1. Pongan cuidado señores
Lo que aquí voy a cantarles,
Me puse a rifar mi suerte
Con los mentaos federales.
2. Comencé a vender champán
Tequila y vino habanero,
Pero es que yo no sabía
Lo que sufre un prisionero.
3. Muy pronto compré automóvil,
Propiedad con residencia,
Sin saber que en poco tiempo
Iba a ir a la penitencia.
4. Por vender la cocaína
La morfina y marijuana
Me llevaron prisionero
A las dos de la mañana.
5. Les encargo a todititos,
Los que siguen bootlegiando,
Que lo hagan con precaución
Porque los andan espiando.
6. Yo tenía mis correrías
Desde El Paso a Canutillo,
Houston, Fort Worth, y Dallas
San Antonio y a Del Río.
7. Y un veintidós de febrero
Que corría por el highway
En ese pueblo Uvalde
Allí me pescó la ley.
8. Allí me pescó la ley
Al estilo americano,
Me presentaron los broches
Todos con la pistola en mano.
9. Me enseñaron mi retrato
Mi nombre y donde vivía,
Solito caí a la trampa
Ese desdichado día.
Be careful gentlemen
What I am going to sing to you about
Made me gamble my luck
With those famous federales.
I began to sell champagne
Tequila and wine from Havana
But what I didnt know is
What a prisoner suffers.
Soon I bought a car,
Property with residence
Without knowing that soon
I would go to the penitentiary.
Because of selling cocaine,
Morphine, and marijuana
They took me prisoner
At two oclock in the morning.
I recommend to everyone
Who is continuing to bootleg
That you do it with caution
Because they are watching you.
I had my routes
From El Paso to Canutillo,
Houston, Fort Worth, and Dallas
San Antonio and to Del Río.
And on February twenty second,
I was on the highway
In the town of Uvalde
Where the law got me.
There the law got me
In that american style,
They showed me their badges
With their pistols in their hands.
They showed me my picture
My name and where I lived,
I was trapped all alone
On that dreadful day.