrogating Anthropological Spectacles No Sisterhood here: Female Anthropologists, Male Informants, and Silenced Mamas Ubuntu, not Ubantu: Persistent Tribal Ethnographies and the Essential Bantu Desire for the Familiar: Myths of Exceptional Ethnicities and Tribes on the Anthropological Pedestal Ethnographic Imaginations Gone Wild: Cool Mamas and their Hot Africa Daughters
A3: Development and Underdevelopment Where did Development go? Empowerment through Democracy despite Poverty: A Comparison of Three Great Lakes Countries “Amelee heni Ame je”: Mobilizing & Empowering the “Tabom” Youth to “Perform” Brazilian Identity The Challenges of Poverty Reduction: Some Views
LUNCH, 12:30pm-2:00pm
PANEL SESSION B, 2:00pm-3:30pm
B1: The Environment, Local Industries, and Engagement with National and Transnational networks The Growth of Law Clinics as a Vehicle for Legal Empowerment in Nigeria Enhancing Entrepreneurial Capacity and Sustainable Development Initiatives in Southwest Nigeria: A Pilot Study of Abeokuta (Ogun State) and Akure (Ondo State) in Nigeria How Sustainable Pesticide Governance Can Address The Environmental And Health Effects Of Pesticide In Flower And Vegetable Farms of Ethiopia: Environmental Governance Perspective. The Paradoxes of the One Time Premium Payment for National Health Insurance of Ghana
B2: Food Problems, Hunger and Malnutrition Developing a “Green” Africa: The Seed as a source of Western Capital Cultivating Neo-colonial Traditions The Growth and Remedy of Poverty and Hunger in Post-Colonial Africa The Impact of Macro-Economic Policies on Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: How (UN) successful have they been Poverty and Food Security Interface: Reflections on Nigeria
B3: Power, Politics and Nationalism Creating Common Sympathies through Nation-Building and Nationalism in Post-Apartheid South Africa Anthropology of Oil: A case of the Bagungu of Uganda African Politics in Transition: Change and Empowerment Analysis of Election Finances in Nigeria Poverty in Africa: The Criminalization of the Wrongs of Power
PANEL SESSION C, 3:45pm-5:15pm C1: Identity, Cleavages and Conflicts Poverty, Underdevelopoment and Small and Light Arms Proliferation: Challenge for National Security A Season of Riots: Cotton Farmers’ Revolt in Burkina Faso and the State Response. The 1952 Lagos Convict Prison Riot: A Case of Prisoners’ Unruly Behavior or Management Incompetence? Perceptions of Social Fragmentation and Alienation in the ways Older Ethiopian Children Construct their National Identity What is in a Name?: The Socio-cultural Economics of Naming in Africa C2: Disability, Opportunities and Discrimination Poverty and Abuse of the Elderly in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Cultural Interrogation of the Dying Nigerian Textile Industry: Lessons for Empowerment Poverty Reduction and the Care of the People (COPE) Program in Yenagoa LGA, Bayelsa State, Nigeria: A Beneficiaries’ Perspective Social and Economic Inequalities: The Least Advantaged and the Quest for Justice in Africa Poverty and Job Discrimination against the Physically Challenged in Nigeria: Vocational Skill Acquisition to the Rescue
C3: Approaches to Poverty Alleviation The Political Economy of Poverty Alleviation Programs in Africa To Serve the Nation: Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa and the Development of Tanzania Optimizing the Entrepreneurial needs of School Children for Sustainable Economic Empowerment and Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria The Negative Implications of “Absentee” Chiefs on Ghana’s Development Effort Poverty Alleviation Strategies in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects Cattle and Prospects for Development in Colonial Bamenda
DINNER RECEPTION, 5:30pm-6:30pm (Conference Participants only)
KEYNOTE LECTURE, 7:00pm-8:00pm "Poverty and the Development Challenge in Africa: Issues and Perspectives”
8:00am-8:20am-Shuttle Service from Holiday Inn hotel, Town Lake to Conference location
PANEL SESSION D, 9:00-10:30am
D1: Images and Literary Representations The Challenging Images and Representations of Adire Technology in Nigerian Politics Dele Jegede: The Artist as an Activist and a Nationalist Poverty Eradication and Nation Building in Akinwumi Isola’s Creative Works Poverty and Empowerment for Sustainable Growth in Africa: Insights from Ben Okri’s in Arcadia Coming of Age in Poverty in South Africa: The Poetry of Don Mattera’s ‘Sophiatown’ (1989) Representing Poverty in the Congo
D2: Infrastructural Decay and Re-engineering Scaling Up Infrastructure Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa for Poverty Alleviation Revamping an Ailing Sector: The Trope and Travails of the Power Holding Corporation of Nigeria Reform, Economic Growth and the Poverty Question in Africa Poverty In An Oil Rich Country (ORC):
D3: Globalization and the Crises of Poverty Yahoo Plus and Globalization in Nigeria Weaknesses and Failures of Poverty Policies and Programs in Nigeria since 1960 In the Web of Neo-Liberalism and Deepening Contradictions: Assessing Poverty Reform Strategies in West Africa since the Mid 1980s Governance and Globalization: The Defining Edge in Poverty Alleviation in Africa Globalization and the Curse of Poverty in Resource Rich Communities: Experiences from Bia District of Western Ghana
PANEL SESSION E, 10:45am-12:15pm
E1: Gendered and Sexualized Poverty and Empowerment Reclaiming Our Spaces: Gender, Power and Politics in Yoruba Market Place The Economics of Women and Gender Studies in Uganda Women and Poverty Eradication Efforts in Uganda: Why ending Gendered Poverty is still Far-Fetched The Hanging Ghost of Poverty: Focus on the Fattening Room Institution among the Efik of Cross River State Gendered Poverty in Africa: Implications for Women’s Emancipation Modern Day Slavery: Poverty and Women Trafficking in Nigeria in the Age of Neo-Liberal Orthodoxy E2: Poverty, Ethnicity and Appropriation of Resources Poverty, Ethnicity and Appropriation of Resources: Analyzing the Poverty Conundrum in the Niger Delta Ethno-Religious Conflicts and Women in the Middle Belt Region of Nigeria Escaping the Resource Curse: Ethnic Inclusion in Resource-Rich States State and Political Participation: A Gender Analysis of Nigeria’s 2011 General Elections E3: Pre-colonial, Colonial and Post-colonial Governance and Empowerment With Great Riches comes Great Responsibility: Human Rights Violations in Nigeria and Governmental Duty The National Assembly and the Challenge of Poverty in Nigeria Cattle Raiding in Pre-Colonial Madagascar Making Economic Sense of Military Malfeasance: A Case Study of Post-Colonial Uganda Good Governance and Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria Safeguarding the Rights of Oil Producing Communities in Nigeria: A call for Review
E4: Informal Economies Poverty and Sex Trade among Nigerian Women: An Empirical Analysis An Exploration of the Influence of Household Poverty Spells on the Incidences of Child Labor in Nigeria, Creating Poor Citizens: Stunted Land Reforms, “Protecting” the Environment, and the Squatter Problem in Modern Kenya “I know that if I Travel Abroad, My Life would be Better”: Poverty Trap and Migration in Human Trafficking “Informal Economies, Njanggis and Women’s Empowerment in Africa [Cameroon]” Fate of Children of Perceived Political Activist Parents
LUNCH RECEPTION, 12:30-2:00pm
PANEL SESSION F, 2:00-3:30pm F1: Defining and Conceptualizing Poverty The Commercialization of Poverty in Africa: A Critical Analysis Poverty in Postcolonial Africa and the Legacy of Contested Perspectives Defining and conceptualizing poverty – intellectual and leadership dimensions of underdevelopment Decolonizing Knowledge: A panacea to the Western Imposed Epistemicide in Africana Societies: The Yoruba Example Poverty and the Force of Change: Reflections on Rawl’s Difference Principle
F2: Transnational Remittances and Micro Financing Vulture Funds “Transnational Migration, Transnational Remittances and the Quest for Development in Africa: Exploring Africa’s Developmental Paradoxes” Micro-Financing as a Strategy for Poverty Reduction in Nigeria Microfinance Services in Developing Countries: A Proactive Approach to Poverty Reduction
F3: Popular Culture, Literature, and Poverty Semiotics of Poverty: the Engaging Narrative of Empowering the Powerless in African Literature An Investigation of the Language of Nigeria People’s Parliament ‘Fome Zero’ for Ethnic Marginalization?: Reconceptualization of Empowerment in Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Popular Culture Endangered Languages to Creoles: Between Poverty and Language in Africa and the Caribbean Unity in Diversity: The Nigerian Youth, Pidgin English and the Nigerian Language Policy Deconstructing African poverty against the backdrop of a ‘rich’ musical heritage: A Paradox
F4: International Agencies, Agendas, and Participation Extra-Version and Development in Ethiopia: The Case of Cotton Farming in Setit Humera, 1955-1975 Socio-economic Inequality and the Attainment of the Educational Objectives of the MDGs in Nigeria On the Poverty Question in African Societies: An Overview Political Over-Determination of Nigerian Agriculture August Meeting, Participation, and the Strength of Women in community development process in Igbo Land
PANEL SESSION G, 3:45-5:15pm
G1: Social Inequalities, Injustice and Corruption The Besieged Continent: Interrogating Contemporary Issues of Corruption and Poverty in Africa Combating Social Inequality in Nigeria through Qualitative Education Political Corruption and Development in Africa: A Case of South Africa Does Corruption Buy Peace? Poverty and Insecurity: A Drag on Sustainable Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria Securitizing Corruption for Development in Nigeria: An Agenda for Action
G2: Dynamics and Complexities of Urban and Rural Poverty Between the Sublime and the Subliminal: Economic Modernity, Desire and Political Fictions in Cameroon Flooded and Dried-Out Livelihoods- Deepening Poverty in Communities along the Black Volta in Ghana’s Upper West Region Owner’s Age and Business Performance in a Nigerian State: Implication on Rural Poverty Impact of Socio-Economic Factors on Rural Poverty Alleviation: Smallholders in Sierra Leone Decongestion Exercise in the City of Accra and the Ironies
G3: Poverty, Disease and Wellbeing Understanding ART Supply Management: A Case Study of the Northwest Special Fund for Health Diet, Disease and Poverty in Three Urban Centers in Ghana, 1945-1990 The Growing Concern of Attempted Suicide Cases among Females in O.A.U Ile-Ife, 2005-2010 Abstinence-Based Programs and Preventing HIV Transmission: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa National Health Insurance Scheme as a Health Sector Reform in Ghana: Myth or Reality?
G4: Grassroots Mobilization and Empowerment Historical Epochs of Local Government Administration in Nigeria and the Poor Economic Empowerment through Savings and Seed Funding for Disadvantaged Youth in Peri-Urban and Rural Uganda Evolvement of Civil Society for Development: Lessons from South Korea’s Development Experience Qualitative Methodologies in Sub-Saharan Africa: Greater Participation, Greater Empowerment
SUNDAY, APRIL 1ST 8:45am-9:00am – Shuttle Service between Holiday Inn, Town Lake Hotel and Conference venue 9:00am – 9:15am – Breakfast
PANEL SESSION H, 9:30– 11:15am
H1: The Nation State and the Crises of Poverty I am the Answer Is National Policy a Fair Tool for Engaging the Citizenry in the Governance Process? Government Policies and the Feminization of Poverty in Africa: Some lessons from Nigeria Since 1999 Okada Mentality: State Response to Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria Advancing the Anti-Poverty Crusade through the Enforcement of the Fundamental Right to Education under the Laws of Nigeria Corruption and Underdevelopment in Sierra Leone: Colonial Socio-economic Developments and Poverty in the Niger Delta
H2: Non-Governmental Organizations and Poverty Proliferation of Non-Governmental Organizations in Ghana: A Façade of Altruism Poverty Eradication in Africa: A Global Challenge Africa’s Development Crisis and Resolution: Between Washington Consensus and Beijing Consensus? Evaluating Anti-Corruption Conventions in Sub-Saharan Africa Politics of Foreign Financing and Development in Zambia: Zambia’s Beneficence amongst the East-West Rivalry Empowering the Poor in Nigeria through Adult and Community Education: Implications for Educational Policy Reform
PANEL SESSION I, 11:30 – 12:45pm
I1: Music/Media, Poverty and Empowerment Nigerian Video Films and Female Spectatorship: Deconstructing the Male Gaze From the Street to Stardom: Socio-Economic Empowerment of Nigerian Youths through music “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”: Fela’s Prophetic Lyrics in the Light of Twenty-First Century Realities Ghetto/Slum at the Heart of the Mega City Lagos: Music, Regeneration and Poverty in Ajegunle City Nigerian Popular Music And Its Implication For Music, Culture And Society
I2: Religious Institutions and Empowerment Pentecostal Response to Poverty in Nigeria Affirmative Action as a Pastoral Liberative for the South African Community Poverty and the Religious Factor: Current Developments in the Ghanaian Christian Church and its Implications on Poverty Religious Institutions and Empowerment: The Case of Indigenous Religions in Ghana
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Africa Conference 2012: Poverty and Empowerment in Africa Convened by Dr. Toyin Falola and Coordinated by Sylvester Gundona and Tosin Funmi Abiodun for the Center for African and African American Studies Webmaster: Adam Paddock |